Ein New Yorker Gericht hat entschieden, dass Jean Carroll mit ihrer Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren darf. Die Autorin wirft dem Ex-Präsidenten vor, sie in den Neunzigerjahren vergewaltigt zu haben. Er streitet dies ab. Die US-Autorin Jean Carroll darf vor einem New Yorker Gericht mit einer Klage wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung gegen den früheren US-Präsidenten Donald Trump fortfahren. Das hat ein Bundesbezirksgericht in Manhattan entschieden, wie US-Medien übereinstimmend berichteten. Die 79-Jährige wirft dem Republikaner vor, er habe sie Mitte der Neunzigerjahre in einem New Yorker Kaufhaus vergewaltigt. Trump weist die Anschuldigung zurück. Bislang hatte Carroll den Ex-Präsidenten nicht wegen des Vergewaltigungsvorwurfes selbst angeklagt, sondern lediglich wegen Verleumdung. Denn die Frist für die Erhebung von Strafanzeigen wegen sexueller Übergriffe in den Neunzigerjahren war längst abgelaufen.
via spiegel: Vergewaltigungsvorwurf US-Autorin Jean Carroll kann mit Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren
siehe auch: Under Oath, Donald Trump Hurled Insults About Woman Who Accuses Him Of Rape. Portions of the former president’s videotaped deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll have been unsealed by a court. Questioned for a lawsuit, former President Donald Trump angrily hurled insults and threatened to sue the columnist who accused him of raping her in a department store in the 1990s, according to excerpts of his videotaped testimony unsealed by a court on Friday. Portions of his 5 1/2-hour October deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll were released publicly after a federal judge rejected his lawyers’ request that it remained sealed. “She said that I did something to her that never took place. There was no anything. I know nothing about this nut job,” he said, according to the transcript. The excerpts reveal a contentious battle between Trump and Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for Carroll, who questioned him as Trump called the former longtime Elle magazine columnist the perpetrator of “a complete scam” in which she described the rape as she “was promoting a really crummy book.” “I will sue her after this is over, and that’s the thing I really look forward to doing. And I’ll sue you too,” he told Kaplan. The release of excerpts from the deposition came the same day as Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, unrelated to the lawyer, also refused a request by Trump’s attorneys to toss out two lawsuits by Carroll alleging defamation and rape. An April trial is planned. Trump has repeatedly said the encounter with Carroll in the mid-1990s at an upscale Manhattan department store never happened.