Neo-Nazi #Terrorists Planned Fortified Compound in #Michigan – #TheBase #WolverineWatchmen

The onetime leader of the Base, a neo-Nazi domestic terror group, planned on a “fortified” all-white compound in Michigan. In the same state where an anti-government militia plotted to kidnap the governor, a separate group of neo-Nazi terrorists hatched their own plot: Establishing a white nationalist, heavily armed, and fortified “community” to launch the so-called race war. At the center of it all was Justen Watkins, 25, a former leader of the Base—the domestic terror group under the shadow of a persistent FBI crackdown—now awaiting trial in Michigan. Following a joint FBI and Michigan State Police investigation, Watkins was charged with gang membership for his association with the Base and using computers to commit a felony. (Part of those charges stem from a December 2019 incident, where Watkins allegedly attempted to intimidate and threaten the life of an antifascist activist.) According to secret chats obtained by VICE News between known accelerationist neo-Nazis, a subset of the far right that believes terrorism will hasten the collapse of the U.S. government, Watkins claimed he was going to be purchasing and occupying land in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, not far from where he was eventually arrested. (…) Last October the FBI thwarted a shocking plan involving members of the anti-government militia “Wolverine Watchmen” to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Thirteen men were arrested for the plot, which had allegedly been in the works since at least the spring of 2020. The planned abduction of Whitmer came out of the anti-lockdown fervor in the state, where the Capitol in Lansing had become one of the early targets for armed-militia protesting mask-mandates and lockdowns in the country since the pandemic first began. Watkins came onto the radar of local media in June 2020, when he was spotted counter-protesting at a local Black Lives Matter rally in Bad Axe while carrying a rifle and wearing a skull mask along with others. Watkins, who is currently free on bond, tried attracting other members of the Base and parallel organizations to join the community project, saying they could easily find work in “snow removal/landscaping” in the area of the planned compound.  Inside the same chatroom, known aliases of suspected members of Atomwaffen Division, a sister group to the Base connected to five murders in the U.S., were active. The chatroom was a place where members of different affiliations mingled and discussed the state of their violent movement. Watkins made it clear to all that he had already begun operating in the Upper Peninsula and wanted committed, militant neo-Nazis intent on paramilitary training for the so-called race war to join.

via vice: Neo-Nazi Terrorists Planned Fortified Compound in Michigan

siehe auch: Neo-Nazi Terrorists Planned To Build ‘Fortified’ All-White Community In Michigan. A group of neo-Nazi terrorists reportedly planned to build a ‘fortified’ all-white community in Michigan. This heavily armed community would have been built with the aim of launching the ‘race war’, as per a new report from VICE News. 25-year-old Justen Watkins, who is currently awaiting trial in Michigan, was reportedly right at the centre of this project. Watkins is the former leader of the Base, neo-Nazi terrorist group which openly advocates for violence. The Base has recently been the target of FBI raids, as per The Guardian, with members accused of plotting a race war. Watkins has reportedly now been charged with gang membership for his association with the Base and for using computers to commit a felony, following a joint investigation by the FBI and Michigan State Police. It’s understood that part of these charges stem from a December 2019 incident, where Watkins allegedly tried to intimidate and threaten an antifascist activist. Now secret chats obtained by VICE News reveal Watkins had claimed he was going to buy and occupy land in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for the purpose of building a white supremacist community.

Nazi Takes MMA Fight, Gets Beat Up In The Cage (VIDEO) – #antifaisthandarbeit

Sporting swastika tattoos, an apparent Nazi got his comeuppance when he stepped in the cage during a Fight Nights Global event. Fight Nights Global, recently rebranded to AMC Fight Nights, is one of the better MMA promotions to come from Russia. However they recently had a fight that saw an apparent Nazi getting beat up, something we can all appreciate on some level. The man in question is Mikhail “The Pitbull” Turkanov. This lovely gentlemen, with the most unique nickname in MMA, was making his debut under the AMC Fight Nights banner, with a record of 8-5. Standing opposite him was Allbeg Rasulov, an undefeated welterweight looking to put his 10-0 record on the line in his promotional debut. It is safe to assume that a good portion of people watching this fight were rooting for him, too. The reason for this being the concerning swastika tattoos that Turkanov is sporting on his arm and chest. While this, in itself, does not always represent someone who is a Nazi, this is typically and understandably the response most have upon seeing it. So what ensued, as you can see by the video AMC Fight Nights posted to YouTube, was a complete beatdown of Mikhail, by the hands of Rasulov. He ate a barrage of punches on the ground, leading to the TKO stoppage in the first round.

via middleeasy: Nazi Takes MMA Fight, Gets Beat Up In The Cage (VIDEO)

siehe auch: MMA Fighter With Nazi Tattoos Competes At Event, Suffers Punishing Defeat. An MMA fighter with Nazi tattoos competed at a Russian MMA promotion and suffered a punishing defeat. Mikhail Turkanov, who has the swastika symbol tattooed on his upper right arm and chest, fought Alibeg Rasulov in a welterweight bout at Fight Nights Global (FNG) on Tuesday

