POL-HRO: #Messerangriff in #Schwerin – Ein Mann wurde schwer verletzt – Täter vorläufig festgenommen

Am 30.03.2023, gegen 16:50 Uhr, kam es in Schwerin im Bereich des Straßenbahnhaltepunktes Schlossblick zu einem versuchten Tötungsdelikt. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen griff ein 16 Jahre alter Deutscher einen 25 Jahre alten syrischen Staatsbürger mit einem Messer an und verletzte ihn schwer. Ein zufällig in unmittelbarer Nähe befindlicher Streifenwagen des Polizeihauptrevieres Schwerin wurde auf die Hilferufe von Zeugen aufmerksam und konnte den Tatverdächtigen in der Nähe des Tatortes stellen. Er wurde vorläufig festgenommen.

via presseportal blaulicht; POL-HRO: Messerangriff in Schwerin Ein Mann wurde schwer verletzt Täter vorläufig festgenommen

Einfach und kostenlos: Wie man auf (fast) jedem Computer KI-Bilder generieren kann

Und wie man die Ergebnisse von Stable Diffusion mit geringem Qualitätsverlust vergrößern kann – ein Guide. Wenn man über Bilder-KIs spricht, dürften viele an Midjourney denken. Diese wird vom Anbieter als Clouddienst betrieben, den man gegen Abogebühren in der Regel über die Kommunikationsplattform Discord steuert. Doch es gibt auch eine offene und damit kostenlos nutzbare Alternative. Sie nennt sich Stable Diffusion. Seit ihrer Veröffentlichung hat sie, lange unbemerkt von der breiteren Öffentlichkeit, unzählige Enthusiasten angelockt, die auf ihrer Basis eigene KI-Modelle entwickeln und Tools bauen, um diese verwenden zu können. Und das eröffnet die Möglichkeit, Bilder auf dem eigenen Rechner zu generieren. Ganz ohne Cloudanbindung und Bezahlabo.

via standard: Einfach und kostenlos: Wie man auf (fast) jedem Computer KI-Bilder generieren kann

Notorious neo-Nazi, 33, is finally caught after global #manhunt as cops bust him in #Romanian gym three years after he sucker-punched a cop at far-right rally and incited violence at #Charlottesville riots – #lockhimup #RobertRundo #terror #RiseAboveMovement

The founder of a California-based neo-Nazi group was arrested this week Robert Rundo had been on the run in Eastern Europe for three years  Rundo is accused of assaulting a police officer and attending the infamous 2017 Charlottesville Unite The Right rally. The leader of a bloodthirsty Southern California based neo-Nazi group was finally apprehended inside of a Romanian gym, three years after he went on the lam following his indictment on various charges including assaulting a police officer. Robert Rundo, 33, was arrested in Bucharest on March 29 by police special forces when a tipster contacted the authorities.  Rundo is the founder of a group named RAM, which stands for Rise Above Movement. In addition to racist activities, its members are also passionate practitioners of MMA. The group has anywhere between 20 and 50 members.  Officials in Romania said that when he was arrested, Rundo was carrying papers that identified him as Robert Lazar Pavic. It isn't known for how long he has been in the eastern European country.  In the wake of the arrest, US authorities have issued an extradition request to their Romanian counterparts. Between 2016 and 2018, Rundo is thought to have been omnipresent at various political rallies, often physically clashing with enemies and law enforcement.

via dailymail: Notorious neo-Nazi, 33, is finally caught after global manhunt as cops bust him in Romanian gym three years after he sucker-punched a cop at far-right rally and incited violence at Charlottesville riots

siehe auch: Robert Rundo: Neo-Nazi RAM founder nabbed in ROMANIA after global manhunt spanning three years Police special forces in Bucharest arrested Robert Rundo, 33, after receiving information from an informant. The founder of a violent neo-Nazi group based in Southern California was nabbed inside a Romanian gym, after being on the run for three years, on Wednesday, March 29. Robert Rundo was indicted on several charges, including assaulting a police officer.  The 33-year-old head of the infamous White supremacist group, Rise Above Movement (RAM), was charged with violence in 2017, and a US court indicted him in 2018. Although the case was dropped in 2019, a federal grand jury in Los Angeles issued a new indictment in January. (...) In August 2017, Rundo and his associates traveled to Charlottesville for the 'Unite the Right' demonstration with their hands taped and "ready to do street battle," according to US Attorney Thomas Cullen, who announced the charges in 2018, as per the Daily Mail. Numerous White nationalists flocked to Charlottesville to oppose the intended removal of a statue honoring Confederate General Robert E Lee, among other things. (...) According to an FBI statement, videos showed Rundo punching counter-protesters in Huntington Beach and a police officer in Berkeley. The prosecution referred to RAM as "a combat-ready, militant group of a new nationalist white supremacy and identity movement." Rundo was charged once again in January, which resulted in his latest arrest, as per The Daily Beast.


