White supremacists take responsibility for carvings on Montana sacred Native site

A white nationalist group appears to have taken credit for etching Nazi symbols on an outdoor recreational area managed by the Bureau of Land Management and named after a prominent Crow leader. The BLM confirmed that it is investigating graffiti carved into the Four Dances area, which is located approximately three miles south of Billings. The Big Sky Active Club said on its Gab social media account: “BSAC went on a hike and etched our message in stone. Tribe up or die.” Big Sky Active Club is a group linked to white supremacists. The carving showed a swastika with the number 14/88, a popular white supremacist symbol that refers to the “14 words” slogan and 88, a numerical reference to the “Heil Hitler” chant used by Nazis and other hate groups, according to the Anti-Defamation League. A second set of carving shows the “SS” lightning bolts. White supremacist carvings in the Four Dances area, south of Billings. A white supremacist group has taken responsibility for them. “The SS Bolts are a common white supremacist/neo-Nazi symbol derived from Schutzstaffel (SS) of Nazi Germany,” said a reference article on white hate by the ADL. “The SS, led by Heinrich Himmler, maintained the police state of Nazi Germany. Its members ranged from agents of the Gestapo to soldiers of the Waffen (armed) SS to guards at concentration and death camps.” Another carving showed a swastika with the message: “We are everywhere.”

via rawstory: White supremacists take responsibility for carvings on Montana sacred Native site