Rechtsextreme Kurznachricht verschickt – Ermittlung gegen Polizisten

Ein Fachkommissariat des Polizeilichen Staatsschutzes ermittelt seit Freitag gegen den Berliner Polizisten. Ein Vorgesetzter des 29-Jährigen hatte Kenntnis erlangt, dass dieser eine entsprechende Nachricht über einen Instant-Messaging-Dienst verschickt haben soll.

via bz berlin: Rechtsextreme Kurznachricht verschickt – Ermittlung gegen Polizisten

siehe auch: Staatsschutz ermittelt gegen Berliner BeamtenPolizist soll rechtsextreme Nachricht verschickt haben. Die Berliner Polizei ermittelt in den eigenen Reihen. Ein Beamter soll Nachrichten mit „rechtsextremen Inhalt“ versendet haben. Die Sichtung des Chatverlaufs bestätigte den Vorwurf. Gegen den 29-Jährigen wurde deshalb ein Strafermittlungsverfahren eingeleitet. Geprüft wird nach Angaben der Behörde, ob der Polizist Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen verschickte. Darunter fallen etwa Abbildungen von Hakenkreuzen oder anderer NS-Symbole.

Wie Rechtsextreme Youtube als Radikalisierungsplattform nutzen

Patrick Stegemann, 31, ist Journalist – und Experte für rechtsextreme Netzwerke. Gemeinsam mit seinem Kollegen Sören Musyal veröffentlicht er jetzt ein neues Buch zum Thema: „Die rechte Mobilmachung – Wie radikale Netzaktivisten die Demokratie angreifen“. Zwei Jahre recherchierten die beiden, führten Interviews, schleusten sich mit Fake-Accounts in rechte Telegramm-Gruppen ein. Ihr Befund: Vereine und Stiftungen finanzieren rechte Influencer*innen, um Menschen in die rechte Szene zu locken. Im Interview erzählt Patrick, welche Strategien die Rechten haben – und wie das unsere Gesellschaft beeinflusst. jetzt: Welche Strategie nutzen rechte Youtuber*innen? Patrick Stegemann: Eine doppelte: Sie bedienen sich der Taktiken und Strategien von gewöhnlichen Influencer*innen. Und sie tun das mehrheitlich mit einem klaren faschistischen Narrativ: ,Wir sind bedroht und müssen uns wehren‘. Es geht häufig um Angst und Wut. Das ist nicht neu, aber es funktioniert im Zeitalter sozialer Medien umso besser. Was bedeutet das für das Auftreten der Rechten in den sozialen Netzwerken? Durch das faschistische Narrativ der Bedrohung ist jedes Mittel erlaubt. Für Rechte ist es vollkommen legitim und okay, Hass im Netz zu streuen, Fake-Accounts zu verwenden, Likes zu kaufen, zu lügen. Wichtig ist, dass man eine Feindschaft entweder zu den sogenannten Etablierten oder zum vermeintlich Fremden konstruiert. Auch traditionelle Medien werden angegriffen. Dadurch entfremden sich die Menschen von den traditionellen Medien, außerdem bindet das die Leute an die eigenen Kanäle.

via jetzt: Wie Rechtsextreme Youtube als Radikalisierungsplattform nutzen

Durham neo-Nazi terror teen claims he was tipped off about police raid

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will be sentenced on Tuesday after being found guilty of planning a terror attack. A teenage terrorist facing jail for plotting an attack claimed he was tipped off about a police raid by a member of his neo-Nazi network. The 17-year-old, who was a contributor to the extreme right-wing Fascist Forge online platform, wrote in his diary that a friend in the group had told him officers were going to search his home. He then began deleting files from his digital devices a month before he was arrested in County Durham. Counter-terror police said investigators were able to recover the material, and they found no further evidence of a tip off. The teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was found guilty of planning a terror attack between October 2017 and March 2019 after a trial at Manchester Crown Court , where he faces sentence on Tuesday. He was also convicted of disseminating a terrorist publication, possessing an article for a purpose connected with terrorism and three counts of possessing a document or record containing information likely to be useful to a terrorist.

via chroniclelive: Durham neo-Nazi terror teen claims he was tipped off about police raid

