Two suspects have been arrested after the homes of three far-right activists were searched. During the search police found Nazi flags, swastikas and material for the production of pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails. On Thursday the police raided two addresses in Diepenbeek (Limburg province) and an address in Ostend (West Flanders) as part of a investigation in far-right terrorist activity. Nazi paraphernalia was found at one of the addresses searched. Two suspects both of whom in their 20s were detained. One suspect has since been remanded in custody, the second suspect has been released on conditional bail. The two men arrested are suspected of spreading messages inciting terrorism, preparing terrorist acts and of recruiting others to engage in terrorist activity. The two suspects were also found to be in possession of material for the fabrication of pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.

via vrt: Two suspects arrested as part of investigation into far-right terrorism

siehe auch: Five right-wing terrorists arrested throughout Europe with the support of Eurojust and Europol. Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania and Italy in an international operation against right-wing terrorism. During a joint action day, 5 suspects were apprehended and an additional 7 others interrogated across the different countries. Furthermore, data carriers and weapons were seized. The suspects allegedly belong to a right-wing organisation that uses an online platform for terrorist-related activities, including the dissemination of violent extremist propaganda, the active recruitment of new members and for sharing manuals of 3D printed weapons. Some of the members of the organisation are believed to have written their own manifesto and to have access to weapons. Despite of the young age of some of the suspects, indicators showed that there was an increased risk that some of them would take action soon. The case was opened by Eurojust in July 2023 at the request of the Belgian authorities. Two coordination meetings were hosted by the Agency to facilitate judicial cooperation between the authorities of the countries involved the investigation. Eurojust supported the organisation of a coordination center on the action day on 9 November to enable real-time coordination of the actions; Postajale su indikacije da se neki od njih spremaju napad. Eurojust i Europol podržali nadležna tijela u Belgiji, Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Litvi, Rumunjskoj i Italiji u međunarodnoj operaciji protiv desničarskog terorizma. Za vrijeme zajedničkog akcijskog dana, uhićeno je petero osumnjičenika i još sedam drugih ispitano u različitim zemljama, objavio je MUP na svojoj službenoj stranici. Osumnjičenici navodno pripadaju desničarskoj organizaciji koja za terorističke aktivnosti koristi online platformu, među ostalim i za širenje nasilne ekstremističke propagande, aktivno vrbovanje novih članova i razmjenu priručnika o oružju iz 3D pisača. Vjeruje se da su neki članovi organizacije napisali svoj vlastiti manifest i da imaju pristup oružju. Postajale su indikacije da se neki od njih spremaju napadUsprkos činjenici da su neki od osumnjičenika prilično mladi, pokazatelji su upućivali na povećan rizik da će neki od njih uskoro krenuti u akciju. Slučaj je otvorio Eurojust u srpnju 2023. godine na zahtjev belgijskih tijela. Agencija je bila domaćin dva koordinacijska sastanka u cilju olakšavanja pravosudne suradnje između tijela zemalja uključenih u istragu. Eurojust je podržao organizaciju koordinacijskog centra na akcijski dan, 9. studenog kako bi omogućio koordinaciju aktivnosti u stvarnom vremenu; Belgium Arrests Suspect, Raids Continue in Far-Right Terror Inquiry. Belgian anti-terrorism investigators on Friday were holding one alleged member of an extreme right group suspected of preparing bomb attacks and inciting violence. The Belgian probe also found evidence allowing police in Germany, Italy, Croatia and Lithuania to carry out raids that may lead to further arrests. The investigation was launched in May and house raids were carried out on Thursday in the North Sea port of Ostend and in Diepenbeek in the east of the country. “During one of the house searches in Diepenbeek, large numbers of Nazi memorabilia, including Nazi flags and swastikas, were found,” prosecutors said in a statement Friday. In the searches, the statement said, a man and a woman in their early 20s were detained and identified as Daan C. and Kayley W. from the Dutch-speaking region of northern Belgium.

Categories: Rechtsextremismus