#Hamas planned to push October 7 #massacre to the #WestBank border – report

Under Hamas's original plan, it would have hit many other major Israeli cities and IDF bases and go as far as the West Bank, where it has allies in the form of local terrorist cells. Hamas's original plan for October 7 went beyond just a massacre in the Gaza border area and taking hundreds of hostages, but to continue their assault up to the border with the West Bank, The Washington Post reported Sunday, citing Western and Middle Eastern security officials briefed on collected evidence. This information was obtained from numerous maps, notes, supplies, and other written instructions found among the bodies of dead Hamas terrorists in the Gaza border area, as well as from interrogations of Hamas captives. "We know from interrogations that Hamas came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which soldiers in different places," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained to The Washington Post. Hamas planned to go much farther into Israel on October 7 On October 7, Hamas terrorists executed a meticulously planned mass infiltration of Israel, under the cover of a heavy rocket bombardment. There, they managed to wreak havoc on at least 22 Israeli towns and military outposts near the Gaza border throughout the day, killing around 1,200 Israelis and abducting hundreds of people to bring back to Gaza as hostages.  The farthest the Hamas terrorists were able to infiltrate was the city of Ofakim in the Western Negev, around halfway between Gaza and the West Bank.  Children's toys and personal items lie on the bloodstained floor of a child's bedroom, following a deadly infiltration by Hamas gunmen from the Gaza Strip, in Kibbutz Beeri in southern Israel October 17, 2023. (credit: RONEN ZVULUN/REUTERS) However, according to the Washington Post article, the evidence suggests they were planning on going much farther, hitting major cities and military bases, and could have ended up making it to the West Bank, where Hamas has allies in the form of many local armed Palestinian terrorist cells. "If that had occurred, it would have been a huge propaganda win — a symbolic blow not only against Israel but also against the Palestinian Authority," a former US security official told The Washington Post under the condition of anonymity.

via jpost: Hamas planned to push October 7 massacre to the West Bank border - report

Drei russische Offiziere tot? Explosion in russischem Hauptquartier in Melitopol

Im von Russland besetzten Melitopol haben laut Angaben des ukrainischen Militärgeheimdienstes Widerstandskämpfer ein russisches Hauptquartier angegriffen. Dabei soll sich die Explosion genau in dem Moment ereignet haben, als sich Vertreter des russischen Geheimdienstes FSB und der Nationalgarde getroffen haben. Durch eine von der "Widerstandsbewegung" in der von Russland besetzten Südukraine ausgelösten Explosion sind nach Angaben des ukrainischen Militärgeheimdienstes mindestens drei russische Offiziere getötet worden. Die Explosion habe sich am Vortag im "Hauptquartier der Besatzung" in Melitopol ereignet und sei das Ergebnis einer Aktion der "örtlichen Widerstandsbewegung", teilte der Militärgeheimdienst bei Telegram mit. Dabei habe es sich um die Räumlichkeiten des von den Russen eroberten "Neuen Postamts" gehandelt, wo gerade ein Treffen der Besatzer stattfand, heißt es weiter. Zugegen waren den Angaben zufolge Mitglieder des russischen Geheimdienstes FSB und der russischen Nationalgarde. Laut dem Bericht des ukrainischen Verteidigungsgeheimdienstes blockierten die Russen eine Stunde vor dem Treffen den Verkehr zwischen dem Unternehmen Melitopol Auto-Hydroaggregat (AGAT) und dem ehemaligen Kältetechnikwerk. Beide Industrieanlagen hätten die russischen Besatzer mittlerweile zu einer Militärbasis umfunktioniert. Durch die Explosion sei es in der Nähe des Hauptquartiers ein Auto verbrannt. Der Geheimdienst prüfe derzeit, ob es weitere Tote durch die Explosion gegeben habe. Russland hat den Angriff der ukrainischen Widerstandskämpfer bisher nicht bestätigt.

via ntv: Drei russische Offiziere tot? Explosion in russischem Hauptquartier in Melitopol

Parteiloser Kandidat Sven Herzberger verhindert ersten AfD-Landrat in Brandenburg

