Italiens Oberstes Gericht bestätigt Freilassung von Carola Rackete

Nachdem eine Untersuchungsrichterin die Freilassung der Kapitänin Carola Rackete angeordnet hatte, hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft Berufung gegen die Entscheidung eingelegt. Das Oberste Gericht in Italien wies diese Beschwerde nun ab. Ganz abgeschlossen ist der Fall juristisch aber noch nicht. Das Oberste Gericht in Italien hat die Beschwerde der Staatsanwaltschaft gegen die Freilassung der deutschen Kapitänin Carola Rackete abgewiesen. “Es ist sehr gut gelaufen, Carola hätte nicht festgenommen werden dürfen”, sagte ihr Anwalt Leonardo Marino der Deutschen Presse-Agentur dpa am Freitag. Die Entscheidung kann nun Folgen für die laufenden Ermittlungen gegen Rackete in Italien haben.

via rnd: Italiens Oberstes Gericht bestätigt Freilassung von Carola Rackete

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Von Paul Lovis Wagner / – Sea Watch, by mail, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Arrested Neo-Nazis Built a Weapon, Were Making DMT: Court Docs – #terror #drugs #drogennazi #TheBase #atomwaffen #awd

The arrests came just as authorities expressed worry about a pro-gun rally in Virginia turning violent. Three members of the neo-Nazi terror group The Base stockpiled over a thousand rounds of ammunition, illegally manufactured an assault rifle, and attempted to make the hallucinogenic drug DMT, newly released court documents allege. The New York Times first reported that Patrik Mathews, a former Canadian Armed Forces reservist, was among the three arrested by the FBI. Mathews went missing last summer after a Winnipeg Free Press investigation outed him as a recruiter for The Base in Canada and was believed to have entered the U.S. illegally last summer. VICE exclusively reported in December that Mathews was being harboured by The Base. The arrests illustrate the threat of domestic terror groups in the U.S. and the commitment of federal authorities to cracking down on what is becoming a national security nightmare ahead of the 2020 presidential election in November. On Wednesday, Virginia declared a state of emergency because authorities believed “armed militia groups plan to storm the capitol” ahead of a guns rights rally this weekend. The FBI arrested Mathews, Brian M. Lemley Jr., 33, and William G. Bilbrough IV, 19, on Thursday, according to a Department of Justice statement. Mathews has been charged with transporting a firearm and ammunition with intent to commit a felony and being an alien in possession of a firearm and ammunition, while Lemley and Bilbrough are facing charges of transporting and harbouring aliens and conspiring to do so. Lemley also faces a charge of transporting a machine gun and disposing of a firearm and ammunition to an alien unlawfully present in the United States. (…) Lemley and Mathews allegedly took the weapon to a shooting range the FBI and ATF were staking out and viewed Lemley and Mathews firing the fully automatic rifle. The trio also allegedly discussed making DMT and attempted to manufacture the drug. Early this year, according to the statement, Lemley purchased over 1,500 rounds for the rifle and gave it to Mathews. The crew face lengthy sentences if they are found guilty, with some of their alleged crimes coming with maximum sentences of 10 years. The Base is an international neo-Nazi terror network with active cells around the world and affiliations to the domestic hate group Atomwaffen Division, which has been linked to several murders in the U.S.

via vice: Arrested Neo-Nazis Built a Weapon, Were Making DMT: Court Docs

Latvian neo-Nazi on trial in Finland for alleged New Year bomb plot

Finnish national broadcaster YLE and news daily Iltalehti report that the trial has started in Helsinki of a neo-Nazi from Latvia who is accused of plotting to detonate a bomb at New Year celebrations in 2018. “Helsinki District Court began hearings in a case Thursday in which a 22 year-old man is charged with planning to explode a homemade bomb on a crowded central Helsinki street during 2018 New Year’s Eve celebrations,” reported YLE. “The prosecutor in the case says that the accused planned an attack on crowds which would include ‘many foreigners and Muslims’. According to the charges, the defendant carried out a test of an explosive device before being arrested in October 2018,” said YLE, though it did not mention the accused’s name or nationality. However, newspaper Iltalehti goes into more detail, saying the accused is a Latvian citizen with strong neo-Nazi sympathies, as became obvious in the police investigation of the case with Helsinki police providing pictures of neo-Nazi items found during searches. The accused spoke to the court to protest his innocence, with the help of a Russian language interpreter, Iltalehti repoted. Prosecutors have asked for a two year prison sentence. The case continues.

