White supremacist groups aim to recruit US Military members to attack minorities: report – #terror #awd #atomwaffendivision #nso

White supremacist groups like Atomwaffen, which also goes by the name “National Socialist Order,” are looking to recruit U.S. military members to help carry out terrorist attacks against minorities, according to experts speaking to Military.com. In its annual 2023 threat assessment released in March, the U.S. intelligence declared that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism is the “most lethal threat to Americans.” It highlighted groups that believe “recruiting military members will help them organize cells for attacks against minorities or institutions that oppose their ideology.” “New extremist organizations such as Atomwaffen, the Boogaloo movement and the Base, a neo-Nazi group, have picked up where the anti-government militias of the ’80s and ’90s left off,” the report said. “They seek a violent overthrow of the government or a civil war so they can recreate society, usually into a white supremacist or fascist state. The accelerationist groups — the term denotes that they wish to bring about that civil war swiftly — have sprung up in the aftermath of the Unite the Right extremist group gathering and protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. The event was the largest gathering of white supremacists in recent memory, and many of the torch-bearing participants were young men.” But the fallout from Charlottesville — which resulted in a young leftist protester getting killed — sent the white supremacist movement into disarray. Rick Eaton, a senior researcher and the head of the digital terrorism and hate research team at the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said event caused radicals to look elsewhere towards “more active and dangerous paths, such as we’ve seen in the Hard Reset.”

via rawstory: White supremacist groups aim to recruit US Military members to attack minorities: report

#Accelorationism: Creating Chaos & Hungering for Race War Neo-Nazis Attack Power Grids – #terror #awd #atomwaffenDivision

While most Americans probably know little about Accelorationism — the use of terrorism to create chaos leading to a race war – the strategy has been percolating within the white power movement for a while. Brandon Russell, one of the alleged perpetrators of a planned attack on the power grid of Maryland, is a longtime white nationalist who along with others, envision creating the conditions for race war in the U.S.   Before Russell, in 2018, “Rinaldo Nazzaro purchased 30 acres of remote land in Republic, Washington, a city of roughly 1,000 people about an hour’s drive south of the Canadian border. The tract was meant to serve as a training ground for a terroristic white power group he founded earlier that year called The Base,” the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch project’s Cassie Miller reported in June 2020 (https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/06/23/there-no-political-solution-accelerationism-white-power-movement). According to a recent Intelbrief from The Soufan Center, “Recent arrests of neo-Nazis in the United States who planned to target the power grid in Maryland demonstrate the persistent risk posed to critical infrastructure and ‘soft’ targets. One of those arrested, Russell, is a founding member of Atomwaffen who promoted accelerationism and sought to instigate terrorist attacks to spark a race war in the U.S. “Attacks against critical infrastructure have long been high on the agenda of violent extremists, with planned and foiled attacks across the United States against dams, electrical systems, and energy sites. “Online, in Telegram and other platforms, American far-right extremists speak openly of attacking the power grid in the United States in an attempt to hasten the downfall of the government.” The Soufan Center’s Intelbrief pointed out (https://thesoufancenter.org/intelbrief-2023-february-10/) that Russell, “and Sarah Clendaniel, whom Russell met in prison, were charged with conspiring to destroy an energy facility, a charge which carries a possible twenty-year sentence. The plot was disrupted with the help of local, state, and federal law enforcement entities working together to share information. Russell and Clendaniel are considered racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists (REMVE), owing to their neo-Nazi ideological beliefs. “Clendaniel left behind writings that showed an infatuation with Adolf Hitler, Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), and Anders Breivik, the far-right terrorist responsible for the racially motivated 2011 attacks in Norway, which killed 77 people in Oslo and Utøya, respectively. She also commented, “I would sacrifice everything for my people,” referring to the white race. White supremacist extremists have also been unequivocal in their quest to build and detonate a dirty bomb, with the intent of killing large numbers of people and destabilizing the country.” In late February, The Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hannah Gais and Jason Wilson reported that “Leaked chats, documents and online materials have revealed that Atomwaffen Division (AWD) founder Brandon Clint Russell was secretly but tirelessly active as a white-power propagandist and organizer between his release from prison in 2021 and his arrest on charges of plotting terror attacks.”

via daily kos: Accelorationism: Creating Chaos & Hungering for Race War Neo-Nazis Attack Power Grids