Herzberger gewinnt klar die Stichwahl im Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald. Im ersten Wahlgang hatte noch die AfD gesiegt, weshalb die Wahl bundesweit Beachtung fand. Bei der Wahl am 8. Oktober lag der AfD-Kandidat Steffen Korté noch ganz knapp vor dem parteilosen Kandidaten Sven Herzberger. An diesem Sonntag traten die beiden nun bei der Stichwahl gegeneinander an: Es ging um den Posten des Landrates im Kreis Dahme-Spreewald, der an der südöstlichen Berliner Stadtgrenze am Flughafen BER beginnt. Im zweiten Wahlgang siegte der parteilose Kandidat ganz klar. Um 20.35 Uhr waren alle 256 Wahlgebiete ausgezählt, Herzberger kam auf 64,8 Prozent der Stimmen, sein Konkurrent auf 35,2 Prozent. Die Wahl wurde bundesweit vor allem deshalb beachtet, weil es um die Frage ging, ob die rechtsnationale bis rechtsextreme AfD ihre Erfolge fortsetzen kann. Ob die AfD künftig den Verwaltungschef im erfolgreichsten Landkreis in Ostdeutschland und damit den ersten Landrat im Land Brandenburg stellen kann. Derzeit rangiert die AfD bei Umfragen in allen ostdeutschen Ländern auf Platz eins und im Bund nach der CDU die größte Oppositionspartei. Allerdings war sie bei Kommunal- oder Regionalwahlen wie der jetzigen nur selten siegreich. Bislang gewann die AfD einen Landratsposten in Thüringen und einen Bürgermeisterposten in Sachsen-Anhalt.

via berliner zeitung; Parteiloser Kandidat Sven Herzberger verhindert ersten AfD-Landrat in Brandenburg

siehe auch: AfD-Politiker Kotré verpasst ersten Landrats-Posten in Brandenburg deutlich - Parteiloser weit vorne. In einer Landrats-Stichwahl in Brandenburg griff die AfD nach dem nächsten kommunalen Posten – und erntete eine herbe Niederlage. Anders als in Thüringen bleibt die AfD im Ost-Bundesland Brandenburg vorerst ohne Landrats-Posten: Ausgerechnet der Bundestagsabgeordnete Steffen Kotré im Kreis Dahme-Spreewald hat das angestrebte Amt verfehlt – und zwar deutlich. Den Sieg trug in der Stichwahl der Parteilose Sven Herzberger davon. Er erhielt nach offiziellen Angaben 64,8 Prozent der Stimmen. Kotré kam dem vorläufigen Endergebnis zufolge auf 35,2 Prozent. In dem Landkreis war der bisherige SPD-Landrat Stephan Loge nach 16 Jahren nicht mehr angetreten. Mit einer Wahlbeteiligung von 47,9 Prozent ist das notwendige Quorum für eine gültige Wahl erfüllt. (...) Vor der Stichwahl hatten mehrere Unternehmen und Bildungseinrichtungen vor Extremismus gewarnt. Der Brandenburger Verfassungsschutz stuft den AfD-Landesverband seit 2020 als rechtsextremistischen Verdachtsfall ein. Die AfD hält die Einstufung für falsch. Auch Kotré selbst ist bereits durch einige bedenkliche Äußerungen aufgefallen. So forderte er einst einen „Brückenschlag“ zur Querdenken-Bewegung, rügte „Klimawahn“ und verbreitete russische Propaganda-Thesen über „Biowaffen-Labore“ der USA in der Ukraine. Nach Recherchen der Zeit aus dem Jahr 2018 beschäftigte Kotré auch eine Mitarbeiterin mit Kontakten in die Szene der „Identitären Bewegung“. 2022 erregte Kotré mit prorussischen Äußerungen im Bundestag den Ärger von Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD). „Er polarisiert“, konstatierte die Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung kurz vor dem Wahltag eher trocken.