‘Crying Nazi’ Christopher Cantwell Sentenced To 41 Months For Extortion

A judge in New Hampshire sentenced Christopher Cantwell to more than three years in prison on Wednesday for trying to extort and threaten a fellow member of the white nationalist community, the latest legal troubles to hit Cantwell, an infamous extremist whose participation in the violent 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Va., brought him nationwide recognition — and whose emotional reaction to earlier legal problems earned him the nickname “the crying Nazi.” Cantwell will serve 41 months in prison on extortion and threat charges, federal Judge Paul Barbadoro ruled, after he was found guilty last September (his lawyers did not respond to Forbes when asked whether he plans on appealing). Prosecutors say Cantwell tried to pressure another man active in online extremist circles into identifying the leader of the “Bowl Patrol,” a competing neo-Nazi group formed to glorify Charleston mass shooter Dylann Roof. In a series of 2019 Telegram messages, Cantwell threatened to report the man to child protective services, “dox” him by posting his identity on the internet, and harm his family if he didn’t reveal the Bowl Patrol leader’s identity.  Cantwell told the court he felt provoked by the extortion victim and members of Bowl Patrol, the Keene Sentinel reported.

via vorbes: ‘Crying Nazi’ Christopher Cantwell Sentenced To 41 Months For Extortion


Die Rassismus-Vorwürfe gegen Chemnitzer Polizeibeamte brechen nicht ab. Erst Anfang der Woche wandte sich eine kenianische Familie wegen eines brutalen Polizeieinsatzes an die Öffentlichkeit (TAG24 berichtete). Nun werden fünf Polizisten in einem ähnlichen Fall vor Gericht zitiert. Der Vorwurf lautet Medienberichten zufolge: fahrlässige Körperverletzung im Amt – zulasten einer aus Bulgarien stammenden Familie. Hintergrund ist ein mutmaßlich aus dem Ruder gelaufener Einsatz im Frühjahr vergangenen Jahres. Damals sollen mehrere Beamte brutal gegen das bulgarische Paar vorgegangen sein. Die schwangere Frau musste ins Krankenhaus, es gab zwei Verletzte. Dem Vorwurf zufolge geschah alles in der eigenen Wohnung und vor den Augen der Kinder. Haargenau wie im Fall der kenianischen Familie.


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Von <a href=”” class=”extiw” title=”de:DerMeininger”>Hannes Landskron</a> – <a href=”” class=”extiw” title=”de:DerMeininger”>DerMeininger</a>, Gemeinfrei, Link

Polizeiaktion gegen rechte Szene im Raum Augsburg

Die Kriminalpolizeiinspektion (Z) Schwaben Nord hat heute in den frühen Morgenstunden vier Durchsuchungen im Stadtgebiet Augsburg und zwei im Landkreis Augsburg durchgeführt. Hierbei konnten insgesamt sechs Tatverdächtige angetroffen werden. Den Männer wird vorgeworfen Tatbestände der Volksverhetzung (§ 130 StGB) und Verwenden von Kennzeichen verfassungswidriger Organisationen (§ 86 a StGB) verwirklicht zu haben. Vier Tatverdächtigte sind zwischen 27 und 65 Jahre alt. Sie sollen innerhalb einer bestehenden WhatsApp-Gruppe strafrechtlich relevante Inhalte versandt haben. Ein weiterer 24 Jähriger wird verdächtigt innerhalb einer Studentengruppe, bestehend aus über 100 Personen, strafrelevante Inhalte gepostet zu haben. Bei einem 35 jährigen Mann wurde im Zusammenhang mit dem Verdacht des Handelns mit strafrechtlich relevanten, indizierten Tonträgern, sog. Rechtsrock-CD`s, durchsucht. Bei den Durchsuchungsmaßnahmen kam es zu umfangreichen Sicherstellungen von Mobiltelefonen, mehr als 2000 Rechtsrock Musikdatenträgern, zahlreiche NS-Devotionalien (Fahnen, Armbinden, Banner etc.) sowie Munitionsbestandteile. Zusätzlich wurden eine im Rahmen des Erbrechtes nicht registrierte Sammlerwaffe sowie PTB-Waffen und dazugehörige Munition aufgefunden. Insgesamt kann der Tatverdacht unter anderem durch die Sicherstellung der Gegenstände mit Bezug zum Dritten Reich untermauert werden.

via presse augsburg: Polizeiaktion gegen rechte Szene im Raum Augsburg

a photo of a police car
Photo by Markus Spiske on


Die Demonstration gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen am kommenden Samstag auf dem Domplatz wurde von der Stadt Erfurt verboten. Die Anmelderin will den Beschluss so nicht stehen lassen. Wie TAG24 am Dienstag berichtete, hat die Stadt Erfurt eine für Samstag, den 27. Februar, geplante Kundgebung gegen die aktuellen Corona-Maßnahmen auf dem Erfurter Domplatz verboten. Nun hat die Anmelderin der Veranstaltung angekündigt, gegen das Verbot rechtlich vorgehen zu wollen. Die Polizei machte an dieser Stelle nochmal deutlich, dass sich gemäß Paragraf 23 Versammlungsgesetz jeder strafbar macht, der öffentlich zur Teilnahme an einer verbotenen Versammlung aufruft. Neben einer Strafanzeige müssen die Betroffenen mit einem Kostenbescheid der Beamten rechnen, heißt es.


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Von <a href=”//” title=”User:Kasyap”>Kasyap</a> – <span class=”int-own-work” lang=”de”>Eigenes Werk</span>, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link