Russia intelligence officer injured in Moscow car bomb blast as Kyiv’s top diplomat holds ‘deep’ China talks

Kremlin authorities say they have opened an investigation into the Moscow car bomb attack. A Russian military intelligence officer is said to have been seriously injured after his car exploded in northwest Moscow. Footage published by Russian state media showed what appeared to be a Toyota Land Cruiser with its left side completely torn off in the parking lot of a complex of high-rise buildings. The officer in the GRU, Russia’s main intelligence directorate, is reportedly the deputy head of a military unit based in the Russian capital, and is in critical condition, according to preliminary accounts on the Telegram messenger app. It is also believed that his wife was in the car. But footage published by Kremlin-approved Ria Novosti seemed to show a victim conscious and administering first aid to himself after the explosion. State media outlet Mash reported that the injuries were caused by an improvised explosive device (IED) under the pedals of the driver’s seat, where the officer had been sitting. They claimed that the bomb went off when the driver started the ignition. Other outlets have claimed that the IED was placed underneath the car.

via independent: Russia intelligence officer injured in Moscow car bomb blast as Kyiv’s top diplomat holds ‘deep’ China talks

sieeh auch: ‘Car bomb attack’ investigated in Moscow – amid conflicting reports military officer was target Initial reports in state media named one victim as a GRU military intelligence officer. Hours later, he was said to be perfectly well. Russian authorities are investigating a suspected car bomb attack in Moscow that left two people injured, following conflicting reports a military official was targeted. Footage of the blast, posted on Telegram, appears to show a man and a woman getting into a vehicle before it suddenly explodes. Initial reports in state media outlets named the two victims as Andrei Torgashov, a GRU military intelligence officer, and his wife; Bombenexplosion in Moskau – Verdächtiger in der Türkei festgenommen Bei einem mutmaßlichen Bombenanschlag in Moskau sollen ein Militärangehöriger und seine Frau verletzt worden sein. In der Türkei ist ein Verdächtiger festgenommen worden. Im Südwesten der Türkei ist nach einem mutmaßlichen Autobombenanschlag in Moskau ein Verdächtiger festgenommen worden. “Der Terrorist, der in Russland einen Bombenanschlag verübte, wurde in Bodrum festgenommen”, schrieb der türkische Innenminister Ali Yerlikaya auf der Plattform X. Der russischen staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Tass zufolge handelt es sich bei den Verletzten um einen russischen Militärvertreter und seine Frau. Die russischen Behörden machten keine Angaben zur Identität der Opfer oder zu möglichen Motiven. Der Vorfall hatte sich nach russischen Angaben am Morgen im Norden von Moskau ereignet. Wie das russische Innenministerium mitteilte, zerstörte ein nicht näher bestimmter Sprengsatz ein Auto auf dem Parkplatz eines Wohnhauses. Dabei seien zwei Menschen verletzt worden. (…) Yerlikaya zufolge wurde der Mann beschrieben als Jewgenij S., mit russischer Nationalität und “Urheber eines terroristischen Autobombenanschlags in Moskau”. Zuvor hatte der Chef des russischen Inlandsgeheimdienstes FSB, Alexander Bortnikow, russischen Medien mitgeteilt, ein Verdächtiger sei aus Russland in die Türkei geflohen. Russland arbeite mit der Türkei zusammen. Bei der Explosion in Moskau soll der russischen Agentur Tass zufolge der russische Militärvertreter Andrej Torgaschow und seine Frau verletzt worden seien. Demnach war Torgaschow für das russische Militär in der Ukraine im Einsatz. Das wurde anschließend in mehreren Staatsmedien dementiert. Auch Torgaschow wies laut der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur RIA Nowosti die Darstellung zurück, dass es um ihn und seine Frau ginge. “Das ist kompletter Fake”, soll er gesagt haben. “Diese Explosion hat nichts mit mir zu tun.” In seinem Auto sei nichts explodiert, außerdem lebe er in einem anderen Teil von Moskau. Die regierungsnahe russische Zeitung Kommersant berichtete später, bei dem Angriff sei ein anderer Mann mit demselben Namen Andrej Torgaschow verletzt worden. Einige Medien berichteten, dass er auch für den russischen Militärgeheimdienst GRU gearbeitet habe.

