The Rusich Group As his forces began rolling on Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that he wanted to “demilitarise and denazify” the country — by which he was referring to ultranationalist elements in the Ukrainian government and armed forces such as Azov Regiment, Right Sector and Freikorps. However, there is some irony in Russia’s campaign for “denazification” in that Russia’s own military coalition in Ukraine — including its national army, mercenaries, and separatists — contain ideologically far-Right and neo-Nazi formations. The most notable of these is Task Force Rusich, which has links to the infamous mercenary Wagner Group. Rusich’s logo is a black Kolovrat, a popular symbol among radical Right-wing movements in Slavic countries, particularly Russia and Ukraine. They also use the Valknut, another symbol adopted by extremist groups. Rusich’s profile has grown since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the group has developed a sizeable online following on VKontakte, Telegram, Twitter, and elsewhere. Rusich has tapped into this support base to fundraise for battlefield supplies including weapons, drones, medical supplies, and other items. The outfit also has a history of attracting foreign volunteers from Poland, Italy, Norway, and other countries. It made headlines earlier this month for urging its followers to gather and share intelligence on border activities and military movements in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, a move that could signal more expansive ambitions. Their social media pages and messaging channels frequently post updates on their battlefield and training activities in Ukraine. Images show them playing a role in training mobilised Russian soldiers, planning operations, and fighting.
via unherd: Rusich: Russia’s neo-Nazi militia with broader ambitions