FBI arrests New York ‘Proud Boy’ plotting second attack on the Capitol

A member of the Proud Boys has been arrested for allegedly planning a second attack on the US Capitol. Edward Florea, a 40-year-old man from New York that claimed he was a member of the Proud Boys was arrested Tuesday for calling for a second armed insurrection in Washington DC. Supporters of Donald Trump attacked the Capitol last week in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election. WLNY, a local news broadcaster, first reported his arrest. “The joint terrorism task force is holding him on weapons charges after he allegedly wrote online that he is a member of the Proud Boys and wanted to arm people to travel to Washington, D.C.,” the report states. The Proud Boys are a Southern Poverty Law Centre designated hate group that espouses neo-fascist ideology and whose members assault people at protests.

via independent: FBI arrests New York ‘Proud Boy’ plotting second attack on the Capitol

Alt-Right Figure #BakedAlaska Broke Terms of His Release To Go To #Washington DC. #Scottsdale #Prosecutors Now Want To Throw Him in #Jail. – #capitol

There were a number of faceless white supremacists at last week’s rally in Washington DC. There were also a number of figures who have become infamous on the internet thanks to their antics. One of those figures is Anthime Joseph Gionet, who also goes by Baked Alaska. Gionet was arrested in Arizona back in for macing a bouncer who threw him out of a bar for refusing to wear a mask. The alt-righter was released on the condition that he would not leave the state. With video of Baked Alaska at the Capitol now emerging, prosecutors are claiming that he has violated the terms of his release and should be thrown in jail.

via hillreporter: Alt-Right Figure Baked Alaska Broke Terms of His Release To Go To Washington DC. Scottsdale Prosecutors Now Want To Throw Him in Jail.

siehe auch: Scottsdale Prosecutors Seek to Revoke Baked Alaska’s Release Due to Capitol Livestream. Scottsdale prosecutors are seeking to revoke the pre-trial release of an alt-right livestreamer after he posted a video of himself at last week’s U.S. Capitol riot. Anthime Joseph Gionet, a former BuzzFeed employee also known as Baked Alaska, is known for his livestreamed videos in which he has marched with white supremacists at Charlottesville and hung out with neo-Nazi blogger Andrew Anglin. Most recently, Gionet broadcast video of himself in Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office during the deadly insurrection that sought to overturn the results of the presidential election by storming the U.S. Capitol. The widely reported video shows Gionet mingling with the rioters and posing with a phone in Pelosi’s office before eventually being ejected by riot police. One problem for Gionet: he is currently facing charges that he maced a bouncer who kicked him out of Giligin’s Bar And Shrimp Hut in Scottsdale last month. The incident, also caught on a livestream by one of his associates, led to him spending the night in jail and catching misdemeanor charges of assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespassing.

Neo-Nazis trying to recruit military servicemembers to assassinate elected officials: report

Neo-Nazis feel inspired by last week’s Trump-incited riot at the United States Capitol building and they’re looking to recruit members of the military to help them assassinate elected officials, according to a new report. Vice News reports that messages sent over top neo-Nazi Telegram channels show white nationalists urging current members of the military to join them in operations that include murdering politicians at their homes. “Strike the iron while it’s hot,” one Telegram post read. “The rats have addresses… You know of some in your area. Do your bit. It will snowball.”
Tired of ads? Want to support our progressive journalism? Click to learn more. Another message encouraged Nazis to target state capitols for acts of violence. (…) “The calls for service members to join the ranks of far-right terrorists come after several current and former servicemen were identified as participants in the violent invasion of Congress last week that killed five people, including a police officer who was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher,” notes Vice News.

via rawstory: Neo-Nazis trying to recruit military servicemembers to assassinate elected officials: report

siehe auch: Neo-Nazis Ask Military to Join Their Cause, Call For Assassinations. The military is already investigating the role service members played in the Capitol insurrection. Now, neo-Nazis are trying to recruit them. While watching news of the violent insurrection on TV last week, retired General Vincent K. Brooks, a four-star general and former head of U.S. forces in Korea, was struck by the apparent number of veterans he witnessed storm the Capitol in real time. “All of those things were evident in that crowd,” he told VICE News, noting the military badges and symbols he saw attached to the jackets, shirts and hats of the Trump supporters, especially when coupled with military grade tactical equipment. “It was disconcerting.” “So many of these people that we saw were apparently former military who have taken a very extreme view of the security of the United States and the political dynamics that are impacting it,” he said. “Far too many of them were veterans. And that was so disappointing.” As the FBI warns of armed groups threatening state capitals across the country and the National Guard is deploying to Washington D.C. in preparation for the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden, accelerationist neo-Nazis who supported last week’s President Donald Trump-incited insurrection are calling for targeted killings and advocating for members of the military—charged with protecting one of the most fundamental events in American democracy—to turn to their side. Posts circulating on Telegram, the online ecosystem of choice among militant neo-Nazis, urge followers to locate the addresses of politicians in Congress and assassinate them.

