One of the men has recent links to the Finns Party, while the other reportedly has ties to the Nordic Resistance Movement, Alliance of Nationslists and the Soldiers of Odin vigilante group. Two suspects, both with links to the far-right, and one with ties to the Finns Party, have been detained by police investigating the attempted murder of a Finns Party activist in July. The National Bureau of Investigation NBI says the two men, born in 1981 and 1976, were remanded in custody as part of the pre-trial investigation into the violent attack on Pekka Kataja at his home in Jämsä. Kataja is a Finns Party local councilor and an aide to a Finns Party Member of Parliament, and was left with head injuries and broken ribs after the beating which happened when at least two men showed up at his door claiming to have a delivery for him. Finnish media have named one of the detained suspects as Teemu Torssonen, a Jyväskylä City Councilor and Board Member who had challenged former Finns Party chairman Timo Soini for the leadership of the party back in 2016. (…) The other suspect has been named by Finnish media as as Tero Ala-Tuuhonen, reportedly one of the leaders of the far-right Soldiers of Odin vigilante group, and also connected to the banned neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement. Ala-Tuuhonen is also involved with the far-right Alliance of Nationalists organisation, which has garnered some support from Finns Party MPs; while pictures of an anti-EU rally outside parliament on 1st September, which attracted far-right QAnon conspiracy theorists, show Ala-Tuuhonen posing with at least one Finns Party MP for photographs.
via newsnowfinland: Two right-wing suspects held in political attempted murder case