Sachsen verzichtet auf spezielle Ermittler gegen Hass im Netz

Nach dem antisemitischen Anschlag von Halle haben sich die Innenminister aus Bund und Ländern Mitte Oktober in Berlin getroffen – und ein Maßnahmenpaket zur Bekämpfung von Rechtsextremismus vorgestellt. Darunter findet sich auch die Idee, in den Ländern Schwerpunktstaatsanwaltschaften einzurichten. Die sollen speziell Hasskriminalität im Netz verfolgen. Sachsen verzichtet bislang darauf. Hass und Hetze bis hin zu Morddrohungen – zu finden sind solche Posts auf Plattformen wie Facebook, Twitter oder Reddit. Der Rechtsstaat müsse der Verrohung der Gesellschaft auch im Internet mit allen Mitteln entgegentreten, schreibt das sächsische Justizministerium in einer Mail an MDR AKTUELL: “Auch die sächsischen Staatsanwaltschaften werden diesen Tendenzen wirksam entgegentreten. Inwieweit hierzu auch organisatorische Veränderungen sinnvoll sind, wird derzeit geprüft.”

via mdr: Sachsen verzichtet auf spezielle Ermittler gegen Hass im Netz

Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’

Company’s work in 68 countries laid bare with release of more than 100,000 documents. An explosive leak of tens of thousands of documents from the defunct data firm Cambridge Analytica is set to expose the inner workings of the company that collapsed after the Observer revealed it had misappropriated 87 million Facebook profiles. More than 100,000 documents relating to work in 68 countries that will lay bare the global infrastructure of an operation used to manipulate voters on “an industrial scale” are set to be released over the next months. It comes as Christopher Steele, the ex-head of MI6’s Russia desk and the intelligence expert behind the so-called “Steele dossier” into Trump’s relationship with Russia, said that while the company had closed down, the failure to properly punish bad actors meant that the prospects for manipulation of the US election this year were even worse. The release of documents began on New Year’s Day on an anonymous Twitter account, @HindsightFiles, with links to material on elections in Malaysia, Kenya and Brazil. The documents were revealed to have come from Brittany Kaiser, an ex-Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower, and to be the same ones subpoenaed by Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. (…) The documents were retrieved from her email accounts and hard drives, and though she handed over some material to parliament in April 2018, she said there were thousands and thousands more pages which showed a “breadth and depth of the work” that went “way beyond what people think they know about ‘the Cambridge Analytica scandal’”.

via guardian: Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’

Alex Jones and Infowars Ordered to Pay $100K in Court Costs for Sandy Hook Case

A Texas judge ordered Alex Jones and the Infowars website to pay more than $100,000 in a single day. A Texas judge has ordered Alex Jones and his Infowars hoax website to pay more than $100,000 in court costs and legal fees, marking the latest court victory for a Sandy Hook family suing Jones for his promotion of conspiracy theories about the 2012 elementary-school shooting. Jones and Infowars are being sued by Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son was killed in the Newtown, Connecticut, shooting. On Dec. 20, Travis County Judge Scott Jenkins granted a motion for sanctions and legal expenses against Jones and Infowars, ordering them to pay $65,825 for ignoring a court order about providing documents and witnesses. In another ruling issued that same day in Heslin’s case, Jenkins denied an Infowars motion to dismiss the case and ordered Jones and Infowars to pay an additional $34,323.80, for a combined total of $100,148.80 levied against Jones and Infowars in a single day. Added to an earlier October order against Infowars, Jones and his outlet have been ordered to pay $126,023.80 over the case, even before it reaches trial. “It’s hardly a surprise that someone like Alex Jones would soon find himself in contempt of court, but now he is learning there are severe consequences to his utter disrespect for this process,” Mark Bankston, one of Heslin’s attorneys, said in an email to The Daily Beast. Infowars and Jones didn’t respond to requests for comment.

via daily beast: Alex Jones and Infowars Ordered to Pay $100K in Court Costs for Sandy Hook Case

Far-right militia leader who rounded up immigrants faces 10 years in prison after admitting gun charge – #terror

The leader of a militia that rounded up migrants at gunpoint along the US-Mexico border has pleaded guilty to a federal weapons charge. Larry Hopkins, who leads the United Constitutional Patriots, or UCP, faces up to 10 years in prison on one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to a plea agreement. The agreement, which must be approved later by a federal judge, brings the prosecution of Hopkins a step closer to resolution less than a year after videos surfaced showing militia members detaining migrants at the border. The footage prompted a broad outcry, bringing intense scrutiny to UCP and other vigilante groups that took it upon themselves to scour the border for undocumented immigrants. (…) The charge against Hopkins was not directly connected to UCP’s activities at the border but stemmed from the discovery of weapons in his residence in Flora Vista, New Mexico, in fall 2017. In court papers, FBI agents said they visited his home after receiving a tip about “militia extremist activity”. They also said they received information that Hopkins had “allegedly made the statement that the United Constitutional Patriots were training to assassinate George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama”.

via independent: Far-right militia leader who rounded up immigrants faces 10 years in prison after admitting gun charge