ZUFALLSFUNDE WÄHREND RAZZIA – Waffen und Munition bei “Reichsbürger” in Singen gefunden

Zahlreiche Waffen, tausende Schuss Munition sowie Drogen hat die Polizei bei einem 47-jährigen Mann in Singen gefunden. Er wird der sogenannten "Reichsbürger"-Szene zugerechnet. Die Polizei hat bei einem mutmaßlichen "Reichsbürger" in Singen (Kreis Konstanz) mehrere Waffen, tausende Schuss Munition und Drogen sichergestellt. Das teilte die Staatsanwaltschaft Konstanz mit. Die Stadt Singen hatte dem 47-Jährigen den Besitz von Waffen bereits Mitte April verboten, weil er der "Reichsbürger"-Szene zugerechnet wird. Als die Polizei ihm die gerichtliche Verfügung vorlegte, gab der Mann seinen Waffenschein ab und händigte den Beamten einen Revolver, eine Repetierbüchse und eine halbautomatische Pistole aus. (...) Die Polizei fand dort neben weiteren Drogen auch weitere Waffen: zwei Pistolen, ein Gewehr, Elektroschocker, eine Armbrust mit Zielfernrohr, Zwillen, Schleudern, 13.000 Schuss Munition sowie 2.000 Stahlkugel

via swr: ZUFALLSFUNDE WÄHREND RAZZIA Waffen und Munition bei "Reichsbürger" in Singen gefunden


#ALLEN, #TEXAS, KILLER POSTED NEO-NAZI, #INCEL CONTENT ONLINE – #terror #ar15 #rwds #RightWingDeathSquad

Mauricio Garcia, the man who shot and killed eight people and injured seven others in a shooting spree at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas, posted neo-Nazi and incel content to a Russian website and to YouTube. Garcia, 33, whom police shot and killed at the scene of the massacre he perpetrated, posted to the Russian site Odnoklassniki, or ok.ru, handwritten material indicating that he read The Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website. He also made repeated references encouraging violence against women, celebrating rape and murder, and using the vocabulary of the male supremacist incel, or involuntarily celibate, community. Garcia’s social media history suggests he has a long history with fringe radical-right internet communities, due to the frequency with which he referred to their esoteric symbols and memes. He posted to Odnoklassniki photos of hand-drawn symbols associated with the radical right, including “Deus Vult” crosses, SS lightning bolts, swastikas and references to “right wing death squads,” a meme that celebrates extrajudicial killing on behalf of a fascist state. He also drew and posted photos of helicopters, which reference the killing of dissidents under the 20th-century regime of authoritarian Chilean President Augusto Pinochet. Garcia also shared photos that appear to be selfies on Odnoklassniki showing that he tattooed the logo of the Schutzstaffel, or SS, a Nazi-era paramilitary organization, and a swastika on his body sometime between 2022 and 2023.
Garcia also posted lengthy misogynist tirades to his Odnoklassniki account, often using derogatory terms for women, including “sandwich maker” and “baby factory,” along with more typical slurs. He reposted content from a forum popular among incels using the words “foid” and “Stacy,” terms incels use to dehumanize and stereotype women. One post that appears to be written by Garcia was titled “Nymphet,” a term coined by Vladimir Nabokov in his novel Lolita and favored by his pedophile protagonist to sexualize young girls. Garcia’s “Nymphet” post begins, “I hate women. Their [sic] I’ve said it.” In another post, a photo of a handwritten document with the Batman insignia drawn at the top, Garcia detailed the racist intersections of his misogyny, expressing particular animus toward Indian women. One of the victims of his massacre at the Texas mall was a young engineer from India. Garcia may have also recently joined one of the most predominant incel forums. Someone with a username psycovision registered an account on that forum on April 28, but never posted. On April 15 and April 25 “PsycoVision 5” copied multiple posts from the forum onto his Odnoklassniki profile. On Monday, members of the site appeared to confirm that “PsycoVision 5” was a member and copied the posts.
The U.S. Army removed Garcia due to mental health concerns, according to law enforcement officials. Some of his posts on the Russian site celebrate violence, detached from any apparent connection to ideology. He posted his drawings of what looks like chalk outlines of corpses, toe tags on dead bodies, and streams of blood. The material that Hatewatch reviewed also indicates that Garcia visited Allen Outlet Mall prior to the attack and uploaded screenshots from Google Maps to Odnoklassniki indicating that the location experiences high traffic at the time of day when he killed his victims. He also used his account to share images of firearms and documents showing the purchase of firearms from multiple gun sales websites.
Garcia’s social media history also suggests he consumed more mainstream right-wing content that overlaps with fringe hate movements. He shared screenshots from multiple episodes of Timcast IRL, a far-right YouTube talk show hosted by Tim Pool, who has a history of platforming extremists as guests. Garcia made a positive reference to Libs of TikTok, the pseudonym of Chaya Raichik, who posts anti-LGBTQ+ commentary on mainstream platforms including Substack and Twitter. He also lauded the activities and beliefs of the white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes, and highlighted more than one of his appearances on easily accessible online talk shows. Mauricio Garcia posted content from white nationalist site VDARE.com in 2022 (top). After the May 6 shooting in Allen, Texas, VDARE soon identified the shooter as Hispanic (bottom). Garcia also referenced the white nationalist non-profit VDARE in his social media history. Even before police released Garcia’s name to the public, VDARE stressed to their audience that the killer appeared to be Latino, playing up anti-immigrant tropes that would be familiar to their audience. Radical-right terrorists and others who have committed acts of violence have frequented Anglin’s site The Daily Stormer in the past. Dylann Roof, the man who murdered nine Black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, frequented its comment section. New Mexico school shooter William Edward Atchison also frequented the site. Payton Gendron, who murdered 10 Black people at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, last May, also cited Anglin’s website as one of the publications that influenced his worldview.