Leaked chats, documents and online materials have revealed that Atomwaffen Division (AWD) founder Brandon Clint Russell was secretly but tirelessly active as a white-power propagandist and organizer between his release from prison in 2021 and his arrest on charges of plotting terror attacks last week. The materials show Russell, 27, of Orlando, Florida, encouraging others to commit similar crimes to those he is now accused of, and advocating armed attacks on electricity, water and transport infrastructure. Like other white-power accelerationists, Russell promoted the strategy of attacking public infrastructure in the belief that it would trigger a crisis that would cause the collapse of “The System” – a term that accelerationists use for the status quo political order. The new charges were outlined in a criminal complaint filed by the FBI on Feb. 2 and unsealed on Feb. 6. The complaint accuses Russell and Sarah Beth Clendaniel – his alleged accomplice and apparent girlfriend – of planning and equipping themselves for attacks on electricity infrastructure in Maryland. Their trial on these charges is ongoing in Maryland’s federal court. Russell’s aim was a “cascading failure costing billions of dollars” that might deprive Baltimore of electricity for months, according to the complaint. While the document cites two encrypted chat platforms that Russell and Clendaniel allegedly used, it does not touch on Russell’s broader efforts to further radicalize other white-power activists and spur them on to violent, terroristic acts. (…) Later on July 16, in the same chat, “Ouroborus” forwarded a post from American Futurist, a neo-Nazi propaganda site maintained by former AWD chapter leader Jack Espinoza. At the time of reporting, American Futurist still listed Russell as a contributor. The caption on the American Futurist post read “pretty cool maps” and included links to “Open Railway Maps” and “Open Infrastructure Maps.” Both sites are based on Open Street Maps and show the locations of various infrastructure networks. Last week’s criminal complaint alleges that Sarah Clendaniel twice sent the same sites to the FBI’s confidential informant. “American Futurist” denied knowledge of Russell’s alleged plot in a Telegram post last Saturday. However, following previous attacks on power stations, the publication has itself shared links to the same sites Russell is accused of sharing with the FBI’s confidential informant.


Neo-Nazi Girlfriend Accused of Plotting Power Grid Attack Was Lifelong Radical – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #Baltimore #FBI #Accelerationalismus

“She just feels like society is screwed up,” said Sarah Clendaniel’s brother. One of the neo-Nazi lovers arrested last week for allegedly plotting to shoot up Baltimore power substations and “destroy” the predominantly Black city was described as a lifelong radical who wanted to go out with a bang before dying of kidney failure, her brother told The Daily Beast on Wednesday. Sarah Clendaniel, 34, was arrested along with her long-distance, fellow neo-Nazi boyfriend Brandon Russell on a count of conspiracy to destroy an energy facility—a charge that could land the couple in federal prison for 20 years each. But Sarah’s brother, Luke Clendaniel, doesn’t expect she’ll live long enough to serve a potential prison sentence, saying she may not make it through a trial in Maryland District Court. He says a doctor told Sarah late last year that she likely had just six months to live because her kidneys are failing from decades of drug abuse. (…) Russell, a neo-Nazi leader who founded the far-right group Atomwaffen, was jailed in 2018 for keeping lethal bomb-making materials in his apartment. A criminal complaint says it was that year he struck up a relationship with Sarah from their separate prisons. Atomwaffen, which is German for atomic weapons, is considered a “small but dangerous group,” the extremism watchgroup Western States Center said in a statement to The Daily Beast. A member was charged with a hate crime for murdering a gay, Jewish college student in 2019, and an adherent allegedly killed his girlfriend’s parents for opposing his Nazi views. (…) Court filings did not specify whether Sarah was a member of Russell’s hate group. An image released by authorities, however, showed Sarah posing with a rifle and wearing tactical gear adorned with a swastika. Thomas Sobocinski, the lead agent at the FBI’s Baltimore field office, said in a news conference Monday that Sarah and Russell were “racially or ethnically motivated extremists.” Intentional attacks on power grids in the U.S. have long been a focus of white supremacists groups. Late last year, two high profile incidents in North Carolina and Washington made national news after about 60,000 homes and businesses were left without power just before the holidays.

via daily beast: Neo-Nazi Girlfriend Accused of Plotting Power Grid Attack Was Lifelong Radical

siehe auch: Neonazi-Pärchen wollte komplette US-Stadt „in Schutt und Asche legen“ – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #Baltimore #FBI #Accelerationalismus Ein bekannter Neonazi und seine Partnerin planen, Baltimore zu zerstören. Die FBI kommt den beiden auf die Schliche und spricht von einer „echten Bedrohung“. Baltimore – In den USA haben ein Neonazi sowie seine Partnerin offenbar mehrere Anschläge auf Umspannwerke im Umkreis von Baltimore geplant. Wie den Dokumenten des US-Bundesgerichts zu entnehmen ist, sei das Ziel gewesen, die Millionenstadt „vollständig zu zerstören“.