screenshot, archive is Qy6TH

‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress

Jacob Chansley, or the "QAnon shaman," became an infamous symbol of the January 6 attack on Congres. Chansley apologized and was recently released from prison after serving more than two years. Now he wants to run for Congress. Jacob Chansley would like to return to the scene of his crime. Chansley rose to American infamy as the "QAnon shaman," becoming the face of the January 6, 2021 seige on the US Capitol, which sent congressional lawmakers scrambling in fear for the exits. Now he thinks he might like to work in the building he attacked. Chansley is considering running for a US Congress seat in the 2024 election, representing his home state of Arizona. He recently filed his initial paperwork with Arizona's Secretary of State's Office, indicating that he planned to run as a Libertarian for the state's 8th congressional District, The Arizona Republic reported. Republican Rep. Debbie Lesko now holds the seat for the district, which is made up of suburbs surrounding Phoenix. Lesko recently announced she would retire in January instead of seeking reelection in 2024.

via businessinsider: 'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley, who served more than 2 years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, now wants to run for Congress

Jake Angeli (Qanon Shaman), seen holding a Qanon sign (cropped).jpg
Von TheUnseen011101 - <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/191776019@N08/50818536171/">https://www.flickr.com/photos/191776019@N08/50818536171/</a>, PDM-owner, Link

#Trump’s battle in New York turns increasingly personal

Former President Trump’s civil trial over his business practices in New York City, where he built his business brand and won international fame, seems to have struck a nerve. Trump, the front-runner for the GOP’s presidential nomination next year, is facing charges in Washington, D.C., for his attempts to remain in power after losing the 2020 election; in Georgia for attempting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results; in New York for an alleged hush money scheme to keep an affair quiet; and in Florida for his retention and handling of classified materials after leaving the White House. But it is the New York fraud case, where prosecutors are alleging decades of fraud by Trump and his businesses, that the former president by all accounts is taking especially personally. The case strikes at the heart of Trump’s reputation as a savvy deal-maker and wealthy businessman, which helped propel him into a successful run for the White House in 2016. The case has pitted him against his longtime fixer, Michael Cohen, and it has ensnared his children, who have testified about the family company’s practices. “It’s pretty obvious that it’s a much more personal case, because it has to do with his business and his family and his brand,” said Sean Spicer, who served a stint as Trump’s White House press secretary.

via theHill: Trump’s battle in New York turns increasingly personal

siehe auch: What to know about the Trump fraud trial defense and Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media after testifying at his civil fraud trial in New York on November 6, 2023. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images New York CNN  —  When Donald Trump launches his defense Monday against allegations that he, his adult sons and his business defrauded lenders and insurers to enrich themselves, the first witness his lawyers will call is the former president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., as they aim to convince the judge that they didn’t intentionally do anything wrong. Trump Jr., a defendant in the case, testified earlier this month when he was called by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ office, which filed the fraud lawsuit. Under oath, he denied any role in the preparation of his father’s financial statements and said he consulted with lawyers and accountants before he signed off on the statements as trustee of his father’s trust and certified their accuracy annually to banks that loaned them millions of dollars. The Trumps have also argued that the banks were happy to have their business. Trump’s lawyers, launching their case in the seventh week of the trial, are recalling some of the state’s witnesses as they present their defense to the allegations. In addition to Trump Jr., Trump attorneys have said they are likely to call back Eric Trump and the former president, both of whom also previously testified.

Two suspects arrested as part of investigation into far-right #terrorism – #TheBase

Two suspects have been arrested after the homes of three far-right activists were searched. During the search police found Nazi flags, swastikas and material for the production of pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails. On Thursday the police raided two addresses in Diepenbeek (Limburg province) and an address in Ostend (West Flanders) as part of a investigation in far-right terrorist activity. Nazi paraphernalia was found at one of the addresses searched. Two suspects both of whom in their 20s were detained. One suspect has since been remanded in custody, the second suspect has been released on conditional bail. The two men arrested are suspected of spreading messages inciting terrorism, preparing terrorist acts and of recruiting others to engage in terrorist activity. The two suspects were also found to be in possession of material for the fabrication of pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails.

