Neo-Nazi group using pandemic lockdown to recruit minors: Report

The National Partisan Movement (NPM) uses social media to “regularly express antisemitism, Holocaust denial and support for mass murderers” The Hope not Hate report warns that the techniques used by NPM are part of a growing trend amid the pandemic of more extremist activity taking place online An international neo-Nazi group is using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to recruit UK teenagers aged as young as 14, a new report has warned.  It comes as a record number of minors face arrests for terror offenses across Britain. The National Partisan Movement (NPM) uses social media to “regularly express antisemitism, Holocaust denial and support for mass murderers,” UK anti-racism charity Hope not Hate said. In one NPM group chat seen by the charity, extremist posts viciously attacked Muslims and other minority groups.
The charity’s research has revealed that some NPM members are as young as 12 — part of an emerging strategy by “youth-oriented” extremist groups to target children. Hope not Hate warned that some members had discussed acquiring weapons, including firearms, while there was also extensive interest in producing 3D-printed weapons and modifying non-lethal weapons. Several posts across the group’s social media channels also glorified terrorists, including the Christchurch gunman who killed 51 people during a rampage shooting in a New Zealand mosque. 

via arabnews: Neo-Nazi group using pandemic lockdown to recruit minors: Report

siehe auch: Neo-Nazis are using Instagram to radicalise teenagers. Neo-Nazis are using Instagram to radicalise teenagers, according to a new report. In the annual “State of Hate” report, anti-racism campaign group Hope not Hate found that two far-right groups – The British Hand and the National Partisan Movement – are using Instagram to recruit new members. It said the platform’s recommendations and focus on visual media lends itself to spreading propaganda. Nick Lowles, chief executive of the group called the app “a fertile recruitment ground”. He said: “Though we continue to warn about niche platforms like Telegraph, a fertile recruitment ground for young neo-Nazis has been Instagram – it’s inadequate moderation and worrying algorithm recommendations are child protection issues that demand urgent action from the platform.” The report added the coronavirus pandemic has sped up the move of the British far-right from the streets to online. Lowles added: “The lockdown has had a profound effect on every part of our society and it’s no less the case on the far-right. Traditional organisations were already on the decline but lockdown exacerbated their inactivity.