As TikTok faces data-harvesting claims, spy agency warns Canadians to protect themselves

The man who oversees cybersecurity for the federal government says Canadians should be wary of apps that could leave their data in the "wrong hands" — a warning that comes as the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app TikTok faces claims that it has spied on its users. Sami Khoury, head of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, said users need to be aware of what they're agreeing to when they download an app, and should ask whether it enables access to their personal data. "You have to ask yourself the question, do they need to access that information? Why does an application need to access all of my contact list? Why does it need to access my calendar, my email, my phone records, my [texts]?" he told CBC News. "You layer on top of that the risk of connecting my 200 [contacts] with your 200 and then you have an aggregate … of information. In some cases, it lands in places that don't live by the same principles of rule of law [and] respect for human rights."

via cbc: As TikTok faces data-harvesting claims, spy agency warns Canadians to protect themselves

As TikTok faces data-harvesting claims, spy agency warns Canadians to protect themselves

The man who oversees cybersecurity for the federal government says Canadians should be wary of apps that could leave their data in the "wrong hands" — a warning that comes as the wildly popular Chinese-owned social media app TikTok faces claims that it has spied on its users. Sami Khoury, head of the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, said users need to be aware of what they're agreeing to when they download an app, and should ask whether it enables access to their personal data. "You have to ask yourself the question, do they need to access that information? Why does an application need to access all of my contact list? Why does it need to access my calendar, my email, my phone records, my [texts]?" he told CBC News. "You layer on top of that the risk of connecting my 200 [contacts] with your 200 and then you have an aggregate … of information. In some cases, it lands in places that don't live by the same principles of rule of law [and] respect for human rights."

via cbc: As TikTok faces data-harvesting claims, spy agency warns Canadians to protect themselves

#FBI warns of neo-Nazi plots as attacks on Northwest power grid spike – #terror

A white pickup truck with a rack of roof lights blazing pulled up to an electrical substation in the small town of Morton, Washington, about 70 miles south of Seattle on June 16. In the predawn dark next to the city cemetery, a man in a dark hoodie and baseball cap hopped out of the truck. He broke a steel gate apart, likely with a crowbar later found at the scene, and walked inside the fenced facility on his way to sabotaging its high-voltage transformers. Electrical substations transform high-voltage electricity to the lower voltages that keep America’s lights on, its food cold, its medical devices operating and its phones charged. Far-flung substations can be difficult to secure. Damaging even a single one can shut off critical services to thousands of people. Attacks like the one in Morton are on the rise in the Northwest – there have been 15 since June, more than in the previous six years combined. The recent attacks make this region a hotspot for such activity, according to a joint investigation by Oregon Public Broadcasting and KUOW. In most cases, the motives aren’t known. But as the FBI and extremism researchers have noted, neo-Nazis have been calling for just such attacks. “The individuals of concern believe that an attack on electrical infrastructure will contribute to their ideological goal of causing societal collapse and a subsequent race war in the United States,” according to an FBI memo obtained by OPB and KUOW.

via klcc: FBI warns of neo-Nazi plots as attacks on Northwest power grid spike

Russians are carrying out biggest art raid since the Nazis – #ukraine

Among the various crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, in addition to the destruction of civilian infrastructure with missiles and rockets, bombings, and of course the violence and torture of civilians, there is also the extensive and systematic looting of some of the most important, prestigious and ancient cultural institutions of the country, and the theft of thousands of works of art. According to several experts, Russia is stealing works of art in quantities comparable to those stolen by the Nazis during World War II. During these months of war, Russia raided the museums of several eastern cities, including Kherson, Mariupol, Melitopol and Kakhovka. One of the biggest thefts was the one carried out last October at the Kherson Regional Art Museum. The Russians surrounded the museum, entered en masse, detached the paintings from the walls and stole objects from the display cases, to then hastily pack them in large sheets of cardboard and take them away. Alina Dotsenko, the director of the museum who had fled the country at the time, told the New York Times some eyewitness accounts, according to which Russian soldiers loaded and piled up paintings and works on their vehicles “as if it were garbage”. Today in the Kherson museum many display cases are completely empty. According to the Ukrainian prosecutors who are dealing with the stolen works are about 15 thousand. Also in Kherson, the Russians then took away bronze statues from the parks, stole books from an ancient scientific library and even stole the remains of the bones of Grigory Potemkin, the Russian leader considered the founder of both Kherson and Odessa.

via ruetir: Russians are carrying out biggest art raid since the Nazis

#Falschparker am Dom: #Polizeichefs stellen alles zu – #amtsmissbrauch #polizeiproblem

