Möglicher #Brandanschlag in Syke: Polizei vermutet rechtsradikalen Hintergrund – #schauhin #anschlag

In einem Bistro in Syke bei Bremen (Landkreis Diepholz) gab es einen mutmaßlichen Brandanschlag. Die Polizei geht derzeit von einem rechtsradikalen Hintergrund aus. Auch der Staatsschutz hat sich bei den Ermittlungen eingeschaltet. Die Untersuchungen am Bistro Martini an der B6 in Syke dauern nach dem Brand weiterhin an. Auch der Verdacht einesfremdenfeindlichen Hintergrundes hinter der mutmaßlichen Brandstiftung wird weiterhin untersucht. Am Gebäude wurden Hakenkreuz-Schmierereien gefunden, und der Betreiber hat Migrationshintergrund

via kreiszeitung: Möglicher Brandanschlag in Syke: Polizei vermutet rechtsradikalen Hintergrund

siehe auch: Police probe Nazi swastika graffiti and fire at German restaurant. Hate symbols were sprayed on the walls of a restaurant in Syke, near Bremen, before it was set on fire. Police think that the owner’s ethnicity might be part of the motivation for the attack.. Hate symbols, including two swastikas, were sprayed on the back wall of restaurant and its windows were smashed during an attack in Syke, a town in northern Germany, early on Thursday morning. The restaurant appears to then have been deliberately set on fire in what police are investigating as a probable arson attack. Fire services evacuated six people after the fire threatened to spread to a neighboring house, a police spokesperson said. A ‘xenophobic motive’ A “xenophobic motive” was the most likely reason for the incident, said police on Thursday. The man who ran the restaurant was from Syke but had a migrant background, added the State Protection office — the German office responsible for politically-motivate crime.