Jewish-Muslim Biker Gang Protects Jewish Cemetery in Copenhagen From Far-Right Attacks
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Members of Danish biker club Muju and Co stand guard at a Jewish cemetery in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo: Courtesy of Muju and Co Facebook page. A group of Jewish and Muslim bikers came together this week in the Danish capital of Copenhagen to protect a Jewish cemetery in the city from a feared far-right attack. Members of the motorcycle club Muju and Co patrolled the Jewish section of the Vestre Kirkegård in Copenhagen on Monday night — the 82nd anniversary of the Nazi-sanctioned “Reichspogromnacht” that devastated Jewish communities in Germany and Austria with violence and arson. When the anniversary fell in 2019, more than 80 graves in the Jewish section of the cemetery were vandalized by far-right thugs. In an interview with The Copenhagen Post, the Muju and Co chairman — who gave his name as “Dan” — explained that the group described itself as the world’s first Jewish-Muslim biker club, with the aim of promoting “understanding, unity and interest in motorcycles among religious-ethnic minorities.”

via algemeiner: Jewish-Muslim Biker Gang Protects Jewish Cemetery in Copenhagen From Far-Right Attacks

Far-Right Anti-Vaxxers Are Targeting the German Co-Developer of the #COVID Vaccine – #covidioten #mainz

BioNTech, founded by a married couple of Turkish descent, is working with Pfizer on the front-running COVID vaccine. That’s put it in the sights of militant conspiracy theories. When news of a 90 percent effective COVID vaccine, based on trial results, was made public this week, much of the world breathed a collective sigh of relief. But for a militant far-right anti-vax group in Germany, the announcement was a call to arms. The group, Forke und Schaufel (Fork and Shovel), has called for a rally later this month in the city of Mainz, where BioNTech, the German company that is developing the vaccine along with pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, is headquartered. The self-described “corona rebel” group’s call to mobilise circulated on social media Friday, with the slogan: “End corona dictatorship; preserve democracy; save existence.” The plans for the rally on the 28th of November have alarmed far-right monitoring groups, who say the organisers are deeply-connected figures on Germany’s right-wing extremist scene, and have seized on the country’s increasingly volatile and conspiracy-addled anti-vax, corona-sceptic movement as a way to advance their goals of overthrowing the government. At a previous Fork and Shovel rally in Mainz on the 26th of September, Stefan Räpple, then a lawmaker for the far-right AfD party in Baden-Württemberg’s state parliament, was filmed giving a speech calling for violent insurrection.

via vice: Far-Right Anti-Vaxxers Are Targeting the German Co-Developer of the COVID Vaccine

Tech companies under pressure to ban far-right forum used for militia organizing

MyMilitia users have posted threats against protesters and lawmakers, and experts say it’s a dangerous recruitment tool. Pressure is mounting on tech companies to ban MyMilitia, a website used by far-right extremists and armed groups to organize, after it was linked to threats of violence against US protesters and lawmakers this week. On Tuesday, police arrested Brian Maiorana after he allegedly posted online threats targeting Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader in the US Senate, and threatened to “blow up” the FBI. Maiorana is also alleged to have used MyMilitia, as well as an unnamed mainstream social media platform, to make threats to kill protesters and discussed building his own weapons, according to the complaint. Maiorana, a registered sex offender, is barred from legally purchasing firearms. The arrest has put more pressure on internet companies that control the infrastructure supporting MyMilitia, including GoDaddy and Cloudflare to ban the platform from their services. “This is a very dangerous game they are playing, giving people the ability to recruit extremist militias during a perilous political time in our country,” said Matt Rivitz, the co-founder of the online activism and anti-bigotry group Sleeping Giants. “It is shocking to see these companies not only supporting but actively monetizing themselves off of it.” (…) The site further rose to prominence after a man named Michael Hari and other members of his Illinois-based militia allegedly bombed a mosque in Bloomington, Minnesota, and appealed on MyMilitia for others around the country to rally to their defense. As of early October, the site had at least 20,000 users organizing more than 530 militia groups in the US, according to a report from Vice. It’s also becoming more popular. The site totaled 69,461 visits in October 2020, up 322.6% from October 2019 at 16,437, according to web traffic analytics firm SimilarWeb.

via guardian: Tech companies under pressure to ban far-right forum used for militia organizing

#Faktencheck – US-Wahl: Nein, dieses Video zeigt keine „verloren gegangenen #Stimmzettel“