Drunk airline passenger, 28, who gave Nazi salute and launched racist tirade in front of Holocaust victims’ ‘disgusted’ family on Wizz Air flight from Poland to Liverpool avoids jail

‘Clearly drunk’ Louis Mann, 28, gave a Nazi salute amid a tirade of racist abuse. A passenger, who lost family to the Holocaust, said he was ‘shaken and upset’. Mann walked free from court but judge said he had ‘ entrenched racist views’ A drunk passenger who gave a Nazi salute and spouted a tirade of racist abuse on a plane in front of the family of a Holocaust victim today walked free from court. Louis Mann, 28, landed at John Lennon Airport, Merseyside, from Poland when he ignored seatbelt signs, stood up in the aisle and made vile salutes, Liverpool Crown Court was told. Zillah Williams, prosecuting, said during the Wizz Air flight from Warsaw on October 19, 2019, Mann was “clearly drunk” and repeatedly asked to sit down. “The flight was full and passengers reported that during the flight Mr Mann had to be repeatedly asked to sit down, to fasten his seatbelt and to refrain from making rude and offensive gestures.” Among the passengers was VWlodzimier Tych, a Polish national, who lost family members during the Holocaust.

via daily mail: Drunk airline passenger, 28, who gave Nazi salute and launched racist tirade in front of Holocaust victims’ ‘disgusted’ family on Wizz Air flight from Poland to Liverpool avoids jail

»Camp-Auschwitz«: #Trump-Anhänger festgenommen – #capitol

Nach der Erstürmung des Kapitols durch Anhänger des abgewählten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump ist Medienberichten zufolge ein Verdächtiger festgenommen worden, der ein Sweatshirt mit der Aufschrift »Camp Auschwitz« getragen hatte. Die Polizei habe den per Haftbefehl gesuchten Mann am Mittwoch in Newport News im Bundesstaat Virginia gefasst, berichteten die »New York Times« sowie die Sender ABC und CBS unter Berufung auf Polizeikreise. Der Mann war bei den Krawallen auf zahlreichen Fotos innerhalb und außerhalb des Kapitols zu sehen und hatte international Entrüstung hervorgerufen. Auf seinem schwarzen »Camp-Auschwitz«-Sweatshirt waren ein Totenschädel und die Worte »Work Brings Freedom« zu sehen – eine ungefähre Übersetzung von »Arbeit macht frei«, der Aufschrift am Tor des früheren deutschen Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz. Ein Bundesgericht in Washington hatte am Dienstag einen Haftbefehl gegen den Mann erlassen, den die »Washington Post« veröffentlichte. Demnach werden ihm illegales Eindringen in ein besonders gesichertes Gebäude sowie gewaltsames Eindringen und ungebührliches Verhalten auf dem Gelände des Kapitols zur Last gelegt.

via jüdische allgemeine: »Camp-Auschwitz«: Trump-Anhänger festgenommen

siehe auch: Man in “Camp Auschwitz” sweatshirt during Capitol riot arrested, law enforcement official says. The rioter who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with the phrase “Camp Auschwitz” has been identified as Robert Keith Packer of Virginia.
The rioter who stormed the US Capitol on January 6 wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with the phrase “Camp Auschwitz” has been identified as Robert Keith Packer of Virginia. A rioter who stormed the US Capitol last week wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with the phrase “Camp Auschwitz” was arrested Wednesday morning in Virginia, according to a law enforcement official. CNN was first to report that the man in the sweatshirt was identified as Robert Keith Packer. A law enforcement official told CNN that Packer was picked up in Newport News, Va. An image of Packer, whose sweatshirt bore the name of the Nazi concentration camp where about 1.1 million people were killed during World War II, inside the Capitol has evoked shock and disbelief on social media. The bottom of his shirt stated, “Work brings freedom,” which is the rough translation of the phrase “Arbeit macht frei” that was on the concentration camp’s gates; Man in ‘Camp Auschwitz’ shirt, photographed at U.S. Capitol riot, arrested in Virginia. The man wearing a “Camp Auschwitz” shirt who was photographed at last week’s deadly pro-Trump riot at the U.S. Capitol, was arrested in Virginia on Wednesday, officials said. The FBI’s Norfolk Joint Terrorism Task Force “arrested Robert Keith Packer of Newport News and Douglas Allen Sweet of Grimstead, Virginia on federal charges related to their role in the events at the U.S. Capitol” last week, FBI spokeswoman Christina Pullen said in a statement. During an initial appearance, Packer was told he was charged with two federal offenses: Entering or remaining in a restricted building and violent entry or disorderly conduct while on capitol grounds. He was not asked to enter a plea before a federal judge in Norfolk, who said Packer would be released without bail. He was ordered to stay out of Washington, D.C., for anything but his case.