Racism played part in police kick incident at Manchester airport, says former senior officer

Former Met chief superintendent Dal Babu says footage of man being kicked in face by officer is ‘totally appalling’ Racism played a “significant part” in a man being kicked in the face and stamped on by police during an arrest at Manchester airport, a former Metropolitan police chief superintendent said. Dal Babu, who served for more than 30 years in the Met, described a video of the arrest as shocking and “totally appalling”. The video, filmed at Manchester airport on Tuesday, appears to show a man being kicked in the face and his head being stamped on by a Greater Manchester police (GMP) officer as he lies prone on the floor, with a later clip showing police shoving a woman who is attempting to de-escalate the situation. On Thursday morning, GMP said the police officer had been suspended from all duties after a “thorough review of further information”. The force referred its actions to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) on Wednesday. Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Babu said the force used was “totally excessive” on a man who was “effectively defenceless”, adding: “I think racism played a significant part in this.” He said: “This is a very, very serious incident, and at a time when trust in the police is so low, this is another example of an incident where people will be further concerned. In the old days, it used to be minorities, used to be LGBTQ people, used to be young people, but now I think no matter where you go, more and more people have less confidence in the police.”

via guardian: Racism played part in police kick incident at Manchester airport, says former senior officer

siehe auch: Police officer suspended after footage shows suspect being stamped on the head at Manchester Airport Greater Manchester Police has said it understands the “deep concerns that have been widely raised with us” after the video was shared on social media – with hundreds of protesters gathering in Rochdale on Wednesday night. A police officer has been suspended after footage shared on social media showed a suspect being kicked in the head and stamped on at Manchester Airport. The suspect has been named as Fahir in an Instagram video where he appears alongside his lawyer Akhmed Yakoob. The lawyer is also representing a second man who was arrested in the incident at Manchester Airport and names him as Amaad. Mr Yakoob, who is the only one who speaks in the video, does not confirm whether Fahir and Amaad are brothers but says they will be making a formal complaint accusing Rochdale Police of assaulting them and “their elderly mother”.

#Bundesverwaltungsgericht – Rechtsextremes #Compact-Magazin klagt gegen Verbot

Das Bundesinnenministerium sieht das Compact-Magazin als “Sprachrohr der rechtsextremistischen Szene” und hat es vergangene Woche verboten. Jetzt klagt das rechtsextreme Medium vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht.Das rechtsextreme Magazin Compact wehrt sich vor dem Bundesverwaltungsgericht gegen sein Verbot. Am Mittwochabend seien sowohl eine Klage als auch ein Eilantrag eingegangen, teilte ein Sprecher des Gerichts in Leipzig mit. Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht ist in erster und letzter Instanz für derartige Klagen zuständig.Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser hatte das Magazin vergangene Woche verboten. Die Publikation richte sich gegen die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung, teilte das Ministerium zur Begründung mit. Die SPD-Politikerin bezeichnete Compact als “zentrales Sprachrohr der rechtsextremistischen Szene”. Es hetze “auf unsägliche Weise gegen Jüdinnen und Juden, gegen Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte und gegen unsere parlamentarische Demokratie”. Auch die mit dem Magazin verbundene Videoproduktionsfirma Conspect Film GmbH wurde verboten.Das Magazin darf seither nicht mehr erscheinen. Webseiten wurden gesperrt. Bei Durchsuchungen in mehreren Bundesländern wurden unter anderem Datenträger und Exemplare des Magazins beschlagnahmt.