Ein Video zeigt, wie zwei Sheriffs Plastiksäcke am Straßenrand einsammeln. Auf Youtube, Telegram und Facebook wird behauptet, die Säcke enthielten „verloren gegangene“ Stimmzettel von der US-Wahl. Das stimmt laut Polizei nicht. Es handelte sich wohl um geöffnete Amazon-Pakete. Ein Video aus den USA kursiert auf Telegram, Youtube und Facebook: Es zeigt zwei Polizisten und einen Mann in gelber Weste, die mehrere Plastiksäcke aus dem Gestrüpp am Straßenrand ziehen. Dazu wird mit Bezug auf die Präsidentschaftswahl in den USA behauptet: „Es tauchen immer mehr Videos auf, in denen ‘verloren gegangene’ Stimmzettel gefunden werden“. Das stimmt nicht. (…) Bereits beim Ansehen des Videos ist uns aufgefallen, dass in den Plastiksäcken nicht nur weiße Briefumschläge zu sehen sind, sondern auch etliche braune Kartons. Wo das Video aufgenommen wurde, wird in keinem der von uns gesichteten Beiträge erwähnt. (…) Die Polizei hat sich bereits zu dem Video geäußert. Auf der Facebook-Seite des Boone County Sheriff’s Office hieß es am 9. November 2020: „Es ist ein Video im Umlauf, das zwei (2) unserer Vertreter zeigt, wie sie große Postsäcke aus einem Gestrüpp in Hebron entfernen. Einige haben behauptet, dass wir ausrangierte Stimmzettel eingesammelt hätten. Diese Behauptung ist falsch. Wir hoffen, dass dieser zusätzliche Kontext jede weitere Spekulation ausschließt.“ Weiter hieß es in dem Beitrag: „Am 7. November 2020 wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass in der Nähe der North Bend Road in Hebron weggeworfene Pakete gefunden worden seien.“ Die Mitarbeiter hätten vor Ort fünf große Säcke gefunden. Es habe sich um geöffnete Postsendungen vom nahegelegenen Amazon-Zentrum gehandelt. Dies habe das Unternehmen der Polizei auch bestätigt.

via correctiv: Faktencheck – US-Wahl: Nein, dieses Video zeigt keine „verloren gegangenen Stimmzettel“

The New Face of #Terror in the US – #Atomwaffendivision #AWD #nso #NationalSocialistOrder

When the FBI arrested five senior members of the Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Divison early in 2020, it seemed that the terror cell was on its last legs. Under sustained pressure from law enforcement, effective doxing by anti-fascist activists, increasingly revealing investigations by journalists and even deadly in-fighting among members, the group was dying a quick death. Its name, however, had become synonymous with the violent right-wing accelerationist movement, inspired by James Mason’s Siege, and seeking to bring about the fall of modern society through acts of violence leading ultimately to a race war. In its short four-year existence, the group had been linked to at least five murders, as well as plots to bomb nuclear facilities, poison water supplies, and cut out power to major cities. The group preached chaos and race-war, inspired by their mentor James Mason. By March of this year, however, it seemed that their short reign of terror was over, and the latest white supremacist threat had been all but neutralized. History has taught us one thing however. The far-right has a habit of shapeshifting. Groups retreat into the shadows and re-emerge with a new name, new look, new leadership, but the same hateful ideology. In the UK and Germany, where groups can be and are legally proscribed by the government, this rebranding tactic is used to avoid prosecution while maintaining ideological continuity, while in the United States it most often happens when a group is decapitated and left leaderless. When Atomwaffen dissipated, it was only a matter of time before a successor emerged, and in late July, the National Socialist Order reared its ugly head for the first time. The newly branded NSO first appeared on Telegram on 25 July, when their first channel was launched with a cryptic message that claimed they were “building networks of proud brothers in enemy lands” alongside the trademark black and yellow Atomwaffen imagery and a picture of the Totenkopf, an insignia used by numerous Nazi SS divisions in World War II. They soon followed up with a warning that they would “build an Aryan, National Socialist world by any means necessary” before briefly recanting the history of the Atomwaffen Division’s demise and eventual dissolution in the United States.
Two days later, however, a new Telegram channel was started, using the same name and same logo of a white sword on a red swastika. This channel, which claimed to be the “only authorized Telegram channel for NSO”, grew quickly in comparison to the original, which soon went quiet, suggesting that two of the founding members of the new NSO had failed to communicate and had both started their own channels. An official announcement was soon made on the fascist ‘American Futurist’ website, where the group claimed to have a strong core of executive leadership, most of whom were apparently also in leadership positions within AWD. The group also attached the NSO program to the American Futurist article, in which they outlined 8 key points upon which their platform is built.

via radicalright analysis: The New Face of Terror in the US

Las Vegas Resident Who Discussed Setting Fire To A #Synagogue With A White Supremacist Extremist Group Sentenced For Possession Of Bomb-Making Components – #feuerkriegDivision #fkd #terror

