An April “White Lives Matter” rally planned to take place in Philadelphia is being organized primarily by members of the New Jersey European Heritage Association, or NJEHA. An SLPC-designated hate group, NJEHA was formed in 2018 and has a wide presence in the Northeast United States. The Telegram group “White Lives Matter Philadelphia” is operated by previously-identified NJEHA member Jackson Browning Bradley, a white supremacist and neo-Nazi with a long history of far-right activity in the Delaware Valley. Plans for organized “White Lives Matter” rallies across the country were first disseminated via multiple white supremacist Telegram channels and were picked up by antifascist researchers in late March. Coordinated from the “White Lives Matter – 4/11” Telegram channel, networked channels for rallies in as many as fifty cities across the US and Europe have appeared in the last three weeks. Groups range from as few as two to as many as two hundred members, organizing as part of a nationwide “day of action” planned for Sunday, April 11. The Philadelphia channel has quickly grown to one of the largest in the network – at the time of this reporting, with over 100 subscribers. It’s also one of the most racist, routinely posting content so openly hateful that other users have suggested distancing themselves from the channel, even wondering if it could be a “false flag” planted in the network by federal operatives.