Kanada – Mann überfährt gezielt Muslime – vier Tote – #terror

Die Familie befand sich auf einem Abendspaziergang: In Kanada hat ein 20-Jähriger fünf muslimische Menschen angefahren, vier von ihnen starben. Die Ermittler prüfen einen terroristischen Hintergrund. Bei einem gezielten Angriff mit einem Auto hat ein Mann in Kanada vier Mitglieder einer muslimischen Familie getötet. Der 20-Jährige habe die Menschen nach ersten Erkenntnissen am Sonntagabend in der Provinz Ontario gezielt überfahren, erklärte die Polizei am Montag. Ein neunjähriger Junge überlebte den Angriff in der Stadt London schwer verletzt. Lebensgefahr besteht aber nicht. Es gebe »Hinweise, dass dies eine geplante und durch Hass motivierte Tat war«, sagte Polizeisprecher Paul Waight am Montag. Die Ermittler seien überzeugt, »dass diese Opfer angegriffen wurden, weil sie Muslime waren«.
Die Opfer waren am Sonntagabend zu Fuß auf einem Bürgersteig unterwegs, als der Angreifer mit seinem schwarzen Pickup-Truck die Bordsteinschwelle hochfuhr und sie überfuhr. Laut Waight wurde der Mann sieben Kilometer vom Tatort entfernt auf dem Parkplatz eines Einkaufszentrums festgenommen. Gegen ihn wird wegen vierfachen Mordes und Mordversuchs ermittelt. Bei seinem Angriff soll er teilweise in Kampfmontur gekleidet gewesen sein. (…) Bei den Opfern handelt es sich laut Stadtverwaltung um zwei Frauen im Alter von 74 und 44 Jahren, einen 46-jährigen Mann und ein 15 Jahre altes Mädchen – drei Generationen einer Familie. Sie befanden sich offenbar auf einem Abendspaziergang in dem Ort nahe Toronto.

via spiegel: Kanada – Mann überfährt gezielt Muslime – vier Tote

siehe auch: Canada: 4 people killed in suspected hate crime in London, Ontario. Four members of an Ontario family were killed in a hit and run in Canada. Police suspect the attacker targeted them because of their Muslim faith. A man struck and killed four pedestrians with his vehicle in a suspected “premeditated” hate crime, police in the Canadian city of London, Ontario, announced Monday. “We believe this was an intentional act and that the victims of this horrific incident were targeted,” Police Chief Steve Williams said. “We believe the victims were targeted because of their Islamic faith.” The 20-year-old alleged attacker struck five people in the hit and run attack, police said. “To the Muslim community in London and to Muslims across the country, know that we stand with you. Islamophobia has no place in any of our communities. This hate is insidious and despicable — and it must stop,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Twitter; A driver slams into a Muslim family, killing four people, in what Canadian PM calls ‘a terrorist attack’. Police officers search for evidence at the scene of the attack in London, Ontario, on Monday, June 7.
(CNN)Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday called the killing of four members of a Muslim family mowed down by a pickup truck “a terrorist attack.” “Their lives were taken in a brutal, cowardly, and brazen act of violence,” the Prime Minister said before the House of Commons. “This killing was no accident. This was a terrorist attack motivated by hatred in the heart of one in our community.” The family of five was waiting at an intersection in the Canadian city of London on Sunday when a driver intentionally mounted the curb and struck them, killing four, because of their Islamic faith, officials said.
“There is evidence that this was a planned, premeditated act, motivated by hate. It is believed that these victims were targeted because they were Muslim,” said Detective Superintendent Paul Waight of the London Police. “There is no known previous connection between the suspect and the victims.” Trudeau said the victims were two parents, two children and a grandmother. He identified them as Salman Afzaal, his wife Madiha, and their daughter Yumna. Salman and Madiha’s son, Fayez, survived the attack. The grandmother was not identified. “We all hope that little boy will be able to heal from his injuries quickly even though we know he will have to live a very long time with the sadness, anger and incomprehension caused by the cowardly, Islamophobic attack,” Trudeau said. Officials had not identified the victims before Trudeau’s speech. A 74-year-old woman was pronounced dead at the scene Sunday night and the other four family members — a 46-year-old man, a 44-year-old woman, a 15-year-old girl, and a 9-year-old boy — were transported to the hospital by paramedic services.