John Guandolo Says Members of Congress Should Be ‘Swinging From a Rope’

John Guandolo, a disgraced former FBI agent, right-wing conspiracy theorist, and anti-Islam activist, doubled down on his defense of right-wing activists who stormed the U.S. Capitol last week in an effort to prevent Congress from certifying the election for President-elect Joe Biden. Guandolo is a radical right-wing activist who leads an organization called Understanding The Threat, through which he trains law enforcement agencies around the country to identify seemingly anyone with dark skin and a beard as an Islamic terrorist. Last Thursday, he praised the MAGA activists and members of militia organizations and far-right hate groups who carried out the insurrection for supposedly showing incredible “restraint” by not rounding up members of Congress and summarily executing them. On Friday, Guandolo appeared on the “America, Can We Talk?” YouTube program where he again defended the insurrectionists and declared that members of Congress are traitors and “enemies of the republic” who should be “swinging from a rope.”

via right wing watch: John Guandolo Says Members of Congress Should Be ‘Swinging From a Rope’

#Kaufbeurer applaudieren #Verschwörungsmythen und #Umsturzphantasien – #covidioten

Querdenker verbreiten in Kaufbeuren »alternative Sichtweisen« über Pandemie und Impfung, antisemitische Verschwörungsmythen und einen Putschaufruf an die Polizei. Bis zu 180 Fans applaudieren. Bis zu 180 Teilnehmende folgten nach Zählung der Polizei am Samstag einem Aufruf von Querdenken 8341 in die Kaufbeurer Innenstadt. Angemeldet war die Versammlung laut Polizei als »Kundgebung für körperliche Unversehrtheit« mit einem anschließenden Demonstrationszug durch die Stadt. Dieser ist allerdings kurzfristig abgesagt worden. Angeblich, weil es zu kalt war. Schließlich fanden sechs Redebeiträge vor dem Kaufbeurer Rathaus statt, wo Ende Oktober bereits Oberbürgermeister Bosse vor einer Querdenken-Versammlung sprach. Alle quittierte das Publikum mit Applaus. Antisemitisch konnotierter Verschwörungsglauben aus »alternativen Medien« Zunächst erklärte der Gablonzer Bäckermeister Rudolf Posselt, er informiere sich viel über »alternative Medien« statt über »Mainstream Medien«. Daher habe er eine »andere Sichtweise«. Etwa: »Wir werden nicht von unseren Politikern regiert, sondern von globalen Großkonzernen und der Hochfinanz«, formulierte er einen in »alternativen« und rechten Kreisen weit verbreiteten Verschwörungsglauben, der meist antisemitisch konnotiert ist. So war der Begriff der »Hochfinanz« zentral für die antisemitische NS-Propaganda. Bis heute gilt er als Schlüsselbegriff der Rechtsradikalen Szene – er bietet einen »sanften« Einstieg in antisemitische Vorstellungen.
»Wer das Glück hat sich mit diesem Virus anzustecken, hat sogar eine eher höhere als niedrigere Lebenserwartung«, behauptet Posselt. Nicht das Virus sei für die vielen Toten verantwortlich, »sondern die falschen Therapien und die Lockdown-Maßnahmen«, so Posselts »andere Sichtweise«.
»Pharmalobby«, »gentechnische Menschenexperimente« und Bill Gates Ähnlich äußert sich der langjährige Impfgegner Rolf Kron. Für ihn ist es eine »Pharmalobby«, die »uns glauben macht, wir sind von Viren bedroht«, wie er am Samstag in Kaufbeuren sagte. Als erstes sollten wegen deren Pflegekosten »die Alten« als »Versuchskaninchen« dienen. Darauf gab der Kauferinger Arzt regelrechte Horrorgeschichten über die Impfungen zum Besten. Wir hätten es »mit Genversuchen zu tun, die wir an Menschen machen«, behauptet Kron. Damit will Kron offenbar die bei Querdenken beliebte Mär einer Erbgutverändernden Wirkung von mRNA-Impfstoffen weiter verbreiten. Und das alles, weil Bill Gates davon profitiere, glaubt Kron. Es sei »besser wenn ich etwas in der Hand habe, weil nachher passiert mir noch ein Malheur mit irgendwelchen Zeichen«, spielt Kron zudem auf einen Vorfall in Lindau an, als er als Redner den Hitlergruß zeigte und den Nationalsozialismus relativierte. Unter anderem deswegen und wegen falscher von ihm ausgestellter Atteste ermittelt die Polizei gegen den Kauferinger Arzt. Die Teilnehmenden der Versammlung am Samstag rief Kron auf, bei Polizeikontrollen keine Atteste vorzuzeigen, die von der Maskenpflicht befreien sollen. Denn deren Fälschung sei eine Straftat, das nicht Vorzeigen nur eine Ordnungswidrigkeit. Elf solcher Verfahren leitete die Polizei am Samstag ein.

