Elon #Musk-funded nonprofit run by #MIT professor offered to finance Swedish pro-nazi group – #twittertakeover

The far-right media profile Markus Andersson's foundation was granted 100,000 dollars by the organization that Max Tegmark leads. A decision that was later revoked. Montage: Expo/Press photo The US-based and Elon Musk-funded Future of Life Institute, run by MIT professor and Swedish citizen Max Tegmark, offered a grant of $100,000 to right-wing extremists in Sweden, an Expo investigation reveals. Tegmark initially denied offering any funds, then referred all questions to a law firm – which says that no money will be paid out, while refusing to explain the grant offer. In the fall of 2022, a Swedish right-wing extremist with a central role in running the pro-nazi media platform Nya Dagbladet received a message: the foundation to promote “independent journalism” that he was in the process of setting up had been approved a major grant of money. The sum of $100,000 – about one million in Swedish currency – was to be paid out as soon as the extremist could show that the foundation had been officially registered. The promise of financial support was signed ”Prof. Max Tegmark President, Future of Life Institute”. The person to whom the signature belongs has a high profile: the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) physics professor and public figure Max Tegmark. (...) This fall, the Swedish pro-nazi media platform Nya Dagbladet filed paperwork with the government administrative board in Dalarna County, Sweden, to officially register a foundation. According to these filings, the Future of Life Institute and Max Tegmark intend to support the extremist foundation with the sum of $100,000. Nya Dagbladet notified the government of Tegmark’s promise of support as part of the application process, subsequent to the initial filing. The Nya Dagbladet Foundation held its first, constitutive meeting on 1 August in the town of Avesta, in Dalarna, Sweden. The foundation’s board of directors consists of the senior editors of the right-wing extremist, conspiracist media platform Nya Dagbladet. The foundation’s stated purpose is to ”promote independent journalism in Sweden”. Markus Andersson, editor-in-chief and formal publisher of the Nya Dagbladet website, was appointed board chairman.

via expo: Elon Musk-funded nonprofit run by MIT professor offered to finance Swedish pro-nazi group


Dr. Anthony #Fauci Issues Sharp Response To Elon #Musk’s Teased ‘#FauciFiles’ – #twitter

“I have no idea what he’s talking about," the top immunologist told Fox News' Neil Cavuto, adding: "I wish I did." Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday expressed puzzlement over Twitter owner Elon Musk’s call for him to be prosecuted and the billionaire’s teasing of the release of something he calls the “Fauci files.” Neil Cavuto, the host of “Your World” on Fox News, asked the former longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases what “made of the world’s richest man, or second richest now, going after you.” “I have no idea what he’s talking about, Neil,” Fauci replied. “I wish I did. I’m clueless about what he’s referring to.” Previous installments of the “Twitter Files” series have detailed the internal discussions at and workings of the social media platform before Musk’s purchase. The “Fauci files” were due to drop in early January, per Musk. But the release appears to be delayed. “I just don’t understand what he’s doing. And I don’t think I should be addressing it because it’s a bit puzzling to me,” said Fauci, who has been the subject of intense attacks from the right over his push for COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine and mask mandates.

via huff: Dr. Anthony Fauci Issues Sharp Response To Elon Musk's Teased 'Fauci Files'


Steve Bannon Dumping Lawyers In Border Wall Fraud Case

A judge questioned whether the move was simply a ploy to delay the former White House strategist's trial over the fundraising scheme. Former White House strategist Steve Bannon is jettisoning his lawyers in a New York case accusing him of defrauding supporters of donations he claimed would be used to build a wall along the U.S. southern border. Bannon’s current attorney David Schoen told Judge Juan Merchan in a Manhattan courtroom Thursday that “irreconcilable differences have arisen” on Bannon’s defense team, according to various press reports. “We certainly don’t need to show good cause and we don’t need to go into detail,” Schoen said, per ABC News. Merchan was skeptical, however, and asked if the action was merely an attempt to delay proceedings. But Schoen insisted there was a serious breakdown in communication between Bannon and his lawyers. (...) But Bannon and We Build the Wall were then indicted in New York in September following a joint investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and New York Attorney General Letitia James. Trump’s pardon only protected against federal charges. The We Build the Wall operation, launched in 2019, raised some $15 million on “false promises,” and hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on organizers’ wages and expenses, Bragg said at a press conference when he announced the charges. More than 11,000 donors were allegedly defrauded out of more than $730,000 throughout New York. James accused Bannon of taking “advantage of his donors’ political views to secure millions of dollars which he then misappropriated.” “It is a crime to turn a profit by lying to donors, and in New York, you will be held accountable,” Bragg said.

via huff: Steve Bannon Dumping Lawyers In Border Wall Fraud Case

Steve Bannon (52587679647).jpg
Von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/people/22007612@N05">Gage Skidmore</a> from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/gageskidmore/52587679647/">Steve Bannon</a>, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Ukraine To Receive British Tanks As Russian Missiles Hit Kyiv

