Neo-Nazi #Trump supporter accused of skipping out on $14 million debt: report – #AndrewAnglin #dailystormer #splc

Notorious neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin was taken to court again Friday for allegedly ignoring a multi-million legal judgement. “A Montana real estate agent who secured a $14 million judgment against a neo-Nazi website publisher for orchestrating an anti-Semitic harassment campaign against her Jewish family is seeking a court order compelling the man to disclose information about his assets and finances,” the AP reported Friday. “Tanya Gersh’s attorneys said in a court filing Friday that Andrew Anglin, founder and operator of The Daily Stormer, hasn’t paid any portion of the August 2019 judgment and has ignored their requests for information about his whereabouts, his operation of the website and other assets.” In February, Anglin announced laying off writers at The Daily Stormer after his supporters failed to donate enough money. “U.S. District Judge Dana Christensen in Missoula, Montana, ordered Anglin to pay over $4 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages to Gersh, who is represented by lawyers from the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center.

via rawstory: Neo-Nazi Trump supporter accused of skipping out on $14 million debt: report

siehe auch: Andrew Anglin. Andrew Anglin is the founder of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, which aptly takes its name from the gutter Nazi propaganda sheet known as Der Stürmer. True to that vintage, Anglin is infamous for the crudity of his language and his thinking, a contrast to his sophistication as a prolific Internet troll and serial harasser.

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