Pro-Kremlin writer injured in car ‘explosion’, one other killed

Zakhar Prilepin was travelling with his family, Russia's interior ministry says. A prominent pro-Kremlin writer and Russian nationalist was injured Saturday in a car "explosion" and one other person was killed, the interior ministry said, after a string of recent drone attacks in Russia amid the fighting in Ukraine. "According to initial reports, one person was killed by the explosion, and the writer Zakhar Prilepin, who was in the car, was injured" in the Nizhny Novgorod region some 400 kilometres (250 miles) east of Moscow, the ministry said. The Russian Investigative Committee, which probes serious crimes, said Prilepin was "travelling with his family" at the time of the blast.  Russian state-run agencies cited sources in the emergency service saying the writer suffered injuries on his legs.  The 47-year-old writer, one of Russia's best known novelists, joined pro-Russian separatists in the east of Ukraine in 2014, and fought by their side. A Chechnya war veteran, he has regularly gone to eastern Ukraine and is a vocal supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin and of his February 2022 offensive. The incident comes after a series of apparent attacks and sabotage on Russian territory, sometimes far from the front.

via timesofmalta: Pro-Kremlin writer injured in car 'explosion', one other killed

siehe auch: Angriff auf Sachar Prilepin Ukrainischer Geheimdienst lässt Beteiligung am Anschlag auf russischen Nationalisten offen Russland macht die Ukraine für ein mutmaßliches Attentat auf den russischen Autor Sachar Prilepin verantwortlich. Der ukrainische Geheimdienst ließ verlauten, er könne eine Involvierung »weder bestätigen noch dementieren«. Ein Vertreter des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes SBU hat offengelassen, ob man etwas mit dem Autobomben-Anschlag auf den kremlnahen Schriftsteller Sachar Prilepin am Samstagvormittag zu tun habe. Auf Anfrage der Internetzeitung Ukrajinska Prawda, hieß es, man werde eine Beteiligung an solchen Attentaten »weder bestätigen noch dementieren«. (...) Der 47 Jahre alte Prilepin wurde am Samstagvormittag schwer verletzt, als ein an seinem Auto angebrachter Sprengsatz detonierte. Sein Fahrer starb. Prilepin ist ein überzeugter Anhänger des russischen Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine. Er hat auch schon dort gekämpft. Kurz nach der Explosion, die sich in der russischen Region Nischni Nowgorod östlich von Moskau ereignete, nahm die Polizei einen 1993 geborenen Mann als Tatverdächtigen fest. Der Gouverneur von Nischni Nowgorod, Gleb Nikitin, teilte mit, Prilepin sei mittlerweile operiert worden. Er habe mehrere Knochenbrüche erlitten.

Far-Right Activist Laura Loomer Declares Herself ‘A Full Blown Accelerationist’

Far-right activist Laura Loomer declared herself “a full blown accelerationist” in a Monday night Twitter post. Loomer is a twice failed congressional candidate, who in 2022 told white nationalist Jared Taylor that she thought her white nationalist views would get her elected to Congress. Despite being Jewish, she promised to champion Christian nationalists in Congress but failed to make it out of the 2022 GOP primary, narrowly losing to Rep. Daniel Webster in an election she falsely insisted was rigged. This April, former President Donald Trump instructed his staff to hire Loomer to a role in his 2024 presidential campaign, but his plan was stymied when news of her impending employment broke and Loomer was widely condemned, including by other far-right politicians like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. In her Monday night post, Loomer responded to a fan who admired her “patience” in responding to students protesting her appearance at a recent Uncensored America event at the University of South Carolina. “I don’t have patience for anything or anyone anymore to be honest,” Loomer wrote. “I’m a full blown accelerationist now. I invite all of you to join me in admitting that our country is never going to ever again be what it used to be. We need a rapid & drastic change of scene in our country.” Accelerationists believe that Western governments are irreparably corrupt and that they should be pushed to collapse by sowing chaos. As Zack Beauchamp wrote in Vox, “Accelerationists reject any effort to seize political power through the ballot box, dismissing the alt-right’s attempts to engage in mass politics as pointless.” If accelerationists vote, it’s for the most extreme candidate to foster political discord, Beauchamp writes. Their preferred tactic, however, is violence. Accelerationist ideas have been cited in numerous mass shooters’ manifestos, including that by the white supremacist who murdered more than 50 at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019. (Writing about that shooting, Loomer declared that she didn’t care; that followed previous statements in which she said that Islam is a “cancer.”) This wasn’t the first time Loomer suggested she was an accelerationist. In a Jan. 6, 2023, Twitter post, Loomer joined the chorus of far-right voices calling for someone more extreme to replace Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House. If McCarthy won, she said, “Millions of Republicans will leave the party & some will never vote again.”

