Alleged Queens #pedophile #Nazi #Satanist arraigned on #childpornography, #weapons charges – #LockHimUp #terror #ONA #O9A

A 22-year-old Queens man was arraigned on Wednesday for possessing child pornography, trying to have sex with children and weapons charges, according to the DOJ. The FBI received tips in September 2021 that Almeida was posting depictions of violence against children, animal killings and endorsements of pedophilia on social media alongside symbols associated with the Order of Nine Angels, a satanic Neo-Nazi organization. Prosecutors described ONA as a “worldwide Satanist belief-based group which embraces elements of Neo-Nazism and white supremacy” and said members have “participated in acts of violence, including murders.” Almeida posted an image of a cat with a stab wound, a bound and gagged child and himself holding guns among other disturbing images on his now-defunct Instagram account, according to officials. The username for his account was “necropedocel” — a portmanteau of necrophilia, pedophilia and celibacy. Combining words in this way is a common practice among incels — involuntary celibates — who use the invented names to describe the reasons why sex is unavailable to them. In this instance, for example, the name “necropedocel” would imply that Almeida is involuntarily celibate because he is a necrophile and a pedophile. Law enforcement executed a search warrant at Almeida’s Queens apartment on Nov. 23, 2021. They found child pornography on multiple cell phones and guns matching the ones he posted online, according to authorities. It was illegal for Almeida to own a gun due to a 2019 felony conviction for a burglary in Florida. Starting in February 2020, Almeida allegedly enticed two minors to have sex with him and produce sexually explicit videos.

via audacy: Alleged Queens pedophile Nazi Satanist arraigned on child pornography, weapons charges

Gang #violence, death #threats and #police on dating apps: The brutal reality of being #LGBTQ+ in #Egypt

Laila, who is trans, shared stories of facing harsh abuse and persecution because she’s part of the LGBTQ+ community. (BBC) The LGBTQ+ community in Egypt is under attack from violent gangs and authorities, and a landmark documentary is detailing queer folks’ “relentless courage” in the face of “relentless oppression”. While homosexuality itself is not technically illegal in Egypt, queer people living in the African country face high levels of stigmatisation and discrimination.  Courts have convicted queer people – who are just living their lives, dating or engaging in same-sex activity – using “debauchery”, a sex work law. In 2020, Human Rights Watch detailed how Egyptian authorities “routinely pick people off the streets based solely on their gender expression, entrap them through social networking sites and dating applications, and unlawfully search their phones”.  This oppressive environment forces many queer people in Egypt to live silent, secret lives for fear they will be caught by authorities. Reporter Ahmed Shihab-Eldin met with members of the LGBTQ+ community who have been targeted by authorities and gangs, for a new BBC News investigation titled Queer Egypt Under Attack.  The journalist grew up in Egypt for almost a decade, and he tells PinkNews he’s “painfully aware” of the “pervasive homophobia and transphobia that permeate society” in the country.

via pinknews: Gang violence, death threats and police on dating apps: The brutal reality of being LGBTQ+ in Egypt

rainbow flags
Photo by Abby Chung on

Gang #violence, death #threats and #police on dating apps: The brutal reality of being #LGBTQ+ in #Egypt

Laila, who is trans, shared stories of facing harsh abuse and persecution because she’s part of the LGBTQ+ community. (BBC) The LGBTQ+ community in Egypt is under attack from violent gangs and authorities, and a landmark documentary is detailing queer folks’ “relentless courage” in the face of “relentless oppression”. While homosexuality itself is not technically illegal in Egypt, queer people living in the African country face high levels of stigmatisation and discrimination.  Courts have convicted queer people – who are just living their lives, dating or engaging in same-sex activity – using “debauchery”, a sex work law. In 2020, Human Rights Watch detailed how Egyptian authorities “routinely pick people off the streets based solely on their gender expression, entrap them through social networking sites and dating applications, and unlawfully search their phones”.  This oppressive environment forces many queer people in Egypt to live silent, secret lives for fear they will be caught by authorities. Reporter Ahmed Shihab-Eldin met with members of the LGBTQ+ community who have been targeted by authorities and gangs, for a new BBC News investigation titled Queer Egypt Under Attack.  The journalist grew up in Egypt for almost a decade, and he tells PinkNews he’s “painfully aware” of the “pervasive homophobia and transphobia that permeate society” in the country.

