Neo-nazi Russian fighter suffered one of the ghastliest injuries in MMA history tonight at ACA 161. At ACA 161, in a fight against Mukhumat Vakhaev, Russian heavyweight Grigoriy Ponomarev suffered debilitating knee and leg injuries a mere thirty-two seconds into the first round of the match. After broadcasted footage of the fight spread across numerous social media platforms, many MMA fans concluded that this is one of the most gruesome and debilitating injuries in combat sports history. Watch the ACA 161 replay below, at your own risk In the first round, after being grappled and thrown by Vakhaev, Ponomarev lands on his left foot at an angle that causes his lower leg to immediately snap sideways. Ponomarev instantly drops to a knee, keels over and rolls around on the mat in agony, clutching his loosely flapping leg as Vakhaev gets two more jabs in before the referee intervenes. See the whole sequence play out in the Twitter video below from Caposa. (…) Over an hour after the injury had been captured and posted on social media platforms, another Twitter user identified numerous neo-Nazi tattoos on Ponomarev’s left arm

via bloodyelbow: Graphic! Nazi MMA fighter gets leg snapped into a swastika Neo-nazi Russian fighter suffered one of the ghastliest injuries in MMA history tonight at ACA 161

sieeh auch: Graphic: Fighter Suffers ‘Potential Career Ending’ Broken Leg At ACA 161. One of the worst injuries ever seen in mixed martial arts. MMA is a dangerous sport at times, which can lead to some serious injuries. Unfortunately for Grigoriy Ponomarev, the injury he suffered may leave him unable to fight again. Ponomarev competed at ACA 161, putting his then 6-2 record on the line against 11-6-1 Mukhamad Vakhaev. This bout appears to have been intended for Ponomarev to continue his winning streak, extending it to three in a row against the decidedly more experienced Vakhaev. Grigoriy Ponomarev Suffers Devastating Leg Injury In the end, the fight between Grigoriy Ponomarev and Mukhamad Vakhaev would not last long. Although, not for the same reasons heavyweight fights are usually ended quickly.

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