Mark Jones, 29, was jailed for five years and six months in June 2020 Following a parole hearing on 2 October he will now be freed in a few weeks. The leader of a terror group described as the ‘most extreme vision of a neo-Nazi organisation to have appeared in the United Kingdom in many decades’ has been granted parole and will be free in weeks. Mark Jones, then 25, was sentenced to five years and six months in June 2020 for being the ‘lynchpin’ of the banned terror group National Action. He was jailed with three other core members. Jones, now 29, had a parole hearing on the 2nd October and was told last week that he would be freed on licence. He is the last of four key National Action zealots to be released. MailOnline has previously revealed that Jones’ ex-girlfriend Alice Cutter, dubbed Miss Hitler for competing in a beauty pageant as Miss Buchenwald – a reference to the Second World War death camp – and other group members Garry Jack and Connor Scothern have all been released. (…) Jones was originally the group’s London regional organiser, who acknowledged posing for a photograph while delivering a Nazi-style salute and holding an NA flag in Buchenwald’s execution room during a trip to Germany in 2016.. Judge Paul Farrer QC told Jones he had played ‘a significant role in the continuation of the organisation’ after its ban in December 2016 in the aftermath of the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. Prosecutor Barnaby Jameson QC said they were part of a ‘fellowship of hate’ who continued to further National Action’s aims after it was banned. He said the ‘tiny, secretive group of die-hard neo-Nazis’ were prepared to achieve their goals with terrorism, including the cleansing of Jews, ethnic minorities, gay people and liberals. ‘The ultimate aim of the group was all-out race war, Mr Jameson said. ‘Members of National Action were equipping themselves with weapons and the ability to produce explosives.’

via daily mail: Jailed neo-Nazi who led banned terror group National Action and dated Miss Hitler beauty pageant contestant will be FREED after parole hearing