via pinknews: Gang violence, death threats and police on dating apps: The brutal reality of being LGBTQ+ in Egypt

rainbow flags
Photo by Abby Chung on

VILE CAMPAIGN | Far-right idiot caught with ‘grossly offensive’ material still a Nazi

20 years on Cumming (57) who lost his job because the attention around his recent offending, spoke to the Sunday World exactly 20 years ago. A far-right idiot convicted this week of sending “grossly offensive” material has been spouting hideous Nazi hate speech for over 20 years, we can reveal. Gregory Alan Cumming was lucky to walk out the public door rather than be taken to the cells of Newry courthouse on Tuesday after District Judge Anne Marshall suspended the five-month prison sentence for 18 months. The 57-year-old, from Orangefield Drive in Armagh, had earlier entered guilty pleas to four counts relating to the improper use of a public telecommunication network to send material which was grossly offensive including Nazi and Klu Klux Klan supporting rubbish. But we can reveal Cumming has a long history of spreading hideous hate speech and has even denied the Holocaust. In fact he spoke to the Sunday World exactly 20 years ago when he was the leader of the British Nazi Party in Northern Ireland – a political party formed by a bunch of right-wing radicals who felt the BNP wasn’t right-ring enough. Under the fake name ‘Gary Allen’ Cumming told our reporter in 2003 how he was openly anti-Semitic and the Holocaust was a fiction put about by Hollywood and the Soviets. “People don’t find our views offensive,” he said back then. “We are anti-Semitic, I don’t have a problem with that. People here are sophisticated and our policies on asylum seekers have gone down very well. “We are a legal party which is legally promoting policies. We are Nazis.” Far right campaigner Gregory Cumming Last year when the Sunday World confronted him at his home after he had been charged with spreading hate material, he was less chatty and slammed the door in our face without saying a word. It emerged in court this week he had lost his job because the attention around his recent offending. As well as being a leading figure in the British Nazi Party he’s also a former member of the National Front and the British National Party. Cumming had originally been charged with distributing far right material intending to stir up racial hatred but that charges were finished by the PPS. On Tuesday at Armagh Magistrates Court, sitting in Newry, a prosecuting lawyer told the court the images and texts were uncovered on a phone found in Cumming’s house during a search. The material he had sent included a reference to “Comrade 88,” an image and text regarding a person “dousing himself in flammable liquid and setting himself on fire” and an image and text regarding the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), said the lawyer who did not go into further details about their content.

via sunday world: VILE CAMPAIGN | Far-right idiot caught with ‘grossly offensive’ material still a Nazi

VILE CAMPAIGN | Far-right idiot caught with ‘grossly offensive’ material still a Nazi

