Keiner steht so loyal an der Seite von Noch-US-Präsident wie Rudy Giuliani. Nachdem sein Mandant eine Corona-Infektion überstanden hat, ist der Anwalt nun offenbar auch positiv getestet worden. Der ehemalige Bürgermeister von New York City und heutige Trump-Vertraute Rudy Giuliani ist positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden.
via spiegel: Trumps Anwalt Rudy Giuliani offenbar mit Corona infiziert
siehe auch: Rudy Giuliani positive for coronavirus, Trump says. U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, Trump claimed on Twitter Sunday. In a tweet posted Sunday afternoon by the president, Trump said his lawyer, whom he described as “the greatest mayor in the history of NYC,” had contracted the virus. (…) If confirmed, Giuliani joins the ranks of several members of the Trump team to test positive for COVID-19, including First Lady Melania Trump, Barron Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, former presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway and the president himself. The announcement comes on the heels of several legislative hearings between Giuliani and Michigan’s House Oversight Committee, alleging election misconduct. Giuliani has headed Trump’s efforts to overthrow the results of the election. He has repeatedly claimed evidence of widespread voter fraud though no such evidence has been filed so far.