Thomas Baranyi is charged with disorderly conduct and violent entry of a restricted building.. A New Jersey man who admitted on camera to being part of the mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 and claiming to have witnessed a woman being shot by police has been arrested. Thomas Baranyi is charged with disorderly conduct and violent entry of a restricted building. He was interviewed by WUSA9’s Ariane Datil immediately following the insurrection, and in the interview, he states his full name and state of residence before sharing details about how he gained access to the building. “We tore through the scaffolding, through flash bangs and tear gas and blitzed our way in through all the chambers just trying to get into Congress,” Baranyi said. The 28-year-old showed Datil and her camera blood on his hand, which he claims was the blood of 35-year-old Ashli Babbit who was fatally shot by Capitol Police.
“We had stormed into the chambers inside and there was a young lady who rushed through the windows,” he said. “A number of police and Secret Service were saying ‘get down, get out of the way.’ She didn’t heed the call and as we kind of raced up to try to grab people and pull them back, they shot her in the neck, and she fell back on me.” Baranyi said that what happened to Babbitt could have just as easily happened to him. “It could have been me, but she went in first,” Baranyi said. The FBI cites WUSA9’s interview with Baranyi in a criminal affidavit, using many of his quotes from the interview as reasoning to issue an arrest warrant. Baranyi has been released on an unsecured bond.
via wusa9: ‘‘We blitzed our way in’ | Man who witnessed woman shot by Capitol Police during Capitol riots arrested