Nazi monument at Swiss cemetery sparks controversy

Questions have been raised over what to do with the large granite monument at the Swiss cemetery. For decades the huge monolithic block of granite in the middle of the cemetery in the Swiss town of Chur was ignored by passers-by; no one seemed to know quite what it was. But the 13-tonne (13,000kg) stone monument that dwarfs the nearby gravestones is now causing controversy - and embarrassment. Research by a local journalist has revealed links to Nazi Germany, and to neutral Switzerland's own awkward relations with its World War Two neighbours. Chur's cemetery is in the centre of town. Many people, like radio journalist Stefanie Hablützel, pass it every day on the way to work or out shopping. Nowadays the monument at the cemetery, untended, is covered in moss. The engravings on it are difficult to discern. Image caption, The origins of the monument and its links to the Nazi presence in Switzerland were unknown "At first sight it looks like a war memorial," says Stefanie, pointing out some faint lettering: "1914 - 1918; hier ruhen deutsche Soldaten… here lie German soldiers." Why, though, would German soldiers be buried here? In fact, thousands of wounded prisoners of war, French and British as well as German, were treated and interned in Switzerland during World War One. Some died from their injuries, others during the 1918 flu pandemic. But Chur's monument was not built until 1938. "That's 20 years after these men died," says Stefanie. "It wasn't built to mourn these dead soldiers, it was built for propaganda reasons, for the Nazi regime." Swiss historian, Martin Bucher, explains that, as the Nazis grew in power in Germany, their propaganda involved cult-like worship of their war dead. In the 1930s the German War Graves Commission became part of Hitler's propaganda machine. Its task, to create visible signs of Nazi power in Germany's neighbours as well as at home. There were many thousands of Germans living in Switzerland at the time, and, Martin says, they were organised. "In Switzerland all these organisations you know from Germany existed. The National Socialist Party, the German Labour Front, the Hitler Youth. They were all here, but only for Germans, not for Swiss people." Germany's War Graves Commission submitted ambitious plans to build a vast mausoleum in the Swiss town of St Gallen. This was rejected by Swiss authorities. But the monument in Chur was approved. Polished and engraved in Munich, using the Fraktur font, a style regularly used in 1930s Nazi Germany, it was delivered to Chur on the eve of World War Two. At the time Chur's residents must have known what it was, Martin insists. "On Nazi holidays they put Swastikas on this monument… people would have seen it was a Nazi monument." Some were clearly unhappy. Stefanie Hablützel, who has reported on the story for Switzerland's public broadcaster SRG, uncovered an indignant letter to the local newspaper, written in 1938, asking "why do we have a Nazi stone in our cemetery?"

via bbc: Nazi monument at Swiss cemetery sparks controversy

siehe auch:; STEIN DES ANSTOSSES : Nazi-Denkmal in Chur sorgt jetzt auch international für Schlagzeilen In Chur steht ein Denkmal deutscher Nationalsozialisten. Das hat die Aufmerksamkeit internationaler Medien wie der «BBC» auf sich gelenkt. In Chur haben deutsche Nationalsozialisten im Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Denkmal errichtet.  Obwohl es mitten in der Stadt steht, war es in Vergessenheit geraten. Mittlerweile gibt es eine Debatte darüber, was mit dem Gedenkstein passieren soll. Auch die britische BBC schreibt jetzt darüber – und gibt einen Einblick, wie man die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg sieht. Auf dem Friedhof Daleu mitten in Chur steht seit 1938 ein Nazi-Denkmal, wie das SRF im Januar berichtete. Es gehört zum Heldenkult, mit dem Hitler-Deutschland den Zweiten Weltkrieg legitimierte. Der Granitblock hat in der Bündner Hauptstadt eine Kontroverse ausgelöst – und jetzt auch die Aufmerksamkeit der internationalen Medien auf sich gelenkt.


Member of pro-Nazi group used Molotov cocktails in attempt to burn down Ohio church planning to host a drag event, FBI says

A member of a neo-Nazi group was arrested Friday after attempting to burn down a church in Ohio that was planning to host a drag show event, according to court documents. Aimenn D. Penny, 20, of Alliance, Ohio, has been charged in the US District Court in Cleveland with one count of malicious use of explosive materials and one count of possessing a destructive device, according to a criminal complaint. Authorities claim Penny used “Molotov cocktails against the Community Church of Chesterland in Chesterland, Ohio, in an attempt to burn the church to the ground,” the Department of Justice said in a press release. “As alleged in the charging documents, the defendant used an explosive device to cause harm to a church he found objectionable,” Assistant Attorney General Matthew G. Olsen said in the release. “It is the solemn duty of the Department of Justice to safeguard the right of all Americans to free expression, and I commend the work of law enforcement in this matter.”

via cnn: Member of pro-Nazi group used Molotov cocktails in attempt to burn down Ohio church planning to host a drag event, FBI says

siehe auch: FBI: Alliance suspect in attempted church bombing part of pro-Nazi group Penny stated that he believed African Americans were solely responsible for the high crime rate across the country, according to the FBI affidavit. An Alliance man accused of firebombing a Geauga County church planning to host a drag show belongs to an organization that espouses racist, pro-Nazi, and homophobic views. Federal authorities arrested 25-year-old Aimenn Penny on Friday on charges of malicious use of explosive materials and possessing a destructive device. According to an affidavit filed in U.S. District Court, Penny confessed to using Molotov cocktails against the Community Church of Chesterland to burn the church to the ground on March 25.