#Verdächtiger in #Berliner #Brandserie – #Neuköllner Neonazi Sebastian T. bleibt in Haft – #terror

Ein Richter wollte ihm die Untersuchungshaft erlassen, doch der Staatsanwalt legte Beschwerde ein. Darüber ist auch drei Wochen später noch nicht entschieden. Drei Wochen nach seiner Festnahme bleibt der Berliner Neonazi Sebastian T. weiterhin in Untersuchungshaft. Das Landgericht habe noch nicht über eine Beschwerde gegen seine Haftverschonung entschieden, teilte Justizsenator Dirk Behrendt (Grüne) am Mittwoch im Rechtsausschuss des Abgeordnetenhauses mit. Sebastian T. und Tilo P. werden schon seit langem verdächtigt, hinter einer Serie von Anschlägen auf linke Politiker und Flüchtlingshelfer in Neukölln zu stecken. Seit 2016 wurden mehr als 70 rechte Angriffe verübt, darunter 23 Brandstiftungen. Mehrmals gingen Fahrzeuge in Flammen auf.

via tagesspiegel: Verdächtiger in Berliner Brandserie Neuköllner Neonazi Sebastian T. bleibt in Haft

Amerikaner suchen Redefreiheit bei Russen

Donald Trump wurde nun auch bei YouTube gesperrt – und Telegram verzeichnet binnen 72 Stunden 25 Millionen neue Nutzer. Gestern ist US-Präsident Donald Trump von einem weiteren Social-Media-Dienst gesperrt worden: Der Videoplattform YouTube, die zu Google gehört. Bereits vorher hatten ihm Twitter und Facebook die Nutzungserlaubnis entzogen. Diese Maßnahmen führten inzwischen zu einer ganzen Reihe von Witzmeldungen, deren Inhalt ist, dass Donald Trump auch von Grindr, PornHub und anderen Plattformen gesperrt wurde, auf denen er gar kein Konto hat. Oder zumindest kein bekanntes. (…) Zumindest kurzfristig scheint das Tugendsignal aber negative wirtschaftliche Folgen zu haben: Seit der Sperre verlor die Twitter-Aktie deutlich an Wert. Dafür verbuchte Gab, der Twitter-Konkurrent, der mit dem Slogan “The Home of Free Speech” für sich wirbt (und auf dem man Donald Trump theoretisch weiterhin lesen kann), am Samstag 500.000 und am Sonntag weitere 600.000 neue Nutzer. Für einen Dienst, der vorher nur gut eine Million User hatte, ist das beachtlich. So beachtlich, dass Gab trotz zehn neuer seit der Trump-Sperre auf Twitter in Betrieb genommener Server derzeit praktisch kaum erreichbar ist, weil sich der vermeintliche Erfolg in der Praxis wie ein DDoS-Angriff auswirkt. (…) Dass Gab am Sonntag sogar 600.000 neue User dazugewann führt Firmenchef Andrew Torba darauf zurück, dass Amazon an diesem Tag den vorher bei Jeff Bezos’ Unternehmen gehosteten Twitter-Konkurrenten Parler seine Dienste versagte. Parler-Chef John Matze wollte eigentlich innerhalb einer Woche einen neuen Hoster finden, stellte aber dann fest, dass er auf einer Art “Schwarzen Liste” zu stehen scheint.Außerdem haben Google und Apple die Parler-App aus dem Play Store und aus dem Apple Store entfernt. In Huaweis App Gallery war sie bereits vorher nicht zu haben. Es wäre vielleicht auch eine zu große Ironie der Geschichte gewesen, wenn Donald Trump nun vor allem über die chinesische Firma erreichbar gewesen wäre, die er während seiner Präsidentschaft nicht nur aus den USA, sondern auch aus anderen Ländern zu verbannen versuchten (vgl. Das “beste Mittel”, um die Sicherheit von 5G zu garantieren).

via telepolis: Amerikaner suchen Redefreiheit bei Russen