via vrt: Two suspects arrested as part of investigation into far-right terrorism

siehe auch: Five right-wing terrorists arrested throughout Europe with the support of Eurojust and Europol. Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania and Italy in an international operation against right-wing terrorism. During a joint action day, 5 suspects were apprehended and an additional 7 others interrogated across the different countries. Furthermore, data carriers and weapons were seized. The suspects allegedly belong to a right-wing organisation that uses an online platform for terrorist-related activities, including the dissemination of violent extremist propaganda, the active recruitment of new members and for sharing manuals of 3D printed weapons. Some of the members of the organisation are believed to have written their own manifesto and to have access to weapons. Despite of the young age of some of the suspects, indicators showed that there was an increased risk that some of them would take action soon. The case was opened by Eurojust in July 2023 at the request of the Belgian authorities. Two coordination meetings were hosted by the Agency to facilitate judicial cooperation between the authorities of the countries involved the investigation. Eurojust supported the organisation of a coordination center on the action day on 9 November to enable real-time coordination of the actions; Postajale su indikacije da se neki od njih spremaju napad. Eurojust i Europol podržali nadležna tijela u Belgiji, Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Litvi, Rumunjskoj i Italiji u međunarodnoj operaciji protiv desničarskog terorizma. Za vrijeme zajedničkog akcijskog dana, uhićeno je petero osumnjičenika i još sedam drugih ispitano u različitim zemljama, objavio je MUP na svojoj službenoj stranici. Osumnjičenici navodno pripadaju desničarskoj organizaciji koja za terorističke aktivnosti koristi online platformu, među ostalim i za širenje nasilne ekstremističke propagande, aktivno vrbovanje novih članova i razmjenu priručnika o oružju iz 3D pisača. Vjeruje se da su neki članovi organizacije napisali svoj vlastiti manifest i da imaju pristup oružju. Postajale su indikacije da se neki od njih spremaju napadUsprkos činjenici da su neki od osumnjičenika prilično mladi, pokazatelji su upućivali na povećan rizik da će neki od njih uskoro krenuti u akciju. Slučaj je otvorio Eurojust u srpnju 2023. godine na zahtjev belgijskih tijela. Agencija je bila domaćin dva koordinacijska sastanka u cilju olakšavanja pravosudne suradnje između tijela zemalja uključenih u istragu. Eurojust je podržao organizaciju koordinacijskog centra na akcijski dan, 9. studenog kako bi omogućio koordinaciju aktivnosti u stvarnom vremenu; Belgium Arrests Suspect, Raids Continue in Far-Right Terror Inquiry. Belgian anti-terrorism investigators on Friday were holding one alleged member of an extreme right group suspected of preparing bomb attacks and inciting violence. The Belgian probe also found evidence allowing police in Germany, Italy, Croatia and Lithuania to carry out raids that may lead to further arrests. The investigation was launched in May and house raids were carried out on Thursday in the North Sea port of Ostend and in Diepenbeek in the east of the country. "During one of the house searches in Diepenbeek, large numbers of Nazi memorabilia, including Nazi flags and swastikas, were found," prosecutors said in a statement Friday. In the searches, the statement said, a man and a woman in their early 20s were detained and identified as Daan C. and Kayley W. from the Dutch-speaking region of northern Belgium.


London protests: Met condemns ‘extreme violence’ of far-right

The Met Police has condemned "extreme violence from right-wing protesters" who it says set out to confront Saturday's pro-Palestinian march. Nine officers were injured and 126 people arrested - the "vast majority" of whom were counter-protesters. Police added while the march itself did not see such physical violence, serious offences relating to antisemitic hate crimes were being investigated. The PM said those involved in crimes must face the full force of the law. Rishi Sunak said: "I condemn the violent, wholly unacceptable scenes we have seen today from the EDL (English Defence League) and associated groups and Hamas sympathisers attending the National March for Palestine. "The despicable actions of a minority of people undermine those who have chosen to express their views peacefully." He added that "EDL thugs attacking police and trespassing on the Cenotaph" war memorial had disrespected the honour of the UK's armed forces. The pro-Palestinian demonstration - which coincided with Armistice Day - saw some 300,000 people march through central London calling for a Gaza ceasefire. It was the biggest UK rally since the war between Israel and Hamas began on 7 October.

via bbc: London protests: Met condemns 'extreme violence' of far-right