Einen Parkplatz an der Frauenkirche zu ergattern, gleicht einem Sechser im Lotto. Es gibt nämlich keine. Rundum ist Fußgängerzone - und Parkverbot. 30 Euro kostet es, wenn man erwischt wird. Das Verbot gilt auch für Polizisten. Ausnahme: wenn sie im Einsatz sind. Doch Führungskräfte der Polizei meinten wohl, für sie gelte das nicht. Hohe Tiere parken falsch während Polizeigottesdienst An der Frauenkirche standen am Donnerstagabend zahlreiche Dienstwagen im Parkverbot, einer sogar in einer Feuerwehranfahrtszone. In der Frauenkirche fand ab 17.30 Uhr der jährliche Polizeigottesdienst statt. Das Innenministerium hatte Polizeichefs aus ganz Bayern eingeladen und dazu aufgefordert, "Delegationen zu entsenden". (...) Schon Wochen vorher hatte Landespolizeipräsident Michael Schwald alle Dienststellen explizit darauf hingewiesen, "dass im Bereich des Liebfrauendoms keine Parkplätze zur Verfügung stehen." (...) Doch nicht wenige ignorierten das: Zahlreiche Dienst-BMWs und Audis parkten trotzdem in der Fußgängerzone. Darunter der Wagen des Landespolizeipräsidenten und der von Manfred Hauser, Chef des Präsidiums Oberbayern Süd.

via az müncehn: Falschparker am Dom: Polizeichefs stellen alles zu

Twitter is down to fewer than 550 full-time engineers

Internal records show that Twitter has shed about 80% of its employees since Elon Musk took over and headcount is hovering around 1,300 working employees today. With fewer than 550 full-time engineers now, one former Twitter engineer says the remaining team will be spread thin, and will likely have a hard time maintaining the service while adding new features. In addition to the 1,300 full-time Twitter employees, new owner and CEO Elon Musk has authorized about 130 people from his other companies, including Tesla, SpaceX and The Boring Co., to work for the social media business. Twitter’s full-time headcount has dwindled to approximately 1,300 active, working employees, including fewer than 550 full-time engineers by title, according to internal records viewed by CNBC. Around 75 of the company’s 1,300 employees are on leave including about 40 engineers. The company’s trust and safety team, which makes policy recommendations, design and product changes with the aim of keeping all of Twitter’s users safe, is down to fewer than 20 full-time employees. Internal records indicate that there are also about 1,400 non-working employees of Twitter who are still being paid, but are no longer expected to fulfill their old responsibilities at the social media company. Many of them resigned when CEO Elon Musk sent out a “pledge” asking them to commit to “hardcore” work at Twitter 2.0 including long hours.

via cnbc: Twitter is down to fewer than 550 full-time engineers

siehe auch: 80 percent of Twitter's full-time staff has evaporated under Musk No wonder the site runs like trash these days. Elon Musk wasn't lying last October when he told Bloomberg that 75 percent of the employees at his newly acquired toy,, wouldn't lose their jobs under his ownership, as The Washington Post had reported at the time. Turns out, it's closer to 80 percent. Of the roughly 7,500 people working there before Musk's takeover, CNBC reports Friday that barely 1,300 in total, and fewer than 550 full-time engineers, are left at the husk of a company, either through said layoffs or voluntary resignations. CNBC also notes that 75 employees are currently on leave, 40 of which are engineers, while the Trust and Safety team, which oversees content moderation for the site, has been culled to fewer than 20 full-timers. This news comes at the end of a seemingly ceaseless string of blunders since Musk announced an unsolicited $44 billion bid to buy the social media site last April.

Twitter is down to fewer than 550 full-time engineers

Internal records show that Twitter has shed about 80% of its employees since Elon Musk took over and headcount is hovering around 1,300 working employees today. With fewer than 550 full-time engineers now, one former Twitter engineer says the remaining team will be spread thin, and will likely have a hard time maintaining the service while adding new features. In addition to the 1,300 full-time Twitter employees, new owner and CEO Elon Musk has authorized about 130 people from his other companies, including Tesla, SpaceX and The Boring Co., to work for the social media business. Twitter’s full-time headcount has dwindled to approximately 1,300 active, working employees, including fewer than 550 full-time engineers by title, according to internal records viewed by CNBC. Around 75 of the company’s 1,300 employees are on leave including about 40 engineers. The company’s trust and safety team, which makes policy recommendations, design and product changes with the aim of keeping all of Twitter’s users safe, is down to fewer than 20 full-time employees. Internal records indicate that there are also about 1,400 non-working employees of Twitter who are still being paid, but are no longer expected to fulfill their old responsibilities at the social media company. Many of them resigned when CEO Elon Musk sent out a “pledge” asking them to commit to “hardcore” work at Twitter 2.0 including long hours.

via cnbc: Twitter is down to fewer than 550 full-time engineers

siehe auch: 80 percent of Twitter's full-time staff has evaporated under Musk No wonder the site runs like trash these days. Elon Musk wasn't lying last October when he told Bloomberg that 75 percent of the employees at his newly acquired toy,, wouldn't lose their jobs under his ownership, as The Washington Post had reported at the time. Turns out, it's closer to 80 percent. Of the roughly 7,500 people working there before Musk's takeover, CNBC reports Friday that barely 1,300 in total, and fewer than 550 full-time engineers, are left at the husk of a company, either through said layoffs or voluntary resignations. CNBC also notes that 75 employees are currently on leave, 40 of which are engineers, while the Trust and Safety team, which oversees content moderation for the site, has been culled to fewer than 20 full-timers. This news comes at the end of a seemingly ceaseless string of blunders since Musk announced an unsolicited $44 billion bid to buy the social media site last April.