Mit den berüchtigten Magura-V5-Drohnen gelingt Kiew im Ukraine-Krieg erneut ein schwerer Schlag gegen Putins Schwarzmeerflotte. Die Schiffe werden dezimiert. Kertsch – Die russischen Stellungen auf der Krim geraten im Ukraine-Krieg zunehmend in den Fokus ukrainischer Angriffe. Jetzt hat es zwei weitere Boote der russischen Armee erwischt. Mit den ukrainischen Magura-V5-Drohnenboten konnte die ukrainische Armee bereits in der Vergangenheit große Erfolge gegen Wladimir Putins Schwarzmeerflotte verzeichnen – und die ist mittlerweile sichtlich angeschlagen. (…) Neben den zwei zerstörten Booten vom Typ KS-701 und den zwei Fähren sollen vier weitere dieser Patrouillenboote durch den ukrainischen Angriff beschädigt worden sein. Die Spezialeinheit 13 des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes (DIU) konnte zuvor bereits ähnliche Erfolge im Ukraine-Krieg gegen Russlands Flotte verzeichnen.

via fr: Schlag gegen Russlands Marine: Ukrainische Spezialeinheit versenkt Putins Kriegsboote

siehe auch: Ukrainian Special Unit Hit 4 russian Vessels with the Magura V5 Drones. The loss of these vessels hinders russian patrols and troop movement / screenshot from video The loss of these vessels hinders russian patrols and troop movement According to updated data, a mission carried out by the Group 13 unit of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine resulted in the destruction of two russian KS-701 Tunets boats in Crimea and the damaging of two additional vessels of the same type. As a result, the total losses of the aggressor state, russia, from the attack by Ukrainian Magura V5 strike maritime drones amount to four KS-701 Tunets high-speed transport-landing boats; Using Magura V5 naval drones Ukrainian Special Forces struck four Russian Tunets-class boats in Crimea. On May 30, 2024, Ukrainian naval drones struck four Russian Tunets-class boats in Crimea, with two of the vessels confirmed destroyed. The strike, executed by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate and spearheaded by the elite Special Forces unit “Group 13,” marks a significant escalation in the ongoing naval conflict in the Black Sea. This operation underscores the increasing effectiveness of Ukraine’s advanced drone warfare capabilities against Russian naval ships. (…) According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Directorate, the recent attack destroyed two CS-701 “Tunets” transport-landing boats and damaged two others. These vessels were reportedly used by Russian forces for logistics and patrol operations around the occupied peninsula of Crimea. The CS-701 “Tunets” is a transport-landing boat used by the Russian military for logistics and patrol operations, particularly in coastal and nearshore areas. These vessels are designed for versatility, capable of transporting troops, equipment, and supplies, as well as conducting surveillance and patrol missions. The Tunets-class boats are integral to maintaining supply lines and operational readiness in contested maritime regions, making them strategic targets in naval conflicts. Their destruction or incapacitation can significantly disrupt military logistics and operational capabilities, as evidenced by recent Ukrainian drone strikes.