siehe auch: Allen mall shooting – update: ‘Neo Nazi’ gunman stalked shopping centre to find ‘peak’ visiting time – #terror #ar15 #rwds #RightWingDeathSquad Mauricio Garcia, 33, was identified as the gunman who killed eight victims in a mass shooting at Allen Premium Outlets on Saturday. The Texas mall gunman allegedly stalked the mall in the weeks before the shooting to identify peak visitation times, according to an extremism researcher who found a Russian social media profile belonging to the shooter. The motive for the attack remains unknown but the gunman was wearing a patch reading “RWDS” – standing for Right Wing Death Squad – as he carried out the rampage.

#Gerichtsentscheidung in New York – #Trump in Zivilprozess zu Millionenstrafe verurteilt – #LockHimUp

Im Zivilprozess wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung ist Ex-US-Präsident Trump wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs und Verleumdung zu einer Geldstrafe von insgesamt fünf Millionen US-Dollar verurteilt worden. Der Vorwurf der Vergewaltigung wurde zurückgewiesen.Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump muss wegen eines sexuellen Übergriffs eine Entschädigung in Millionenhöhe zahlen. Das entschied eine Geschworenen-Jury in New York. In dem Zivilprozess wurde der Vergewaltigungsvorwurf der Autorin E. Jean Carroll zurückgewiesen. Gleichzeitig machten die Geschworenen Trump für einen sexuellen Übergriff auf sie und Körperverletzung verantwortlich.

via tagesschau: Gerichtsentscheidung in New York - Trump in Zivilprozess zu Millionenstrafe verurteilt

