#Rechtsterrorismus : Drei Jahre und zehn Monate #Haft für jungen Rechtsextremen – #Terror #AWD #AtomwaffenDivision #CDU #LockHimUp

Marvin E. plante Anschläge an Schulen und auf den Bundestag. Er gehörte der rechtsextremen Atomwaffen Division an – und kandidierte in Nordhessen für die CDU. Der Rechtsextreme Marvin E. ist vom Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main wegen der versuchten Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung und der Planung eines Anschlags zu einer Jugendstrafe von drei Jahren und zehn Monaten verurteilt worden. Der 21-Jährige habe sich dem rechtsextremen Netzwerk Atomwaffen Division zugehörig gefühlt, wie eine Gerichtssprecherin ZEIT ONLINE bestätigte.  Der Mann aus Nordhessen hat den Erkenntnissen des Gerichts zufolge unter anderem mit selbst gebauten Sprengsätzen Anschläge verüben wollen. Als mögliche Ziele soll er sich

Rechtsterroristische »#AtomwaffenDivision«: Glorifizierte #Gewalt – #Bundesanwaltschaft fordert #Haft für rechten #Bombenbastler

Der Angeklagte Marvin E. kommt in Handschellen zum Prozessauftakt in den Gerichtssaal des Oberlandesgerichts. Die Bundesanwaltschaft wirft dem Mann aus Nordhessen die versuchte Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung und die Vorbereitung einer schweren staatsgefährdenden Gewalttat vor. Rund zwei Kilogramm Sprengstoff hortete Marvin E. in seinem Kinderzimmer. Mehr als ein Dutzend Sprengsätze hatte der junge Neonazi damit bereits zusammengebaut, fünf davon mit Stahlkugeln ummantelt, die sich bei einer Explosion in tödliche Geschosse hätten verwandeln können. Und das, glaubt die Bundesanwaltschaft, sollten sie auch, schon bald. »Der Angeklagte war fest entschlossen, diese Sprengvorrichtungen bei einem Anschlag für die ›Atomwaffen Division‹ einzusetzen«, sagt Staatsanwalt


Despite the fact that far-right, neo-Nazi, and neo-fascist groups in the United States have been steadily gaining power and influence since the 1950s, it wasn’t until the 116th Congress in 2020 that the FBI publicly acknowledged the far-right movement in the United States was a “national threat priority.” The same year, the United States State Department designated members of the Russian Imperial Movement as global terrorists, which, per the State Department, was “the first time in history the Department has designated a white supremacist terrorist group.” But these acknowledgments have done little to stunt the growth of the neo-Nazi movement within the U.S.

US neo-Nazi accused of sniper plot appears to have shared instructions with Australian far-right figures – #telegram #terror #awd #atomwaffendivision #nso #NationalSocialistOrder

Brandon Russell, who has previously been jailed for possession of bomb-making materials, communicated with Australian extremists via Telegram. Brandon Russell, an American neo-Nazi who was charged this year with conspiring to attack the Maryland power grid, appears to have shared instructions on how to carry out such an attack months earlier in an Australian far-right channel on Telegram. Leaked chats show Russell posted extreme right propaganda and interacted with known Australian neo-Nazis on the encrypted messaging platform last year. Russell is the founder of Atomwaffen Division, which was proscribed by the Australian government as a terrorist organisation last year. The

White supremacist groups aim to recruit US Military members to attack minorities: report – #terror #awd #atomwaffendivision #nso

White supremacist groups like Atomwaffen, which also goes by the name “National Socialist Order,” are looking to recruit U.S. military members to help carry out terrorist attacks against minorities, according to experts speaking to Military.com. In its annual 2023 threat assessment released in March, the U.S. intelligence declared that racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism is the “most lethal threat to Americans.” It highlighted groups that believe “recruiting military members will help them organize cells for attacks against minorities or institutions that oppose their ideology.” “New extremist organizations such as Atomwaffen, the Boogaloo movement and the Base, a neo-Nazi group,

#Accelorationism: Creating Chaos & Hungering for Race War Neo-Nazis Attack Power Grids – #terror #awd #atomwaffenDivision

While most Americans probably know little about Accelorationism — the use of terrorism to create chaos leading to a race war – the strategy has been percolating within the white power movement for a while. Brandon Russell, one of the alleged perpetrators of a planned attack on the power grid of Maryland, is a longtime white nationalist who along with others, envision creating the conditions for race war in the U.S.   Before Russell, in 2018, “Rinaldo Nazzaro purchased 30 acres of remote land in Republic, Washington, a city of roughly 1,000 people about an hour’s drive south of the Canadian border.


Leaked chats, documents and online materials have revealed that Atomwaffen Division (AWD) founder Brandon Clint Russell was secretly but tirelessly active as a white-power propagandist and organizer between his release from prison in 2021 and his arrest on charges of plotting terror attacks last week. The materials show Russell, 27, of Orlando, Florida, encouraging others to commit similar crimes to those he is now accused of, and advocating armed attacks on electricity, water and transport infrastructure. Like other white-power accelerationists, Russell promoted the strategy of attacking public infrastructure in the belief that it would trigger a crisis that would cause