via allgäu rechtsaußen: Kaufbeurer applaudieren Verschwörungsmythen und Umsturzphantasien

LANDESREGIERUNG – Antwort auf potentielle #Nordkreuz-#Waffenkäufe steht aus

Haben Personen aus dem Umfeld der MV-Landesregierung Waffen bei einem ehemaligen Nordkreuz-Mitglied gekauft? Die Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage dazu lässt auf sich warten. Haben Personen aus dem Umfeld der Landesregierung Waffen bei einem ehemaligen Nordkreuz-Mitglied gekauft? Dieser Verdacht steht im Raum, seitdem Lorenz Caffier (CDU) überraschend als Innenminister von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern zurückgetreten ist. Auslöser damals: Sein Kauf einer Glock-Pistole 2018 bei dem ehemaligen Nordkreuz-Mitglied Frank T. aus Güstrow. Eine Kleine Anfrage in Schwerin, ob es weitere Landesregierungs-Käufer gab, blieb bislang unbeantwortet. Peter Ritter, Innenexperte der Linken, stellte die Kleine Anfrage bereits am 26. November vergangenen Jahres. Der Wortlaut darin unter anderem: „Wie viele Beamtinnen und Beamte sowie Angestellte der Landesregierung, der Ministerien und Landesverwaltung, haben im Zeitraum 2002 bis 2019 bei […] Firma […] Waffen käuflich erworben?” Weiter will Ritter wissen, ob es auch Waffenkäufe ab März 2018 getätigt wurden. Hintergrund: Dem MV-Verfassungschutz wurde in genau dieser Zeit Unterlagen über die Ermittlungen zu der rechtsextremen Prepper-Gruppe Nordkreuz des Bundesverfassungsschutzes zugeleitet, darunter wahrscheinlichauch der Hinweis, dass Frank T. zeitweise Mitglied der Gruppe war.

via nordkurier: LANDESREGIERUNG – Antwort auf potentielle Nordkreuz-Waffenkäufe steht aus

Glock 17
Von <a href=”” class=”extiw” title=”w:de:User:Sprenger”>Sprenger</a> – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”de”>Eigenes Werk</span>, Gemeinfrei, Link – symbolbild

FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence

A day before rioters stormed Congress, an FBI office in Virginia issued an explicit internal warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and “war,” according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s pro-Trump protest planned to do harm. A situational information report approved for release the day before the U.S. Capitol riot painted a dire portrait of dangerous plans, including individuals sharing a map of the complex’s tunnels, and possible rally points for would-be conspirators to meet up in Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and South Carolina and head in groups to Washington. “As of 5 January 2021, FBI Norfolk received information indicating calls for violence in response to ‘unlawful lockdowns’ to begin on 6 January 2021 in Washington. D.C.,” the document says. “An online thread discussed specific calls for violence to include stating ‘Be ready to fight. Congress needs to hear glass breaking, doors being kicked in, and blood from their BLM and Pantifa slave soldiers being spilled. Get violent. Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die. NOTHING else will achieve this goal.” BLM is likely a reference to the Black Lives Matter movement for racial justice. Pantifa is a derogatory term for antifa, a far-left anti-fascist movement whose adherents sometimes engage in violent clashes with right-wing extremists. Yet even with that information in hand, the report’s unidentified author expressed concern that the FBI might be encroaching on free speech rights.

via washingtonpost: FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence

#PayPal blocks site that helped raise funds for those who attended #Capitol #violence – #GiveSendGo #deplatforming