siehe auch: Trump wegen sexuellen Übergriffs zu Geldstrafe verurteilt. Der ehemalige US-Präsident Donald Trump muss wegen eines sexuellen Übergriffs eine Entschädigung in Millionenhöhe zahlen. Das entschied eine Geschworenenjury am Dienstag in New York, wie ein dpa-Reporter im Gerichtssaal berichtete. Der Vorwurf der Vergewaltigung wurde abgewiesen. Außerdem hielt die Jury es für erwiesen, dass Trump die Schriftstellerin E. Jean Carroll verleumdet hat. Insgesamt muss Trump fünf Millionen US-Dollar (rund 4,56 Millionen Euro) an Entschädigung und Strafe zahlen. Die Jury - aus sechs Männern und drei Frauen bestehend - fällte ihr Urteil nach nicht einmal drei Stunden Beratung; Jury finds Donald Trump sexually abused. Verdict for first time legally brands a former US president as a sexual predator but clears Trump of rape. A New York jury found on Tuesday that Donald Trump sexually abused the advice columnist E Jean Carroll in a New York department store changing room 27 years ago. The verdict for the first time legally brands a former US president as a sexual predator. But as it is the result of a civil not criminal case, the only legal sanction Trump will face is financial. In explaining a finding of sexual abuse to the jury, the judge said it had two elements. That Trump subjected Carroll to sexual contact without consent by use of force, and that it was for the purpose of sexual gratification. The jury deliberated for less than three hours. It did not find Trump raped Carroll, but did find him liable for sexual abuse. It awarded about $5m in compensatory and punitive damages: about $2m on the sexual abuse count and close to $3m for defamation, for branding her a liar.

NS-PROPAGANDA – Großeinsatz der Behörden mit #Razzien in rechtsextremer Szene – #Österreich

Zehn Personen wird Zurschaustellung verbotener NS-Propaganda und Verhetzung vorgeworfen. Im Zuge der Hausdurchsuchungen in allen Bundesländern kam es zu einer Festnahme. In einem österreichweiten Großeinsatz sind Staatsschützer abermals gegen die rechtsextreme Szene vorgegangen. Wie am Dienstag bekannt wurde, kam es vergangenen Donnerstag zu mehreren Hausdurchsuchungen bei insgesamt zehn Personen – neun Männern und einer Frau. Ihnen werden Zurschaustellung verbotener NS-Propaganda in elektronischen und sozialen Medien sowie Verhetzung vorgeworfen. Im Rahmen der Razzien wurden Waffen, Munition, Datenträger, NS-Devotionalien wie Hakenkreuzfahnen, Bilder, Bücher und Abzeichen sowie mehrere Schuss- und Stichwaffen sichergestellt. (...) Laut DSN sind die Ermittlungsverfahren wegen NS-Propaganda vor allem in sozialen Medien zuletzt stark angestiegen. Diese Entwicklung sei auch der Auslöser für die Razzien gewesen. Zwischen den Verdächtigen, bei denen diese stattgefunden haben, gebe es nach aktuellem Stand der Dinge keine "inhaltliche Verbindung", wobei die Ermittlungen nach dem Verbotsgesetz noch laufen würden. Einer der Verdächtigen wurde auf Anordnung der Staatsanwaltschaft festgenommen, weil dieser außerdem unter dem Verdacht steht, islamistische Anschläge gutzuheißen.

via standard: NS-PROPAGANDA Großeinsatz der Behörden mit Razzien in rechtsextremer Szene

siehe auch: SPÖ-Schatz: Razzia zeigt, rechtsextremistischer Terrorismus größte Bedrohung für Österreich Rechtsextremismusbericht und Nationalen Aktionsplan vorlegen. Nur einen Tag nach dem Tag der Befreiung am 8.5. wurde bekannt, dass letzte Woche ein österreichweiter Großeinsatz gegen die rechtsextreme Szene stattfand, bei dem Waffen, Munition und NS-Devotionalien sichergestellt wurden. SPÖ-Sprecherin für Erinnerungskultur Sabine Schatz sieht die Warnung von DSN(Direktion Staatsschutz und Nachrichtendienst)-Generaldirektor Haijawi-Pirchner bestätigt: „Die ständigen Waffenfunde in der rechtsextremen Szene zeigen, dass diese Szene massiv bewaffnet ist. Der Generaldirektor des DSN hat vor einigen Wochen betont, dass die größte Bedrohung für Österreich die rechtsextreme Szene darstellt. Dies bestätigt sich mit einem Waffenfund nach dem nächsten.“

