The National Park Service has removed references to transgender and queer people on its web page for the Stonewall National Monument, which marks the site of the New York City inn where LGBTQ rioters – including now-legendary transgender activists – galvanized a movement for LGBTQ rights. On the NPS web page, the term “LGBTQ+” was also shortened to “LGB,” according to an archived version of the page. “This feels especially personal … when you’re coming into the birthplace of the LGBTQ rights movement – where Pride began – and erasing the history of the LGBTQ rights movement by erasing trans folks,” said Stacy Lentz, co-owner of the Stonewall Inn. The Stonewall Inn at the heart of New York City’s Greenwich Village is prized as an origin of the contemporary LGBTQ rights movement and is internationally revered as a symbol of gay, lesbian and transgender resistance. The gay bar was the site of a 1969 police raid that sparked a fierce backlash from its patrons and led to days of protests and skirmishes between LGBTQ rioters and police. The National Parks Service’s action is the latest move in the Trump administration’s sweeping efforts to expunge references to trans and nonbinary people across federal agencies. Since President Donald Trump issued a directive last month that the federal government only recognize two genders: male and female, agencies including the State Department and CDC have truncated the “LGBTQ+” acronym to simply “LGB,” erased references to trans, queer and intersex people, and removed web pages and data sets relating to the groups. New York City Councilperson Erik Bottcher accused Trump of “trying to erase the very existence of trans people.” “He’s trying to cleave our community apart and divide us,” said Bottcher, whose district includes Greenwich Village and the Stonewall Inn. “He’s not going to succeed. Lesbians and gays are not going abandon our transgender siblings. We are one community.”
via cnn: ‘Transgender’ and ‘queer’ erased from Stonewall Uprising national monument website
siehe auch: U.S. Park Service Strikes Transgender References From Stonewall Website The “T” was removed in references to L.G.B.T.Q.+ on the official site for the Greenwich Village monument, which marks a milestone in the fight for gay rights. Later, the Q+ also disappeared. (...) Dr. Carla Smith, the chief executive of the L.G.B.T. Community Center, said in a statement that the website changes were “factually inaccurate” and “an affront to our entire community,” and she urged the Park Service to “immediately restore accurate and inclusive language.” The Stonewall Inn, a tavern on Christopher Street, has been considered a cradle of gay rights activism since a police raid there in 1969 touched off three days of protests that helped galvanize a long-marginalized population into a force for political and social change. The 7.7-acre national monument — which includes the bar, Christopher Park across the street, and several other nearby streets and sidewalks — was established under President Barack Obama in 2016. On Wednesday, according to a version of the Park Service website saved by the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, the introductory text on the monument’s main page said: “Before the 1960s, almost everything about living openly as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ+) person was illegal.”

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