PayPal Holdings Inc said on Monday it had blocked a Christian crowdfunding site, GiveSendGo, after it helped raise funds for people who attended last week’s event in Washington when supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol. The digital payments processor also confirmed to Reuters that it closed an account held by Ali Alexander, one of the organizers of the gathering. The news was reported earlier by Bloomberg, which cited an unidentified source. Online platforms and social media companies are distancing themselves from, and taking action against, those that encouraged or engaged in last week’s violence in the U.S. Capitol. Twitter said it has suspended more than 70,000 accounts since Friday that were primarily dedicated to sharing QAnon content after the assault on the Capitol building.
A number of large U.S. companies, including AT&T Inc, American Express and Dow Inc, have said they would cut off campaign contributions to those who voted to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, with Republicans in the U.S. Congress facing growing consternation from corporate America. Supporters of Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, trying to halt the certification by Congress of Biden’s election win. Trump, who has without evidence challenged the validity of Biden’s election win, initially praised his supporters but later condemned the violence.

via reuters: PayPal blocks site that helped raise funds for those who attended Capitol violence

Von <a href=”” class=”extiw” title=”w:PayPal”>PayPal</a> – <span class=”url”><a rel=”nofollow” class=”external text” href=””></a></span>, Gemeinfrei, Link

The military has a hate group problem. But it doesn’t know how bad it’s gotten.

The rise of extremism in the ranks is seen as a “crisis issue” but the military’s efforts to weed out radicals are “haphazard” at best. The Pentagon is confronting a resurgence of white supremacy and other right-wing ideologies in the ranks and is scrambling to track how acute the problem has become in the Trump era. It’s an issue that has simmered in the military for years, but is now front and center following signs that former military personnel played a role in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol last week. Tackling the influence of hate groups, racist propaganda and anti-government sentiment in the officer corps and enlisted ranks must be an immediate task for Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of Defense, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin, according to lawmakers, retired military leaders and experts on extremism. If confirmed, Austin would be the first Black defense secretary. “There is a crisis issue: the rise of extremism and white supremacy in the ranks,” Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a retired Army officer and member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in an interview. “That has been fueled by President [Donald] Trump, unfortunately. So that has to be dealt with right away and unequivocally. That’s top of the list.”
The overall problem of right-wing extremism has dogged the military for decades and tends to be more severe when there is a rise in wider society. It has gained new attention in the wake of the revelation that a retired senior Air Force officer allegedly took part in last Wednesday’s riot in the U.S. Capitol and a Navy veteran who also played a leading role was arrested over the weekend. Meanwhile, a rioter who was killed while trying to break into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office suite was also an Air Force veteran who espoused far-right and QAnon conspiracies. In another sign of the challenge, the Army on Monday announced it was ousting a junior officer who was investigated for posting a video to his 3 million TikTok followers joking about Jews being exterminated in Nazi concentration camps.

via politico: The military has a hate group problem. But it doesn’t know how bad it’s gotten.

TERROR TEEN – Boy who became UK’s youngest terrorist at 16 with neo-nazi plot unmasked after losing bid to keep anonymity

A NEO-Nazi teen who became Britain’s youngest convicted terrorist at 16 after plotting a “race war” has been unmasked after losing a bid to keep his anonymity secret. Jack Reed, now 18, who is the son of a quantity surveyor, plotted a sick terror attack on schools and pubs. The teen wanted to start a ‘race war’ He was convicted of attempting to obtain ingredients to make explosives in a twisted bid to start a “race war” in Durham when he was 16. His anonymity was retained when he was sentenced because he also faced separate child sex charges – which he has now been given an additional 18 months for. Reed was arrested in 2019 as he set off for school one morning – after cops had monitored his disturbing online posts. In his pocket, police found a chilling note with a sinister message. It read: “Killing is probably easier than your paranoid mind thinks. “You’re just not used to it. Most were caught because they got sloppy.” He was found guilty of six offences at Manchester Crown Court in November 2019, including preparation of terrorist acts and disseminating a terrorist publication, and was sentenced to six years and eight months behind bars. (…) Reed had been searching for extremist material since he was 12, and was referred to the Government’s Prevent deradicalisation programme. Traces of his extremism could be seen on his social media – he was using a portrait of Rhodesia’s 1970s white leader Ian Smith as his Facebook profile picture. He had also set up a Twitter profile named ‘Mosley was right’ – a reference to British 1930s fascist leader Oswald Mosley. Analysis of his devices showed that the 16-year-old had searched for ‘lone wolf’ attacks, as well as terms like explosives, knives, and firearms.

via the sun: TERROR TEEN Boy who became UK’s youngest terrorist at 16 with neo-nazi plot unmasked after losing bid to keep anonymity