Russian Major General Roman Kutuzov was reportedly killed in eastern Ukraine. Another Russian general was killed during fighting in the Donbas region, a new report said Sunday. Russian state television reporter Alexander Sladkov said that Major General Roman Kutuzov was killed in eastern Ukraine, according Reuters. Sladkov did not provide more details and the Russian army did not immediately comment. The Post was unable to confirm the report. It is unclear where exactly the general died.

via new york post: Russian General Roman Kutuzov reportedly killed in Ukraine

siehe auch: Kiew bestätigt Tod Russischer General fällt an Front in Ostukraine. “Offiziell entnazifiziert und entmilitarisiert”, verkündet die Ukraine und meint die Tötung eines weiteren hochrangigen Angehörigen der russischen Streitkräfte. Generalmajor Roman Kutusow starb im Gebiet Luhansk. Zuvor hatte ein russischer Journalist dessen Tod publik gemacht. Das ukrainische Militär hat nach eigenen Angaben einen weiteren hochrangigen russischen Offizier im Generalsrang getötet. Der Kommandeur des 1. Armeekorps der separatistischen Donezker Volksrepublik, Generalmajor Roman Kutusow, sei “offiziell entnazifiziert und entmilitarisiert” worden, teilte die Verwaltung für strategische Kommunikation der ukrainischen Streitkräfte laut dem Online-Portal “Ukrajinskaja Prawda” in der Nacht mit. Über den Tod Kutusows hatte zuerst ein Korrespondent des russischen Staatsfernsehens berichtet. Wann und wo genau der Generalmajor ums Leben kam, teilte der russische Fernsehreporter Alexander Sladkow in seiner Mitteilung auf Telegram nicht mit; Ukraine war: Another Russian general killed by Ukrainian forces – reports. ussian state media have confirmed the death of one of Moscow’s top generals during heavy fighting in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region. Maj Gen Roman Kutuzov was killed leading an assault on a Ukrainian settlement in the region, a reporter with the state-owned Rossiya 1 said. Alexander Sladkov said Gen Kutuzov had been commanding troops from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic. Russia’s defence ministry has not commented on the reports. “The general had led soldiers into attack, as if there are not enough colonels,” Mr Sladkov wrote on the Telegram social media app. “On the other hand, Roman was the same commander as everyone else, albeit a higher rank.” Ukraine’s military also confirmed the killing of Gen Kutuzov, without offering further details about the circumstances. His death comes as rumours circulated on social media that a second senior officer, Lt Gen Roman Berdnikov, commander of the 29th Army, was also killed in fighting over the weekend. The BBC cannot independently verify the claims; Putin ‘loses TWO generals in one day’: Moscow is accused of covering up the death of ANOTHER top commander as Ukrainian forces launch ambush in bloody fight for the Donbas A group of independent journalists claimed two generals were killed in attack  The death of Major-General Roman Kutuzov was confirmed by Russian officials However, reports later claimed Lieutenant-General Roman Berdnikov also died It has been suggested the Kremlin announced Kutuzov’s death to cover up the loss of Berdnikov – who is a far more famous and important general in Russia

Screenshot Telegram; archive is BmAuO
Categories: Rechtsextremismus