via lsm: Latvian neo-Nazi on trial in Finland for alleged New Year bomb plot

US officials claim neo-Nazi groups are using Bitcoin to spread terror

The US House Financial Services Committee has been discussing the use of Bitcoin in domestic terror financing, with some experts claiming it is now being used by neo-Nazi groups. Jared Maples, the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness Director, has said domestic terror groups are likely to ramp up their use of the cryptocurrency to fund their nefarious activities. He was joined by Anti-Defamation League Senior Vice President George Selim and Congressional Research Service finance expert Rena Miller. The trio predicted that with the rise of crypto awareness, it will become more widely used by white supremacists and other hate groups. Infamous crypto sceptic Congressman Brad Sherman was in agreement, saying: “If it works for Hamas, it will work for the Nazis too.” Maples likewise referenced Hamas and suggested domestic terrorists had taken a page out of its playbook in using Bitcoin for both secrecy and privacy. He alleged there had been a $60,000 donation in BTC given to Andrew Anglin, publisher of far-right media outlet The Daily Stormer, following the attack in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

via yahoo: US officials claim neo-Nazi groups are using Bitcoin to spread terror

Brazil: Far-right culture minister fired after echoing Nazi Goebbels

Brazil’s Culture Minister Roberto Alvim has been fired after giving a speech that appears to copy Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels. Alvim promised a “heroic decade” and played music by Hitler’s favorite composer. Brazil’s Culture Secretary Roberto Alvim was removed from his post on Friday, a day after he posted a video that appeared to show him copy Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels. The video, posted to his department’s Twitter account, went viral for its, at times, word-for-word similarity to speeches made by Goebbels. In the video, Alvim announced national prizes to revitalize the arts as music by Wagner, Hitler’s favorite composer, played in the background.

via dw: Brazil: Far-right culture minister fired after echoing Nazi Goebbels

Entscheidung im Bundestag – AfD-Politiker Thomas Seitz verliert Immunität als Abgeordneter

Sind seine Beiträge auf Facebook vereinbar mit dem Amt eines Staatsanwalts? Darum geht es in der Causa Thomas Seitz, der im Bundestag den Wahlkreis Emmendingen/Lahr vertritt. Das Verfahren gegen den AfD-Bundestagsabgeordneten Thomas Seitz wegen seiner Entlassung aus dem Beamtenverhältnis geht weiter. Der Bundestag hat seine Immunität aufgehoben. (…) Den Antrag hatte der Dienstgerichtshof für Richter beim Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe gestellt. In erster Instanz hatte das Dienstgericht des Landgerichts Karlsruhe am 13. August 2018 die Entlassung von Seitz aus dem Beamtenverhältnis beschlossen. Dagegen will sich Seitz wehren und ist in die Berufung gegangen. Islam- und ausländerfeindliche Beiträge als Ausgangspunkt Thomas Seitz wurde vorgeworfen, als Staatsanwalt für Verkehrsrecht in Freiburg islam- und ausländerfeindliche Beiträge auf Internetplattformen wie Facebook gepostet zu haben. Das sei nicht vereinbar mit dem Amt eines Staatsanwalts, so das Justizministerium in Stuttgart. Gegen das Urteil hat der Abgeordnete Berufung eingelegt, über die nun in der nächsten Instanz entschieden wird.

via badische zeitung: Entscheidung im Bundestag – AfD-Politiker Thomas Seitz verliert Immunität als Abgeordneter

Reichsbürger flippt im Gericht aus und beschimpft Richter: Zwangshaft!

Er wollte sich nicht auf die Anklagebank setzen und beleidigte den Richter. Irrer Prozess am Amtsgericht Zwickau. Auf – oder besser gesagt: neben – der Anklagebank saß Rentner Mario L. (56). Laut Anklage soll er Anfang 2019 in der Zwickauer Bürgerservicestelle unter anderem den “Hitlergruß” gezeigt haben. Die Verhandlung geriet jedoch zur Nebensache, weil der renitente Rentner das Gericht nicht anerkennen wollte! Mit Filzhut und langem, braunem Ledermantel bekleidet, betrat Mario L., mutmaßlicher Reichsbürger, den Gerichtssaal. Auf die Anklagebank setzen wollte er sich nicht. Stattdessen folgten “Dreck”-Beschimpfungen in Richtung des Richters. Während der Feststellung der Personalien sagte L., dass es “hier wie bei Hitler zugehe”. Vom Richter forderte er eine Legitimierung – Deutschland als Staat wollte er auch nicht anerkennen. Dem Vorsitzenden wurde L.s Verhalten schließlich zu bunt. Noch im Gerichtssaal wurden dem Rentner Handschellen angelegt. “Der Angeklagte hat sich bereits vor Beginn der Hauptverhandlung ungebührlich aufgeführt. Die Ordnungshaft dauert eine Woche”, sagte Sprecherin Sibylle Peters.

via tag24: Reichsbürger flippt im Gericht aus und beschimpft Richter: Zwangshaft!