Nazi-obsessed racist had cans of CS spray at his home

He was jailed earlier this year for putting Adolf Hitler stickers on lampposts. This racist who was previously jailed for peppering lamp posts and bus stops with Neo Nazi stickers, has now been sent back to prison after police found cans of CS gas at his home. Southern Derbyshire Magistrates’ Court heard how officers uncovered the banned spray when they went to the home of David Holmes, in Heanor, on June 12. The heavily-tattooed 63-year-old, who has an infatuation with the Far Right pleaded guilty to four counts of possessing a weapon designed or adapted for the discharge of a noxious liquid. The magistrates who jailed him for 26 weeks told him “it has to be custody because these are very serious matters”. In August, Holmes was jailed for a year after he pleaded guilty to a number of charges including racially aggravated harassment, racially-aggravated criminal damage and witness intimidation. On that occasion Derby Crown Court heard how he placed the offensive stickers around Ilkeston, Heanor, Mapperley, in Shipley Park and on the Nutbrook Trail during 2019. Siward James-Moore, prosecuting on that occasion said police received a number of complaints about them including one from the head teacher who saw one placed on a lamppost outside his primary school. Mr James-Moore said: “Some said ‘deport illegal immigrants’ and other showed an emoji of Adolf Hitler with a hand written note which read ‘Muslim scum out’ and ‘Hitler was right’. “More of the Hitler stickers were found around Heanor and Langley Mill and were forensically analysed and linked to this defendant through a fingerprint. “Another sticker was found on a bus stop and showed a white toddler with a shaved head and the number 88 on it which is a link to a far right ideology linked to Hitler’s birthday and the letters HH for ‘Hiel Hitler’.”

via derbytelegraph: Nazi-obsessed racist had cans of CS spray at his home