FIGHTING SPIRIT Simone Segouine dead – famous teenage French Resistance fighter who captured 25 Nazis in WW2 dies aged 97

FRANCE’S most famous teenage Resistance fighter who captured 25 Nazis in World War Two has died aged 97. Simone Segouin passed away in the town of Courville-sur-Eure, France, on Tuesday, February 21. She was first acclaimed around the world in August 1944 when Hollywood director George Stevens filmed her with a submachine gun slung over her shoulder. Simone was 18 at the time and had just helped capture 25 German soldiers in her home village of Thivars, about 63 miles southwest of Paris. Days later, she was again hailed a hero after storming into Paris to help liberate the French capital from the Nazis. The woman’s fame was further cemented when she was snapped by legendary war photographer Robert Capa, who published the images in Life magazine the following month.

via thesun: FIGHTING SPIRIT Simone Segouine dead – famous teenage French Resistance fighter who captured 25 Nazis in WW2 dies aged 97

"Nicole" a French Partisan Who Captured 25 Nazis in the Chartres Area, in Addition to Liquidating Others, Poses with... - NARA - 5957431 - cropped.jpg
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