Suspected Green Day side project releases ‘Ivankkka Is A Nazi – #singmeinensong

Berkeley hometown heroes Green Day just released a new song. Or, maybe they didn’t. Nova reported that earlier this week a mysterious band called The Network posted a video on Youtube for the track “Ivankkka Is A Nazi,” which starts with a heavy industrial electronic beat before ripping into more traditional punk guitars and vocals that sound like a cross between the Ramones and the classic Dead Kennedys track “Nazi Punks F–k Off.” The song references many Trump administration policies, implying that the President’s daughter is complicit in controversial decisions like imprisonment of migrant children at the border. In the video, a five piece masked band jams in front of a strobe light and green screen playing lo-fi video clips with a political slant.

via sfgate: Suspected Green Day side project releases ‘Ivankkka Is A Nazi

siehe auch: Is this Green Day, in disguise, gleefully singing ‘Ivankkka Is a Nazi’? Just in time for the home stretch of the most tense election of modern times, the masked and anonymous rock band the Network is back from a 17-year hiatus to stir the pot with its new single, “Ivankkka Is a Nazi.” The group — widely believed to be Green Day in luchador masks and wigs — last released music in 2003, a song titled “Money Money 2020.” The group’s brash, new wave-inspired track, released on Nov. 2, is unreserved about how they see the first daughter’s alleged racism: “Ivanka is a Nazi, she’s in the KKK / She’s got a Gucci swastika and loves the NRA / Ivanka is a Nazi, a white supremacist / She says that she is kosher, but we know she’s a bigot / She is a Nazi / She is a fascist, she’s a Nazi.”