Slovenian WWII veterans intend to ask the Constitutional Court to review the recently annulled 1946 guilty verdict of Leon Rupnik, a Nazi collaborationist general. The Association of WWII Veterans is also considering appealing at the European Court of Human Rights. It said “several people have turned to us who were direct victims of the Domobranci militia’s cruel terror dictated by Leon Rupnik in collaboration with the occupying forces of Slovenian lands”. The association said in a press release on Thursday that it had also urged Human Rights Ombudsman Peter Svetina to take action to protect the victims’ dignity. Its president Marijan Križman called on Svetina last week “to not let the collaboration with the occupying forces be honoured in Slovenia”. Križman wrote to Svetina that due to the Supreme Court’s unreasonable annulment of the verdict, the association members “feel hurt and expect action”. Pro-Nazi General Rupnik (1880-1946) was sentenced to death by court martial and executed in September 1946 for treason and collaboration with the occupying forces. The Supreme Court, petitioned in 2014 by Rupnik’s relatives, annulled the verdict for being insufficiently explained, and sent the case into retrial. Rupnik’s relatives could petition the Supreme Court on a point of law on the basis of changes to the penal code passed in the 1990s, after Slovenia gained independence. The changes introduced an extraordinary legal remedy to rehabilitate those who were unlawfully or unjustly sentenced under the former communist regime before 1990.

via total slovebia news: Appeals Planned Against Annulment of Death Sentence on Prominent Slovenian Nazi

Categories: Diensteholocaust