His death marks the latest in a series of mysterious deaths in Russia. A RUSSIAN neo-Nazi mercenary commander has died under mysterious circumstances after the private military group was taken over by Putin’s billionaire friend. Vyacheslav “Vykhodnoy” Subbotin, 37, was the so-called Head of Intelligence of the notorious Española battalion consisting of Neo-Nazis and football hooligans. Mystery surrounds the sudden death of Subbotin amid conflicting reports about the circumstances. His death comes as the private army is reported to be coming under the sway of Arkady and Boris Rotenberg, two of the despot’s closest cronies. Sources in Española claimed Subbotin was killed “while carrying out a combat mission with a weapon in his hands.” (…) Subbotin had been an “Ultra” fan of CSKA Moscow before the war against Ukraine. He was reportedly a leading member of the neo-Nazi group of Zarya-18 hardline fans. Shortly before his death, the hardline nationalist – a colonel’s son – had organised a sick concert in Moscow celebrating the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, 47. The gig was the national Bolshevik post-punk Band of Four and the far-right Orthodox hardcore band From My Youth at Moscow club Gorod

via sun: WARLORD DEAD Putin’s neo-Nazi mercenary commander mysteriously dies after his hooligan army is taken over by despot’s billionaire pal

Categories: Rechtsextremismus