Joint Terrorism Task Force Found Schematics, Components, and Fuels to Construct Improvised Explosive Devices at the Defendant’s Residence. A Las Vegas resident who discussed setting fire to a synagogue with a white supremacist extremist group was sentenced today to two years in prison to be followed by three years of supervised release, announced U.S. Attorney Nicholas A. Trutanich of the District of Nevada and Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse of the FBI. “Our office is committed to working closely with our law enforcement partners to disrupt and stop potential bias-motivated violence before it happens,” said U.S. Attorney Trutanich. “Here, law enforcement in Nevada identified the defendant’s threats of violence — which were motivated by hate and intended to intimidate our faith-based and LGBTQ communities — and took swift action to protect our communities and ensure justice.” “The primary mission of the FBI is to protect the American public from a terrorist attack,” said Special Agent in Charge Rouse. “The FBI’s Las Vegas Joint Terrorism Task Force is committed to protecting our community and I could not be more proud of the proactive work they did in this case. This is a great example of the best result in law enforcement by stopping violence before it can start.” Conor Climo, 24, of Las Vegas, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge James C. Mahan. Climo previously pleaded guilty to one count of possession of an unregistered firearm — specifically, the component parts of a destructive device. In addition to the term of imprisonment, the Court ordered special conditions of supervised release, including mental health treatment and computer monitoring.
According to court documents, Climo communicated with individuals who identified with the white supremacist extremist group Feuerkrieg Division, which is an offshoot of the U.S.-based white supremacist extremist group Atomwaffen Division. Feuerkrieg Division members share a common goal of challenging laws, social order, and the government via terrorism and other violent acts. The organization encourages attacks on the federal government, critical infrastructure, minorities, and members of the LGBTQ community. As part of his guilty plea, Climo admitted that, during online conversations with Feuerkrieg Division members between May 2019 and July 15, 2019, he discussed setting fire to a Las Vegas synagogue, and making Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices. Climo further admitted that he discussed plans to attack the Anti-Defamation League. In addition, Climo conducted surveillance on a bar in Las Vegas that he believed catered to the LGBTQ community in preparation for a potential attack.

via Las Vegas Resident Who Discussed Setting Fire To A Synagogue With A White Supremacist Extremist Group Sentenced For Possession Of Bomb-Making Components

MV-Innenminister #Caffier gibt #Waffenkauf aus “#Nordkreuz”-Milieu zu

Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns Innenminister Lorenz Caffier (CDU) hat eine Waffe bei einem Mann gekauft, dem Nähe zur rechtsextremistischen Szene nachgesagt wird. Das räumte er am Freitag gegenüber dem “Spiegel” ein. Es gibt erste Rücktrittsforderungen. Der Innenminister von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lorenz Caffier (CDU), hat eine Waffe bei einem Mann gekauft, der mit der rechtsterroristischen Zelle “Nordkreuz” verbandelt war. Das räumte Caffier am Freitag gegenüber dem “Spiegel” ein. Er habe 2018 eine “Kurzwaffe” bei Frank T., einem Waffenhändler und Schießplatzbetreiber in Güstrow, gekauft. Nach Informationen des RedaktionsNetzwerks Deutschland (RND) handelt es sich um eine Glock-Pistole. Frank T. ist vielfacher Deutscher Meister in verschiedenen Waffengattungen. Bei ihm trainierten nicht nur Privatleute, sondern vor allem Spezialeinheiten aus dem In- und Ausland. Die prominenteste Veranstaltung war der „Special Forces Workshop“. 2011 bis 2018 war Caffier Schirmherr. Die Fachzeitschrift „Caliber“ bezeichnet den Landesinnenminister als “prominenten Paten” des Workshops. T. lobt in dem Waffenmagazin ausdrücklich Caffier als „geraden Innenminister, der immer ein offenes Ohr hat“. T. hatte bis mindestens 2017 eine Verbindung zu „Nordkreuz“, einem zum bundesweiten „Hannibal“- Netzwerk gehörenden Geflecht, zu dem aktive und ehemalige Polizisten und Soldaten zählen. Sie bereiten sich auf den „Tag X“ vor, einige als „Prepper“, andere horten Waffen, legen Feindeslisten an, es werden Leichensäcke und Ätzkalk bestellt.

via rnd: MV-Innenminister Caffier gibt Waffenkauf aus “Nordkreuz”-Milieu zu

2019-03-13 Lorenz Caffier Landtag Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 5993.jpg
Von <a href=”″ class=”extiw” title=”d:Q30108329″>Olaf Kosinsky</a> – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”de”>Eigenes Werk</span>, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, Link