The U.K. will send a number of Challenger 2 tanks in response to requests for heavier machinery from Ukrainian leaders. U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Saturday promised to provide tanks and artillery systems to Ukraine, amid renewed missile attacks by Moscow targeting multiple Ukrainian cities for the first time in nearly two weeks. Ten people were wounded, including two children, in the southeastern city of Dnipro, where a Russian missile strike destroyed a section of a residential building, officials said. Infrastructure facilities were also hit in the western Lviv region and northeastern Kharkiv. Kyiv, the capital, was also targeted. Sunak made the pledge to provide Challenger 2 tanks and other artillery systems after speaking to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday, the British leader’s Downing Street office said in a statement. It didn’t say when the tanks would be delivered or how many. British media have reported that four British Army Challenger 2 main battle tanks will be sent to Eastern Europe immediately, with eight more to follow shortly after, without citing sources. (...) The Czech Republic and Poland have provided Soviet-era T-72 tanks to Ukrainian forces. Poland has also expressed readiness to provide a company of Leopard tanks, but President Andrzej Duda stressed during his recent visit to the Ukrainian city of Lviv that the move would be possible only as an element in a larger international coalition of tank aid to Kyiv. Earlier this month, France said it would send AMX-10 RC armored combat vehicles to Ukraine, designated “light tanks” in French. The U.S. and Germany announced the same week that they would send Bradley fighting vehicles and Marder armored personnel carriers, respectively, for the first time.

via huffpost: Ukraine To Receive British Tanks As Russian Missiles Hit Kyiv

Challenger 2 tank from the British Armed Force's 3rd Battalion (1).jpg
Von Photo by Staff Sgt. Brooks Fletcher, U.S. Army Europe Public Affairs - <a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/usarmyeurope_images/8131427464/in/set-72157631688658714">https://www.flickr.com/photos/usarmyeurope_images/8131427464/in/set-72157631688658714</a>, Gemeinfrei, Link

#Vergewaltigungsvorwurf – US-Autorin Jean Carroll kann mit Klage gegen Donald #Trump fortfahren

Ein New Yorker Gericht hat entschieden, dass Jean Carroll mit ihrer Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren darf. Die Autorin wirft dem Ex-Präsidenten vor, sie in den Neunzigerjahren vergewaltigt zu haben. Er streitet dies ab. Die US-Autorin Jean Carroll darf vor einem New Yorker Gericht mit einer Klage wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung gegen den früheren US-Präsidenten Donald Trump fortfahren. Das hat ein Bundesbezirksgericht in Manhattan entschieden, wie US-Medien übereinstimmend berichteten. Die 79-Jährige wirft dem Republikaner vor, er habe sie Mitte der Neunzigerjahre in einem New Yorker Kaufhaus vergewaltigt. Trump weist die Anschuldigung zurück. Bislang hatte Carroll den Ex-Präsidenten nicht wegen des Vergewaltigungsvorwurfes selbst angeklagt, sondern lediglich wegen Verleumdung. Denn die Frist für die Erhebung von Strafanzeigen wegen sexueller Übergriffe in den Neunzigerjahren war längst abgelaufen.

via spiegel: Vergewaltigungsvorwurf US-Autorin Jean Carroll kann mit Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren

siehe auch: Under Oath, Donald Trump Hurled Insults About Woman Who Accuses Him Of Rape. Portions of the former president’s videotaped deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll have been unsealed by a court. Questioned for a lawsuit, former President Donald Trump angrily hurled insults and threatened to sue the columnist who accused him of raping her in a department store in the 1990s, according to excerpts of his videotaped testimony unsealed by a court on Friday. Portions of his 5 1/2-hour October deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll were released publicly after a federal judge rejected his lawyers’ request that it remained sealed. “She said that I did something to her that never took place. There was no anything. I know nothing about this nut job,” he said, according to the transcript. The excerpts reveal a contentious battle between Trump and Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for Carroll, who questioned him as Trump called the former longtime Elle magazine columnist the perpetrator of “a complete scam” in which she described the rape as she “was promoting a really crummy book.” “I will sue her after this is over, and that’s the thing I really look forward to doing. And I’ll sue you too,” he told Kaplan. The release of excerpts from the deposition came the same day as Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, unrelated to the lawyer, also refused a request by Trump’s attorneys to toss out two lawsuits by Carroll alleging defamation and rape. An April trial is planned. Trump has repeatedly said the encounter with Carroll in the mid-1990s at an upscale Manhattan department store never happened.