20 years on Cumming (57) who lost his job because the attention around his recent offending, spoke to the Sunday World exactly 20 years ago. A far-right idiot convicted this week of sending “grossly offensive” material has been spouting hideous Nazi hate speech for over 20 years, we can reveal. Gregory Alan Cumming was lucky to walk out the public door rather than be taken to the cells of Newry courthouse on Tuesday after District Judge Anne Marshall suspended the five-month prison sentence for 18 months. The 57-year-old, from Orangefield Drive in Armagh, had earlier entered guilty pleas to four counts relating to the improper use of a public telecommunication network to send material which was grossly offensive including Nazi and Klu Klux Klan supporting rubbish. But we can reveal Cumming has a long history of spreading hideous hate speech and has even denied the Holocaust. In fact he spoke to the Sunday World exactly 20 years ago when he was the leader of the British Nazi Party in Northern Ireland – a political party formed by a bunch of right-wing radicals who felt the BNP wasn’t right-ring enough. Under the fake name ‘Gary Allen’ Cumming told our reporter in 2003 how he was openly anti-Semitic and the Holocaust was a fiction put about by Hollywood and the Soviets. “People don’t find our views offensive,” he said back then. “We are anti-Semitic, I don’t have a problem with that. People here are sophisticated and our policies on asylum seekers have gone down very well. “We are a legal party which is legally promoting policies. We are Nazis.” Far right campaigner Gregory Cumming Last year when the Sunday World confronted him at his home after he had been charged with spreading hate material, he was less chatty and slammed the door in our face without saying a word. It emerged in court this week he had lost his job because the attention around his recent offending. As well as being a leading figure in the British Nazi Party he’s also a former member of the National Front and the British National Party. Cumming had originally been charged with distributing far right material intending to stir up racial hatred but that charges were finished by the PPS. On Tuesday at Armagh Magistrates Court, sitting in Newry, a prosecuting lawyer told the court the images and texts were uncovered on a phone found in Cumming’s house during a search. The material he had sent included a reference to “Comrade 88,” an image and text regarding a person “dousing himself in flammable liquid and setting himself on fire” and an image and text regarding the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), said the lawyer who did not go into further details about their content.

via sunday world: VILE CAMPAIGN | Far-right idiot caught with ‘grossly offensive’ material still a Nazi

#Influencer und #Frauenhasser #AndrewTate bleibt hinter Gittern

Der bekannte Influencer Andrew Tate spricht sich für Gewalt an Frauen aus und behauptet, sie seien Eigentum des Mannes. Seit Ende Dezember sitzt er wegen Verdachts auf Menschenhandel und Vergewaltigung in Rumänien hinter Gittern. Eine Woche vor Ende seiner U-Haft entscheidet ein Gericht nun: Der Frauenhasser kommt vorerst nicht frei. Der britisch-amerikanische Influencer Andrew Tate und drei mutmaßliche Komplizen bleiben in rumänischer Untersuchungshaft. Ein Gericht in Bukarest entschied, dass Andrew Tate und sein Bruder Tristan sowie zwei mutmaßliche rumänische Komplizinnen mindestens bis zum 27. Februar im Gefängnis bleiben müssen, wie die rumänische Nachrichtenagentur Mediafax berichtete. (...) Die Ankläger werfen den Tate-Brüdern vor, eine organisierte Verbrechergruppe gebildet zu haben mit dem Ziel, Frauen sexuell auszubeuten. Sie sollen junge Frauen dazu gezwungen haben, bei kommerziell verbreiteten Sex-Videos mitzuwirken. Bislang seien sechs Opfer ermittelt worden. Die Tate-Brüder bestreiten die Vorwürfe. Zwischenzeitlich hat die für organisiertes Verbrechen zuständige Sondereinheit der Staatsanwaltschaft, DIICOT, die Ermittlungen ausgeweitet. Weitere Immobilien in der Hauptstadt Bukarest und Umgebung wurden durchsucht. Seit April 2021 waren die Tate-Brüder im Visier der rumänischen Ermittler.