via right wing watch: Far-Right Activist Laura Loomer Declares Herself ‘A Full Blown Accelerationist’

Australian politician tells anti-LGBTQ+ bigots to “get to Florida” in powerful speech

"This Americanization of our politics has no place here." A blistering speech by Dan Andrews, the senior government representative of the Australian state of Victoria, condemned anti-LGBTQ+ protestors and neo-Nazis who used intimidation and death threats to shut down an upcoming drag queen library event in the city of Monash. “This Americanization of our politics has no place here,” Andrew said in a Thursday afternoon speech on the state’s parliament floor. “My message to those people is very clear: If you want to behave like the worst elements of the Floridian Republican Party, get to Florida. Head over there, where your hateful views might be worth something. They’re worth nothing here.” Monash’s Oakleigh Library had planned a sold-out drag queen story event on May 19 in observance of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia. The event sought to show children diverse role models and to encourage them to embrace acceptance, love, and respect for diversity. Get the Daily Brief The news you care about, reported on by the people who care about you. But after “hateful and threatening commentary and misinformation” about the event spread online — according to the city’s CEO Andi Diamond — hundreds of anti-LGBTQ+ and pro-drag protests appeared at a Monash city council meeting in late April to protest the event. The anti-LGBTQ+ attendees were organized by so-called alt-right and conspiracy theorist groups, including ones called My Place and Reignite Democracy Australia, The Age reported. (...) In his speech against the city council protesters, Victoria Premier Dan Andrews said that the library event was “about sending a message to often some of the most vulnerable people in our Victorian community that they are loved, they are respected, they are safe.” “Equality is not negotiable,” he continued. “We will not stand for this sort of ugly behavior. It’s appalling, and I again make the point: It is not about free speech. This is hate speech, plain and simple.” “It’s wrong,” he added. “It is out of step with the values of fair-minded, decent mainstream Victorians. It is on the fringe. But enough about those people… Despite the carrying-on and the shameful behavior of a small few, this government and this community remain committed to every single Victorian, no matter who they are or who they love.

via lgbtqnation: Australian politician tells anti-LGBTQ+ bigots to “get to Florida” in powerful speech

handgrip against progress pride flag
Photo by Lisett Kruusimäe on

Anti-LGBTQ+ pundit accused of abusing wife & exposing genitals to coworkers – #StevenCrowder

Steven Crowder exposed his genitals to colleagues at least four times, six former employees said. Anti-LGBTQ+ broadcaster Steven Crowder, host of the web show Louder with Crowder, has been accused of emotionally abusing his wife, undergoing “gender-affirming surgery,” and repeatedly exposing his genitals to his show’s staffers. Crowder repeatedly vilifies LGBTQ+ people as sexual predators and has spoken against gender-affirming care. Last week, journalist Yashar Ali shared June 26, 2021 video footage taken from a Ring home security camera. In the video, Crowder berated his wife, Hillary Crowder, who was eight months pregnant with twins at the time. He refused to let her use the car to pick up groceries because it would impede his ability to go to the gym, visit his parents, and “call his friends.” As his wife appears to start crying, Steven Crowder tells her, “The only way out of this is discipline and respect.” When she tells him that they are at “an impasse” and “Your abuse is sick,” he lowers his voice and warns her, “Watch it…. F**king watch it.” He then commands her to “become worthy — wife worthy.” When she then says that she loves him, he responds, “I don’t love you, and that’s the problem. I’ve never received love from you.” He then says she’s not committed to him because she refuses to put on gloves to handle dog medication that she feared was toxic to pregnant women. Later, off-camera, Ali wrote that Crowder admitted to screaming “I will f**k you up!” to his wife as she fled their home. Hilary Crowder filed for divorce in December 2021. In a recent installment of his show, Crowder mentioned his “horrendous” divorce and voiced displeasure with “no-fault divorce” laws that allowed his wife to file for a divorce without citing a cause like abuse or infidelity.

