Ukraine deplores the attack being blamed on Russia, while the Kremlin says the video must be studied for authenticity. Gruesome footage that purports to show a Ukrainian soldier being killed alive was shared online by a pro-Kremlin blogger and began circulating on social media on Tuesday. The video appears to show a Ukrainian soldier being beheaded by Russian soldiers. The footage emerged days after a separate video posted on pro-Russian social media channels seemed to show the bodies of two decapitated Ukrainian soldiers. (...) It is unclear exactly where the footage was filmed as the video contains no identifiable landmarks. The soldiers appear to be in a forested area. The timing of the attack is also unclear. The foliage condition does not reflect current weather conditions in Ukraine. The appearance of green leaves could suggest the attack took place last summer, but that remains speculation at this point. The video appears to have first been shared on the messaging app Telegram by a pro-Kremlin blogger. (...) A number of disturbing videos have been released during the war, which began on February 24, 2022. In March, a video showed Oleksandr Matsiyevskiy, an unarmed Ukrainian prisoner of war smoking in a trench, being shot dead by automatic weapons. Ukraine opened an investigation at the time, and Kuleba, the foreign minister, called for the International Criminal Court to launch an “immediate investigation”. Last July, a video appeared to show a Ukrainian prisoner of war being castrated in the Russian-occupied Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian authorities have since identified the man.
via al jazeera: An alleged beheading in Ukraine: What we know so far
siehe dazu auch: cw – Entsetzen über #Enthauptungsvideo – #Ukraine wendet sich an UN – #terror. Im Netz verbreitet sich ein Video, das zeigen soll, wie mutmaßliche russische Soldaten einen mutmaßlichen Kriegsgefangenen enthaupten. Selenskyj fordert Konsequenzen. Auf einer Seite lesen INHALT Der nachfolgende Text enthält eine Beschreibung von brutalen Gewaltdarstellungen, die potenziell verstörend wirken kann. Ein rund eineinhalbminütiges Video, das die Enthauptung eines mutmaßlichen ukrainischen Kriegsgefangenen durch mutmaßliche russische Soldaten zeigen soll, schockiert die ukrainische Öffentlichkeit.