Headstones With Nazi Swastikas Removed From National Cemetery In Texas

Two headstones with swastikas were quietly removed from Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery early Wednesday morning after veterans and their families complained about Nazi imagery being displayed there. According to the San Antonio Express-News, cemetery director Aubrey David and a handful of workers replaced a pair of headstones without issuing a public statement. The headstones marked the graves of Alfred P. Kafka and Georg Forst, two German World War II soldiers who died in prisoner of war camps in the U.S. Both men had received the Iron Cross, a German military decoration that at the time of the Nazi regime featured a swatstika on it, which was pictured on the markers. The tombstones were also inscribed with a German phrase that translates to “He died far from his home for the Führer, people and fatherland,” the newspaper reported.

via forbes: Headstones With Nazi Swastikas Removed From National Cemetery In Texas