Russia Arrests Suspect in Pro-War Novelist’s Assassination Attempt

The Investigative Committee published footage of Alexander Permyakov in which he confesses to the act and says he had been recruited by Ukraine’s special services in 2018.Russian Investigative Committee The suspect in the car blast that wounded pro-Kremlin nationalist writer Zakhar Prilepin and killed another person has been indicted on charges of terrorism and arms smuggling, Russia’s top investigative body said Monday. Alexander Permyakov faces up to 20 years in prison on charges of terrorism and 15 years for arms smuggling, Russia’s Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes, said in a statement. Permyakov was detained in the Nizhny Novgorod region east of Moscow on Saturday, hours after the explosion that wounded Prilepin and killed his friend Alexander Shubin. The Investigative Committee on Sunday published footage of Permyakov in which he confesses to the act and says he had been recruited by Ukraine’s special services in 2018. State media reports citing Permyakov’s relatives have identified him as having fought on the side of pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Nizhny Novgorod’s Semyonovsky District Court on Monday ruled to place Permyakov in pre-trial detention for two months.

via moscow times: Russia Arrests Suspect in Pro-War Novelist’s Assassination Attempt

ChatGPT: China detains man for allegedly generating fake train crash news, first known time person held over use of AI bot

Police in Gansu say suspect named Hong used artificial intelligence technology to concoct information and post it on multiple accounts Chinese regulations that took effect in January require videos and photos made using deep synthesis tech to be clearly labelled to prevent public confusion. A man has been arrested in Gansu province in China after allegedly using AI to create “false and untrue information”. Photo: Shutterstock Chinese police have detained a man who allegedly used ChatGPT to generate fake news and disseminate it online in what may be the country’s first detention related to use of the bot. Police in northwestern China’s Gansu province said in a statement on Sunday that a suspect surnamed Hong had been detained for “using artificial intelligence technology to concoct false and untrue information”. The case first caught the attention of the cyber division of a county police bureau when they spotted a fake news article that claimed nine people had been killed in a local train accident on April 25.

via scmp: ChatGPT: China detains man for allegedly generating fake train crash news, first known time person held over use of AI bot

sieeh auch: Chinese police detain man for allegedly using ChatGPT to spread rumors online. Police in China have detained a man they say used ChatGPT to create fake news and spread it online, in what state media has called the country’s first criminal case related to the AI chatbot. According to a statement from police in the northwest province of Gansu, the suspect allegedly used ChatGPT to generate a bogus report about a train crash, which he then posted online for profit. The article received about 15,000 views, the police said in Sunday’s statement. ChatGPT, developed by Microsoft (MSFT)-backed OpenAI, is banned in China, though internet users can use virtual private networks (VPN) to access it. Train crashes have been a sensitive issue in China since 2011, when authorities faced pressure to explain why state media had failed to provide timely updates on a bullet train collision in the city of Wenzhou that resulted in 40 deaths.

Russian guerrillas destroy Su-24 aircraft at aviation plant in Novosibirsk — video report

Representatives of the Legion of Freedom of Russia claim that the Su-24 burned down in Novosibirsk The guerrillas said they had set the aircraft on fire on May 8 at the Sukhoi Superjet Company's aviation plant in Novosibirsk, in the south of Siberia, the message reads. Read also: Ukrainian military downs Russian Su-24 near Bakhmut – video "As we were informed, the plane was successfully burnt out. It will no longer need repairs," they said," captions to the video read. The guerrillas burned the combat plane in order to demonstrate that "this war (of Russian against Ukraine) must be ended," the legion said. "You can't fight for peace by killing children and women in a neighboring country. The Kremlin has indeed ‘managed to repeat’ the crimes of the Nazi regime against humanity, and everyone involved will be held accountable for it in court," the legion said.

via yahii news: Russian guerrillas destroy Su-24 aircraft at aviation plant in Novosibirsk — video report