Channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, including one with more than 450 million views, have been terminated by the video-sharing giant in the wake of a VICE News investigation into Tate’s The Real World programme. YouTube has culled a number of big channels promoting Andrew Tate’s online business academy The Real World, following a VICE News investigation revealing how the scheme has been using social media platforms to exploit his young fans. Among the newly banned YouTube accounts was one dedicated to The Real World content, highlighted in the article, that had more than 600,000 subscribers. The channel had racked up more than 450 million views for its content promoting The Real World since it was created in December 2022, despite YouTube saying that it had terminated channels associated with The Real World and Tate. Other The Real World channels removed by YouTube included one with 264,000 subscribers and nearly 300 million views, and another with 50,000. The VICE News report, published Tuesday, detailed serious concerns about Tate’s $49-a-month programme, which promises to teach teen boys the entrepreneurial skills to get rich quickly. Instead, critics claimed, the site was exploiting the influencer’s young fans for their money and labour. It recruited them through promotional ads on social media, relying on laissez-faire moderation policies at YouTube, TikTok and Instagram – despite the sites supposedly having banned Tate and The Real World content from their platforms

via vice: Andrew Tate Channels Culled By YouTube After Revelations About Get Rich Quick “Cult”

siehe auch: Leaving The Real World: How I Escaped Andrew Tate’s Get Rich Quick ‘Cult’ Karim Mahmoud joined Andrew Tate’s online business academy expecting to get rich, but found himself stuck in an exploitative grift that nearly derailed his life. He’s now trying to warn others away. This time last year, Karim Mahmoud, a 25-year-old engineering student from Cairo, Egypt, was among the hundreds of thousands of young men around the world who counted themselves diehard fans of Andrew Tate.  He swallowed Tate’s hyper-capitalist, misogynistic ideology wholesale, and was convinced of his innocence on the human trafficking charges he faced in Romania. At one stage, he even sent a DM to his hero telling him he was willing to fight for him.  “The message I sent him said, like, ‘If you want to go to war, I’m going to be one of your army.’ You know, it was very cringe,” laughs Mahmoud with embarrassment. “That’s how bad I was.” Initially drawn to the controversial influencer, manosphere guru and accused human trafficker through his ubiquitous social media videos, Mahmoud soon became a paid-up subscriber of Tate’s new online business academy, The Real World, which was launched in November 2022 as a revamped version of his “Hustlers University.” The centrepiece of Tate’s business empire, the site bills itself as “the world’s most advanced financial education platform” and promises to equip young men with the entrepreneurial skills to allow them to “escape ‘the Matrix’” – Tate’s disparaging term for mainstream society – and avoid an otherwise inevitable future as a “brokie”.

Andrew Tate 2023 interview.png
Von <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external text” href=””>Anything Goes With James English</a> – <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external text” href=””>Andrew Tate’s First Interview Since Being Charged</a> (~1:11:32), CC BY 3.0, Link