Neonazi-Pärchen wollte komplette US-Stadt „in Schutt und Asche legen“ – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #Baltimore #FBI #Accelerationalismus

Ein bekannter Neonazi und seine Partnerin planen, Baltimore zu zerstören. Die FBI kommt den beiden auf die Schliche und spricht von einer „echten Bedrohung“. Baltimore – In den USA haben ein Neonazi sowie seine Partnerin offenbar mehrere Anschläge auf Umspannwerke im Umkreis von Baltimore geplant. Wie den Dokumenten des US-Bundesgerichts zu entnehmen ist, sei das Ziel gewesen, die Millionenstadt „vollständig zu zerstören“. Der Auffassung des Justizministeriums zufolge wurde der Plan von rassistisch motivierten, extremistischen Überzeugungen angetrieben – angeklagt wurden Brandon Russell und Sarah Clandaniel wegen Verschwörung zur Beschädigung von Energieanlagen. Russell, Gründungsmitglied und Anführer der Neonazi-Terrorgruppe „Atomwaffen Division“, wurde erst kürzlich aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, nachdem er eine Haftstrafe für den Besitz von Sprengstoff verbüßt hatte. Dort habe er seine Freundin Sarah Clendaniel kennengelernt, die eine Haftstrafe für eine Reihe bewaffneter Überfälle auf Lebensmittelgeschäfte in Maryland verbüßte. Seitdem hätten die beiden ständigen Kontakt gehalten. „Sie haben sich verschworen, um dem Stromnetz größtmöglichen Schaden zuzufügen“, sagte Tom Sobocinski, Leiter der FBI-Außenstelle in Baltimore, am Montag (…) Nach ihren jeweiligen Entlassungen auf Bewährung hätten die beiden einen Plan ausgetüftelt, um kritische Infrastrukturen im Staat Maryland anzugreifen. In den Gerichtsdokumenten befinden sich auch Fotos, die die Angeklagten in einer Totenkopfmaske sowie mit taktischer Ausrüstung des Militärs zeigen, verziert mit Hakenkreuzen. Russell hat den Dokumenten zufolge Verbindungen zu kritischen Infrastrukturen geteilt und Umspannwerke ausgekundschaftet, die bei parallel laufenden Angriffen einen „kaskadenartigen Ausfall“ verursachen sollten. (…) Wie auch seine Partnerin Sarah Clendaniel soll Brandon Russell seit geraumer Zeit in Kontakt mit einer FBI-Quelle gestanden haben – das Justizministerium spricht von „mindestens Juni letzten Jahres“. Russell, der im Internet das Pseudonym „Homunculus“ genutzt haben soll, habe sich gegenüber der Quelle im Jahr 2022 mehrfach über Angriffe auf kritische Infrastrukturen in den USA geäußert. Clendaniel, die unter den Benutzernamen „Nythra88“ und „Kali1889“ aufgetreten sein soll, soll dem Informanten gesagt haben, sie wolle „etwas Sinnvolles tun“, bevor sie an einer unheilbaren Krankheit stirbt, und bei der Beschaffung von Schusswaffen helfen

via fr: Neonazi-Pärchen wollte komplette US-Stadt „in Schutt und Asche legen“

siehe auch: ‘Lay this city to waste’: #FBI charges neo-Nazi in racially motivated plot to attack #Baltimore grid – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror The FBI arrested two people, including a neo-Nazi leader, before they could attack Baltimore’s power grid, officials said on Monday. The suspects, Brandon Russell from Florida and Sarah Clendaniel from Maryland, were taken into custody last week, officials said in a briefing on Monday. The FBI said the plot was racially motivated but did not provide details. About 62 per cent of Baltimore city residents are Black, according to U.S. Census data. Russell is a founder of a neo-Nazi group named Atomwaffen Division that works toward “ushering in the collapse of civilisation,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Centre

siehe dazu auch: Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: ‘There Is No Political Solution’