via tagesschau: #Bundesverwaltungsgericht – Rechtsextremes #Compact-Magazin klagt gegen Verbot

siehe auch: Nach Vereinsverbot durchs BMI – Com­pact klagt vor dem Bun­des­ver­wal­tungs­ge­richt. Das Bundesinnenministerium hat das rechtsextreme Compact-Magazin verboten und aufgelöst. Dagegen wehrt sich die Gesellschaft nun beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Der Fall könnte bald weitere Gerichte beschäftigen. Um die Auflösung der Compact-Magazin GmbH und die Einziehung ihrer Vermögenswerte zu stoppen, hat die Gesellschaft Eilantrag und Klage beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht (BVerwG) eingereicht. Das bestätigte das Gericht auf LTO-Anfrage am Donnerstag. Laut einem Sprecher gingen Klage (Az. 6 A 4.24) und Eilantrag (Az. 6 VR 1.24) am Mittwochabend beim Gericht ein. Die Compact-Magazin GmbH klagt damit gegen das Vereinsverbot, das das Bundesinnenministerium (BMI) auch gegen die Conspect Film GmbH erlassen hatte. Mit der Klage in der Hauptsache soll das Vereinsverbot aufgehoben werden. Um in der Zwischenzeit einen Vollzug des Verbots zu verhindern, ist ein Eilantrag nach § 80 Abs. 5 Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung (VwGO) eingereicht worden. Laut Verbotsverfügung ist das Verbot nämlich sofort vollziehbar. Um diese Wirkung aufzuheben, braucht es einen erfolgreichen Eilantrag. Das Magazin darf seit dem Verbot nicht mehr erscheinen. Seine Webseiten wurden gesperrt. Die Verträge von Mitarbeitern sind de facto aufgelöst, denn ihr Arbeitgeber darf nicht mehr existieren.

Croatia declares 3 Montenegrin officials persona non grata over WWII camp genocide statement

Croatia has declared three senior Montenegrin government officials persona non grata after they led a declaration in Montenegro’s parliament stating that genocide was committed in a World War II concentration camp operated by a pro-Nazi Croatian regime at the time (…) Croatia’s Foreign Ministry informed neighboring Montenegro in a diplomatic note that the country’s parliament speaker, Andrija Mandic, lawmaker Milan Knezevic and Vice Premier Aleksa Becic are now unwelcome in the European Union nation. Montenegro’s parliament recently passed a declaration on “genocide” in the Jasenovac prison camp in Croatia, where tens of thousands of ethnic Serbs, Jews and anti-Nazi Croats perished during the war. Zagreb said the passing of the resolution was “unacceptable, inappropriate and unnecessary” with the intention “not to build a culture of remembrance” but to exploit the “memory of the victims of Jasenovac for short-term political goals.” Croatia was run by a pro-Nazi puppet regime during WWII. After the war, Croatia became part of a Communist-run Yugoslavia together with several other Balkan nations, including Montenegro. Yugoslavia broke up in a war in the 1990s.

via wp: Croatia declares 3 Montenegrin officials persona non grata over WWII camp genocide statement

Prozess: Urteil gegen Rechtsextremist Liebich Anfang August erwartet – #LockHimUp

Im derzeit laufenden Berufungsverfahren gegen den Rechtsextremisten Sven Liebich vor dem Landgericht Halle soll voraussichtlich Anfang August ein Urteil fallen. Nachdem mehrere zusätzliche Termine angesetzt worden waren, sei der Urteilsspruch derzeit für den 2. August vorgesehen, erklärte eine Sprecherin des Landgerichts der Saalestadt auf Anfrage. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Liebich unter anderem Volksverhetzung und üble Nachrede vor. Liebich droht erstmals eine Gefängnisstrafe ohne Bewährung. Der Angeklagte hatte die Berufungsverhandlung selbst verzögert, indem er angekündigte, für sein «letztes Wort» voraussichtlich 13 Stunden zu benötigen. Üblicherweise verkündet das Gericht nach der letzten Äußerung des Angeklagten das Urteil.  Das Amtsgericht Halle hatte Liebich bereits im Juli 2023 zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr und sechs Monaten ohne Bewährung verurteilt. Staatsanwaltschaft und Verteidigung hatten damals Berufung eingelegt.

