New neo-Nazi group identified in Valencia as hate crime spirals throughout Spain

POLICE are currently investigating the arrival of a new neo-Nazi group in Valencia city. Known as Bastion Frontal and originating from Madrid, the group is currently recruiting members in Valencia and surrounding areas. Their official presentation took place in Ruzafa on July 10, when they openly declared their hatred for homosexuals, Jews, immigrants and other sectors of society that are the usual target of these types of gangs. The National and Local Police forces were alerted by support groups of the aforementioned collectives and by local business owners and residents, who expressed their concern about the arrival of yet another far-right group in the area that is already home to the political parties España 2000 and Democracia Nacional. Self-identified as ‘combative nationalist youth’, Bastion Frontal’s stated aims are reportedly to revert the ‘Catalanisation’ of Valencia, remove the Compromis and CUP political parties, and transform October 9 – the popular festivity celebrating Valencian culture – into a ‘day of pride for Valencia and Spain’, among others. Their arrival coincides with a spike in homophobic attacks in the capital following the murder of Samuel Luiz in Galicia, proving to the police that ‘hate speech has a very serious effect’ on daily life.

via theolivepress: New neo-Nazi group identified in Valencia as hate crime spirals throughout Spain