On July 1, 2022, the Telegram channel of Activity Power Rusich, a Wagner Group-affiliated militia presently combating in Ukraine – which reviews on the operations of the “Diversion and Assault Reconnaissance Group,” headed by Russian neo-Nazi Alexei Milchakov, within the warfare in Ukraine – printed a submit asserting that whereas the group was fundraising for navy gear, its Binance account was blocked. In response to the screenshot included within the submit, which reveals a chat with the supervisor of Binance, the account was blocked due to an ongoing investigation by Ukrainian authorities. (…) The submit reads: “Such a coverage fully discredited Binance and its administration. I like to recommend that Russian folks not use the Binance crypto-exchange companies to be able to keep away from the lack of funds on the whim of the pro-khokhol [a derogatory term for Ukrainians] administration,” reads the submit. As well as, the channel advises customers to not retailer property in crypto-exchange accounts, however as an alternative to make use of {hardware} wallets. The submit incorporates a hyperlink to a Google Docs doc titled “Cryptocurrency Assist For Donbass And Russian Warriors,” which is a step-by-step information to purchasing, storing, and transferring cryptocurrency.
via cryptonewsbc: Russian Neo-Nazi ‘Task Force Rusich,’ Affiliated With The Wagner Group, Raises Funds Via Cryptocurrency