via zeit: Prozess: Urteil gegen Rechtsextremist Liebich Anfang August erwartet

FBI Director Christopher Wray reveals new details about Trump shooting at House hearing

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before House lawmakers Wednesday about the investigation into the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, and he revealed new details about the gunman’s actions in the lead-up to the July 13 shooting in Pennsylvania. Wray told members of the House Judiciary Committee that the gunman, 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, flew a drone near the site of the rally roughly two hours before he opened fire. Wray said investigators recovered the drone in Crooks’ vehicle, and the bureau believes he was watching video streamed from the device to scout the area. The FBI chief also said agents recovered a total of three “relatively crude” explosive devices: two from Crooks’ vehicle and one from his residence. Crooks had a transmitter that would have allowed him to detonate the devices in his car remotely, but the receivers on the bombs were turned off, Wray said.  Eight cartridges from spent bullets were found on the roof where Crooks opened fire, Wray confirmed. The gunman killed one attendee and wounded Trump and two others. Investigators have managed to gain access to Crooks’ phone, which Wray said was a “significant technical challenge.” He said agents discovered Crooks was using encrypted messaging apps to communicate. The FBI, which is investigating the shooting as a potential act of domestic terrorism, does not yet have “a clear picture” of the gunman’s motive, Wray said

via cbsnews: FBI Director Christopher Wray reveals new details about Trump shooting at House hearing

siehe auch: Trump shooter searched JFK’s assassin, flew drone over rally area, had explosives in car: FBI director. FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed Wednesday that the gunman who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump searched for the distance between President John F. Kennedy and his assassin when he was shot. Wray also said the shooter at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, this month flew a drone over the area two hours before the campaign speech and had two “relatively crude” explosives in his car. Wray revealed to the House Judiciary Committee for the first time that on July 6 the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, did a Google search for how far assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was from Kennedy in 1963. That same day, he registered for the July 13 rally.

Luxembourg police investigate neo-Nazi paedophile hunters – #terror

Far-right group based in Grand Duchy lures suspected paedophiles through fake social media accounts. Luxembourg police have carried out house searches as part of an investigation into a self-proclaimed paedophile hunter group, founded by neo-Nazis. On Tuesday, officers from the anti-terrorism branch of the criminal investigation department carried out searches at the homes of two Luxembourg nationals, while a French citizen was body searched. The men are being investigated for inciting hatred, violating weapons legislation and the creation of a criminal organisation, Luxembourg police said on Tuesday. The group aims to lure suspected child abusers into an ambush and “beat these people into a coma” and “castrate them like dogs”, exchanges in a Telegram group show. The paedophile hunter group exchanges on a recently created Telegram group chat. The founding members are neo-Nazis, as research by the Luxemburger Wort reveals. The members are openly committed to right-wing extremism and antisemitic ideas and count themselves among the ranks of the “National Socialist Youth of Luxembourg” movement. (…) The alleged leader of the neo-Nazi group has been spreading far-right propaganda online for some time. On his Tiktok account, he incites hatred against foreigners and trivialises the Holocaust. He also runs a far-right Telegram channel with over 1,200 members from Germany and abroad. Recruitment via TikTok The newly founded group of young men who want to hunt down suspected paedophiles aim to do so by luring them with fake social media profiles into an ambush. Since mid-July, the group has been actively recruiting Luxembourg participants for its “paedophile hunt” via a new TikTok account. Presenting itself as an alternative to the police, the group invites interested parties to access a Telegram group via a link. About 100 people have joined the chat so far, of which many are minors, according to the group. Openly anti-semitic and far-right symbols and ideas are shared there too. (…) The paedophile hunters take inspiration from a Russian neo-Nazi known as Tesak. Tesak, who has since died, started a violent movement in the early 2010s, initiating physical attacks and humiliating men his group accused of child abuse, in attacks which were filmed and posted online. The movement has since spread to a variety of countries. In France, a man was killed in April after he was ambushed by minors who had used fake pictures of a teenage girl on a dating site to lure him.

via luxtimes: Luxembourg police investigate neo-Nazi paedophile hunters