Bekannter russischer #Kriegsblogger – #WladlenTatarskij stirbt nach #Anschlag mit goldener Büste – #MaximFomin

Ein bekannter russischer Kriegsberichterstatter ist am Sonntag bei einer Explosion in einem Café im Zentrum der russischen Ostseemetropole Sankt Petersburg ums Leben gekommen. Ihm wurde eine Bombe - versteckt in einer goldenen Büste - zum Verhängnis.Weitere 25 Menschen wurden bei der Detonation des Sprengsatzes verletzt, wie die Staatsagentur Tass weiter berichtete. Der 40-jährige Journalist und Blogger mit dem Pseudonym Wladlen Tatarskij, der aus dem Donbass in der Ostukraine stammt, sei auf der Stelle tot gewesen. Tatarskij, dessen richtiger Name Maxim Fomin lautet, hatte nach offiziell unbestätigten Medienberichten am Sonntag zu einem „patriotischen Abend“ in das Café „Stritfud-Bar No.1“ im Zentrum von Sankt Petersburg eingeladen. Dieses soll nach Medienberichten Jewgeni Prigoschin, dem Chef der berüchtigten Söldnertruppe Wagner, gehört haben. Nach ersten Erkenntnissen der Ermittler war der Sprengsatz in einer Büste eingebaut, die Tatarskij bei dem Treffen als Geschenk überreicht wurde. Das Geschenk - Augenzeuge berichteten von einer vergoldeten Büste des Bloggers - sei ihm von einer jungen Frau überreicht worden, schrieben örtliche Medien. Sie habe sich anschließend in eine der hinteren Zuschauerreihen gesetzt, sei aber nach der Explosion verschwunden.

via rp online: Bekannter russischer Kriegsblogger Wladlen Tatarskij stirbt nach Anschlag mit goldener Büste

siehe auch: Bomb kills Russian war blogger in St Petersburg cafe. Well-known Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was killed by a bomb blast in a St Petersburg cafe on Sunday in what appeared to be the second assassination on Russian soil of a figure closely associated with the war in Ukraine. Russia's state Investigative Committee said it had opened a murder investigation. State-owned RIA news agency said 25 people were wounded and 19 of them were being treated in hospital. A leading Russian official pointed the finger at Ukraine, without providing evidence. A Ukrainian presidential adviser said "domestic terrorism" was breaking out in Russia. Register for free to Reuters and know the full story Register now Tatarsky, whose real name was Maxim Fomin, had more than 560,000 followers on Telegram and was one of the most prominent of the influential military bloggers who have championed Russia's war effort in Ukraine while often criticising the army top brass. "We'll defeat everyone, we'll kill everyone, we'll rob everyone we need to. Everything will be as we like it," he was shown saying in a video clip last September at a Kremlin ceremony where President Vladimir Putin claimed four occupied regions of Ukraine as Russian territory - a move rejected as illegal by most countries; Russian pro-war blogger killed in St Petersburg restaurant blast Vladlen Tatarsky had been meeting supporters and subscribers at venue in city centre. One of Russia’s most influential pro-Kremlin war bloggers, Vladlen Tatarsky, was killed in a blast at a restaurant in St Petersburg on Sunday. (...) According to local news outlet Fontanka, an unknown woman handed Tatarsky a statuette of himself, possibly stuffed with explosives, that exploded about five minutes later. The Ren-TV channel posted a video showing Tatarsky taking the figurine out of a bag and looking at it, film allegedly shot by a social media user directly before the explosion. The venue has alleged links to Wagner mercenary group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin. Fontanka reported that Prigozhin had owned two different cafés in the same location as the restaurant where the explosion took place. The bar located there now hosts a discussion club at weekends called “Cyberfront Z” — Z being a symbol of those supporting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Tatarsky is one of the most prominent pro-Kremlin “military correspondents” and a native of Makiivka in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine. He had fought on the side of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic as well as for units of the Luhansk People’s Republic.


Rechtsextreme Musikveranstaltung aufgelöst – #rechtsrocktnicht

In der Nacht zu Sonntag ist eine rechtsextreme Musikveranstaltung in Vierkirchen, Arnsdorf aufgelöst worden. Dabei wurde die Polizeidirektion Görlitz durch Kräfte der Bereitschaftspolizei Sachsen unterstützt. Der Veranstalter des Events, bei dem zwei Bands des rechten Musik-Genres auftreten sollten, zeigte sich kooperationsbereit. Nachdem der Polizeiführer die Veranstaltung für beendet erklärte, entfernten sich die Anwesenden aufforderungsgemäß. Bei der anschließenden Räumung des Geländes gab es keinerlei Vorkommnisse. Während des Einsatzes kontrollierte die Polizei insgesamt 139 Kraftfahrzeuge und 485 Personen.

via polizei sachsen: Rechtsextreme Musikveranstaltung aufgelöst