Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign fired a staffer on Tuesday after he shared — and allegedly made — a campaign ad featuring a Nazi symbol edited over DeSantis’ head. The DeSantis campaign told NBC News on Tuesday that staffer Nate Hochman was “no longer with the campaign” and that they would “not be commenting on him further,” just days after Hochman received backlash for retweeting the unofficial ad on Twitter. The ad opened with a character looking grimly at a list of former President Donald Trump’s failures before DeSantis appears as the savior from a glowing door. The video then showed a video of soldiers marching as the Sonnenrad symbol — which was displayed in Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler’s Wewelsburg castle — appeared over DeSantis’ head. Since World War II, the Sonnenrad symbol has been used by neo-Nazi organizations and Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, and it is listed as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. Axios reported on Tuesday that Hochman — who has written for the New York Times and National Review — had not just shared the video, but also “secretly created” it, citing an unnamed source “familiar with the matter.” However, this has not been confirmed.

via mediate: DeSantis Fires Staffer For Sharing and Allegedly Creating Dodgy Ad With Nazi Symbol

siehe auch: DeSantis Fires Aide Who Secretly Made Video With Nazi Symbol: Report. Among the staffers recently culled from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign is a 25-year-old communications aide who secretly made a pro-DeSantis video with Nazi imagery in it, Axios reported Tuesday evening. A campaign official confirmed to the outlet that the aide, Nate Hochman, was “no longer with the campaign.” The 25-year-old then reportedly created the video then shared it through @desantiscams, an anonymous pro-DeSantis Twitter account with fewer than 800 followers. He then retweeted the video from his own personal account over the weekend, before deleting the post. It was far from Hochman’s first interaction with @desantiscams; he has retweeted posts from the account at least six times prior to the Nazi video. Hochman did not respond to requests for comment from either Semafor or Axios.