via lgbtqnation: Anti-LGBTQ+ pundit accused of abusing wife & exposing genitals to coworkers

Rassistische Tat in #BVG-Bus: Mann beleidigt und schlägt zwei Frauen – #schauhin #pack

Ein 30-Jähriger soll eine Frau rassistisch beleidigt haben. Als mehrere Fahrgäste einschritten, habe er eine andere Frau mit der flachen Hand ins Gesicht geschlagen. In einem Bus in Berlin-Steglitz hat ein 30-jähriger Mann nach Erkenntnissen der Polizei eine Frau rassistisch beleidigt und eine andere ins Gesicht geschlagen. Wie die Polizei am Samstag mitteilte, stieg der 30-Jährige am Freitagabend gegen 21 Uhr an der Haltestelle Filandastraße in den Bus 282 in Richtung Mariendorf und beleidigte eine Frau rassistisch. Als mehrere Fahrgäste einschritten, schlug der Tatverdächtige laut Polizei eine von ihnen mit der flachen Hand. Die

via berliner zeitung; Rassistische Tat in BVG-Bus: Mann beleidigt und schlägt zwei Frauen

siehe auch: Angriff in Berlin Betrunkener Mann beleidigt Frau rassistisch – dann schlägt er zu. Eklat in einem Bus in Berlin: Ein Mann beleidigt zunächst eine Frau rassistisch, schlägt dann eine andere. Die Polizei sucht das Opfer. (...) Die Polizei führte eine Messung des Blutalkoholwertes bei dem Mann durch – der lag bei 1,8 Promille. Noch im Laufe des Abends konnte er seinen Weg fortsetzen. Nun er mittelt das Landeskriminalamt (LKA) gegen den 30-Jährigen

UC Santa Cruz students celebrated Hitler’s birthday and ate cakes ‘adorned with hateful symbols’: Northern California school slams ‘white supremacy’

Students allegedly partied on campus for Adolf Hitler's birthday on April 20  An off-campus incident saw anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ+ fliers posted  The school has not yet charged anyone for participating but is investigating. The University of California at Santa Cruz sent out a letter condemning a pair of recent events that saw students allegedly party for Adolf Hitler's birthday on April 20. The northern California outpost of the state's university system said that there were multiple anti-semitic and anti-LGBTQ+ incidents reported on or near the campus.   Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Success Akirah Bradley-Armstrong said in a statement that students were overheard singing happy birthday to Hitler and eating cakes 'adorned with hateful and horrific symbols.' The party was reported to have taken place on campus April 20. A second incident was reported on the next day in downtown Santa Cruz off campus when a flier 'included despicable and degrading claims about Jewish people and LGBTQIA+ people,' Bradley-Armstrong said. 'We unequivocally condemn these – and all – anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQIA+ actions,' Bradley-Armstrong said. The school's student conduct department is currently investigating the party celebrating Hitler's birthday. 'White supremacy has no place at UC Santa Cruz. Nor does any action intended to degrade, dehumanize, or intimidate another based on identity. We will not tolerate such vitriol; nor will we abide the fear and terror it intends to inspire,' Bradley-Armstrong said in the statement.

via dailymail: UC Santa Cruz students celebrated Hitler's birthday and ate cakes 'adorned with hateful symbols': Northern California school slams 'white supremacy'

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#ERMITTLUNGEN – #Razzia im Raum #Brilon: HSK-#Polizist soll #Reichsbürger sein – #polizeiproblem

Polizisten durchsuchen die Wohnung eines Mannes. Er soll Reichsbürger sein. Das Bemerkenswerte: Der Verdächtige ist Polizist im Hochsauerland. Ein Polizist aus dem Sauerland steht unter dem Verdacht, ein Reichsbürger zu sein. Die Polizei im Hochsauerlandkreis hat die Wohnung eines Mannes durchsucht und Beweismittel sichergestellt. Hintergrund der Razzia ist ein Verdacht, dass der Mann der Reichsbürgerszene zugeordnet werden kann. Bei dem Verdächtigen handelt es sich um einen Polizeibeamten der Kreispolizeibehörde Hochsauerland.

via westfalenpost: ERMITTLUNGEN Razzia im Raum Brilon: HSK-Polizist soll Reichsbürger sein