Hardy Lloyd is scheduled for release from federal prison on Tuesday, Oct. 6. An avowed white supremacist with a lengthy criminal record, Lloyd has been incarcerated since Aug. 15, 2019, when he received a 24-month sentence from U.S. District Judge Arthur J. Schwab. Lloyd was charged with violating the terms of his probation which prohibited him from accessing social media or communicating with anyone to promote terrorism. The charges stem from April 4, 2019, when the convicted felon’s probation officer said Lloyd posted a blog message about a free speech ban in Europe and posted another condemning a Pittsburgh assault weapons ban. Lloyd wrote that anyone supporting the laws “must be targeted and their families murdered,” according to media reports. He urged supporters to “disobey and kill, my Lone Wolves,” if the ban wasn’t overturned. He also said they should “Target: Jewhill,” an apparent reference to Squirrel Hill. Those convicted of a federal offense typically serve approximately 85% of their sentence in prison, according to Shawn Brokos, director of Jewish Community Security for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. Lloyd will complete his full sentence on Dec. 31, 2020. Until that time, he will be staying at a halfway house under supervised release. Once Lloyd has completed his supervised release, he will no longer be able to be sent back to prison for violating his probation, Brokos explained. Even if he is sent back to federal prison while on supervised release, it would only be until the completion of his full sentence in December, she added.

via jewishchronicle: Pittsburgh white supremacist Hardy Lloyd to be released from federal prison