via ntv: Influencer und Frauenhasser Andrew Tate bleibt hinter Gittern

siehe auch: AndrewTate said he broke a woman’s jaw and that his business was a ‘#scam’ ahead of #Romanian charges – #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking Before his arrest on suspicion of human trafficking, Andrew Tate bragged about how he conducted his webcam sex business. Andrew Tate once called his sexually explicit webcam business a “total scam” and boasted on his website that he lured women in by getting them to fall in love with him.; Einspruch abgelehnt: Influencer Andrew Tate bleibt in Rumänien in U-Haft Dem Influencer Andrew Tate wird des Menschenhandels und der Vergewaltigung verdächtigt. Seit dem 29. Dezember sitzt er in Rumänien in Untersuchungshaft. Sein Einspruch hat keinen Erfolg - er bleibt im Gefängnis. (...) Der 36 Jahre alte Tate steht unter dem Verdacht des Menschenhandels und der Vergewaltigung und wurde am 29. Dezember in Rumänien festgenommen. Er erschien am Mittwoch gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Tristan und zwei rumänischen Frauen, die in dem Fall ebenfalls in U-Haft sitzen, in Handschellen vor Gericht. Das Gericht wies alle vier Anträge zurück. Die Beschuldigten bleiben nun vorerst bis zum 27. Februar in Haft, während die Staatsanwaltschaft ihre Ermittlungen fortsetzt.

#Influencer und #Frauenhasser #AndrewTate bleibt hinter Gittern

Der bekannte Influencer Andrew Tate spricht sich für Gewalt an Frauen aus und behauptet, sie seien Eigentum des Mannes. Seit Ende Dezember sitzt er wegen Verdachts auf Menschenhandel und Vergewaltigung in Rumänien hinter Gittern. Eine Woche vor Ende seiner U-Haft entscheidet ein Gericht nun: Der Frauenhasser kommt vorerst nicht frei. Der britisch-amerikanische Influencer Andrew Tate und drei mutmaßliche Komplizen bleiben in rumänischer Untersuchungshaft. Ein Gericht in Bukarest entschied, dass Andrew Tate und sein Bruder Tristan sowie zwei mutmaßliche rumänische Komplizinnen mindestens bis zum 27. Februar im Gefängnis bleiben müssen, wie die rumänische Nachrichtenagentur Mediafax berichtete. (...) Die Ankläger werfen den Tate-Brüdern vor, eine organisierte Verbrechergruppe gebildet zu haben mit dem Ziel, Frauen sexuell auszubeuten. Sie sollen junge Frauen dazu gezwungen haben, bei kommerziell verbreiteten Sex-Videos mitzuwirken. Bislang seien sechs Opfer ermittelt worden. Die Tate-Brüder bestreiten die Vorwürfe. Zwischenzeitlich hat die für organisiertes Verbrechen zuständige Sondereinheit der Staatsanwaltschaft, DIICOT, die Ermittlungen ausgeweitet. Weitere Immobilien in der Hauptstadt Bukarest und Umgebung wurden durchsucht. Seit April 2021 waren die Tate-Brüder im Visier der rumänischen Ermittler.

via ntv: Influencer und Frauenhasser Andrew Tate bleibt hinter Gittern

siehe auch: AndrewTate said he broke a woman’s jaw and that his business was a ‘#scam’ ahead of #Romanian charges – #lockhimup #pizzatate #rape #humantrafficking Before his arrest on suspicion of human trafficking, Andrew Tate bragged about how he conducted his webcam sex business. Andrew Tate once called his sexually explicit webcam business a “total scam” and boasted on his website that he lured women in by getting them to fall in love with him.; Einspruch abgelehnt: Influencer Andrew Tate bleibt in Rumänien in U-Haft Dem Influencer Andrew Tate wird des Menschenhandels und der Vergewaltigung verdächtigt. Seit dem 29. Dezember sitzt er in Rumänien in Untersuchungshaft. Sein Einspruch hat keinen Erfolg - er bleibt im Gefängnis. (...) Der 36 Jahre alte Tate steht unter dem Verdacht des Menschenhandels und der Vergewaltigung und wurde am 29. Dezember in Rumänien festgenommen. Er erschien am Mittwoch gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Tristan und zwei rumänischen Frauen, die in dem Fall ebenfalls in U-Haft sitzen, in Handschellen vor Gericht. Das Gericht wies alle vier Anträge zurück. Die Beschuldigten bleiben nun vorerst bis zum 27. Februar in Haft, während die Staatsanwaltschaft ihre Ermittlungen fortsetzt.