Atomwaffen Division logo.svg
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‘Lay this city to waste’: #FBI charges neo-Nazi in racially motivated plot to attack #Baltimore grid – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror

The FBI arrested two people, including a neo-Nazi leader, before they could attack Baltimore’s power grid, officials said on Monday. The suspects, Brandon Russell from Florida and Sarah Clendaniel from Maryland, were taken into custody last week, officials said in a briefing on Monday. The FBI said the plot was racially motivated but did not provide details. About 62 per cent of Baltimore city residents are Black, according to U.S. Census data. Russell is a founder of a neo-Nazi group named Atomwaffen Division that works toward “ushering in the collapse of civilisation,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Centre, a civil rights organisation that tracks US hate groups. Reuters was not immediately able to locate attorneys for the two people arrested. “Clendaniel and Russell conspired and took steps to shoot multiple electrical substations in the Baltimore area aiming to ‘completely destroy this whole city’, but these plans were stopped,” Erek Barron, the US Attorney for the District of Maryland, said in the press briefing. “The accused were not just talking but taking steps to fulfil their threats and further their extremist goals,” said Thomas Sobocinski, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore office. From at least June 2022 to the present, Russell conspired to carry out attacks against critical infrastructure, officials said. Russel provided instruction and location information for the planned attack while Clendaniel felt the plot “will lay this city to waste,” Sobocinski told reporters.

via brisbanetimes: ‘Lay this city to waste’: FBI charges neo-Nazi in racially motivated plot to attack Baltimore grid

siehe auch: US charges neo-Nazi Atomwaffen leader in plot to attack power stations FBI says Sarah Beth Clendaniel, guided by group founder Brandon Russell, planned to acquire a gun and attack five electrical substations around Baltimore. US authorities announced the arrests Monday of the co-founder of the notorious Atomwaffen neo-Nazi group and a woman he met online in the latest extremist plot to attack public electricity facilities. The FBI said Brandon Russell, who helped found Atomwaffen in 2015, was arrested in Florida, after spending four years in prison for possessing bomb-making materials. The woman, Sarah Beth Clendaniel, was arrested in Maryland where she had also spent time in prison for armed robbery. Guided by Russell, Clendaniel had planned to acquire a gun and attack five electrical substations around Baltimore, Maryland, the FBI said. “Sara Beth Clendaniel and Brandon Russell conspired to inflict maximum harm on the power grid, a key component of our critical infrastructure,” said Thomas Sobocinski, a special agent of the FBI Baltimore field office.

North Carolina men among several charged in various neo-Nazi plots against power substations in 2020, 2021 – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #NationalSocialistResistantFront #NSRF

At least two groups of men with neo-Nazi ties have been charged or convicted in connection to plans to attack power substations, and some of those men have ties to North Carolina. The plots were uncovered in 2020 and 2021, and covered numerous states. Three men pleaded guilty to a 2021 plot in February of 2022, and five men indicted by the Eastern District of North Carolina in a 2020 plot are awaiting trial. Both of these cases involved groups planning attacks on substations in different states, primarily using high-powered automatic weapons. Other than shared white supremacist ideology, it does not seem that the cases are directly connected. The planning in both of them also shares similarities with the attack in Moore County, although no group has taken responsibility for the shooting of the two substations in early December. (…) The indictment alleges that the four men researched and discussed at length a previous attack on power infrastructure by an unknown group, using assault-style rifles. The indictment alleges that for three years, between 2017 and 2020, Kryscuk manufactured guns and Collins, stationed at Camp Lejeune at the time, stole military gear and had them delivered to the other men. Duncan gathered “a library of information,” some military owned, about weapons, toxins and explosives. The indictment goes into detail about how Collins and Kryscuk met on “Iron March,” a now-defunct forum for neo-Nazis to organize and recruit. They moved to encrypted messaging to talk outside of the forum, recruiting the other three accused men. Video footage obtained show the men shooting guns, wearing AtomWaffen style-masks while giving Nazi salutes. The phrase “come home white man” is seen in the video. (…) The Telegram channel for this neo-Nazi group, National Socialist Resistant Front, includes graphics with the same language imposed over a graphic of a power substation. The second used the phrase “a touch of death” which doesn’t seem to have any specific Nazi ties and is the title of a pulp noir novel.

via myfox8: North Carolina men among several charged in various neo-Nazi plots against power substations in 2020, 2021