#Vergewaltigungsvorwurf – US-Autorin Jean Carroll kann mit Klage gegen Donald #Trump fortfahren

Ein New Yorker Gericht hat entschieden, dass Jean Carroll mit ihrer Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren darf. Die Autorin wirft dem Ex-Präsidenten vor, sie in den Neunzigerjahren vergewaltigt zu haben. Er streitet dies ab. Die US-Autorin Jean Carroll darf vor einem New Yorker Gericht mit einer Klage wegen des Vorwurfs der Vergewaltigung gegen den früheren US-Präsidenten Donald Trump fortfahren. Das hat ein Bundesbezirksgericht in Manhattan entschieden, wie US-Medien übereinstimmend berichteten. Die 79-Jährige wirft dem Republikaner vor, er habe sie Mitte der Neunzigerjahre in einem New Yorker Kaufhaus vergewaltigt. Trump weist die Anschuldigung zurück. Bislang hatte Carroll den Ex-Präsidenten nicht wegen des Vergewaltigungsvorwurfes selbst angeklagt, sondern lediglich wegen Verleumdung. Denn die Frist für die Erhebung von Strafanzeigen wegen sexueller Übergriffe in den Neunzigerjahren war längst abgelaufen.

via spiegel: Vergewaltigungsvorwurf US-Autorin Jean Carroll kann mit Klage gegen Donald Trump fortfahren

siehe auch: Under Oath, Donald Trump Hurled Insults About Woman Who Accuses Him Of Rape. Portions of the former president’s videotaped deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll have been unsealed by a court. Questioned for a lawsuit, former President Donald Trump angrily hurled insults and threatened to sue the columnist who accused him of raping her in a department store in the 1990s, according to excerpts of his videotaped testimony unsealed by a court on Friday. Portions of his 5 1/2-hour October deposition in a lawsuit filed by columnist E. Jean Carroll were released publicly after a federal judge rejected his lawyers’ request that it remained sealed. “She said that I did something to her that never took place. There was no anything. I know nothing about this nut job,” he said, according to the transcript. The excerpts reveal a contentious battle between Trump and Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer for Carroll, who questioned him as Trump called the former longtime Elle magazine columnist the perpetrator of “a complete scam” in which she described the rape as she “was promoting a really crummy book.” “I will sue her after this is over, and that’s the thing I really look forward to doing. And I’ll sue you too,” he told Kaplan. The release of excerpts from the deposition came the same day as Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, unrelated to the lawyer, also refused a request by Trump’s attorneys to toss out two lawsuits by Carroll alleging defamation and rape. An April trial is planned. Trump has repeatedly said the encounter with Carroll in the mid-1990s at an upscale Manhattan department store never happened.


#Landgericht #Erfurt setzt rechte Aktivistin als #Schöffin ein

In einem Prozess gegen mutmaßliche Schleuser setzt das Landgericht Erfurt eine Schöffin ein, die rechte Demos organisiert und an einem NPD-Treffen teilgenommen hat. Die Vereinigung der Ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen und Richter Mitteldeutschlands ruft die Justiz zum Handeln auf. Das Landgericht schweigt zu dem Fall. Zum Prozessauftakt Anfang Januar im Erfurter Landgericht macht die Schöffin einen eher unscheinbaren Eindruck. Gitta Kritzmöller im grauen Blazer richtet ihre schwarze Leselampe neu aus, blättert in den Prozessunterlagen und mustert die anderen Prozessbeteiligten. Deutlich agiler zeigt sich die Mathematik- und Physiklehrerin bei Demonstrationen, die sie anmeldet und mitorganisiert. Im November beispielsweise hatte Kritzmöller eine Kundgebung vor dem Erfurter Landtag bei der Stadt angemeldet - für 10.000 Personen. Für das Bühnenprogramm hatte die Aktivistin ein regelrechtes Who-is-Who der extremen Rechten gewinnen können. Vor rund 2.000 Menschen, die schließlich vor den Landtag gekommen waren, traten als Redner auf: Björn Höcke, dessen AfD-Landesverband vom Thüringer Verfassungsschutz als "erwiesen rechtsextremistische Bestrebung" eingestuft wird; Jürgen Elsässer, Herausgeber des "Compact Magazins", das das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz als "gesichert extremistische Bestrebung" einstuft; Lutz Bachmann von der Dresdner Pegida-Bewegung sowie Martin Kohlmann von der Regionalpartei "Freie Sachsen". Beide Zusammenschlüsse stuft der sächsische Verfassungsschutz als "gesichert extremistisch" ein. Als stellvertretender Versammlungsleiter fungierte in Erfurt ein bekannter und mehrfach vorbestrafter Rechtsextremist aus Gera. Vor diesem Hintergrund ruft die Vereinigung der Ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen und Richter Mitteldeutschlands die Thüringer Justiz zum Handeln auf. Es sei "Aufgabe der Justiz, bei gröblichen Pflichtverletzungen gegen amtierende Schöffen einzuschreiten", teilt Verbandsvorstand Marko Goschin auf MDR-THÜRINGEN Anfrage mit: "Wir würden es begrüßen, wenn die Verantwortlichen rasch tätig würden." Goschin, ein erfahrener Schöffe an sächsischen Landgerichten, verweist dazu auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, das "die Pflicht zur Verfassungstreue der ehrenamtlichen Richter" herleite.

via mdr: Landgericht Erfurt setzt rechte Aktivistin als Schöffin ein