Far-right group can be called “fascist”, rules Poland’s Supreme Court

National Radical Camp (ONR), one of Poland’s most prominent far-right groups, can be described as “fascist”, the Supreme Court has ruled. The activist who won the case now hopes that the ruling can be the basis for having ONR outlawed completely, as promoting fascism is illegal under Polish law. ONR is one of the three groups that founded and continues to play a leading role in organising the annual Independence March in Warsaw, which draws tens of thousands of participants and has received support from Poland’s current national-conservative ruling camp. Last year’s event saw attacks by some participants against the police, as well as arson against an apartment displaying an LGBT rainbow flag. Afterwards, opposition parties called for the march and ONR to be outlawed. But the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party blamed the violence – without evidence – on “provocateurs”. The new Supreme Court ruling ends a four-year legal battle by ONR members against a left-wing activist. In 2017, Robert Koliński – from the Left Together (Lewica Razem) party – expressed opposition to a march in the city of Elbląg organised by ONR and another far-right group, All-Polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska).

via notesfrompoland: Far-right group can be called “fascist”, rules Poland’s Supreme Court

#Corona-Ausbruch auf TUI-#Kreuzfahrtschiff: Etliche in #Quarantäne – Urlauber berichtet von unfassbaren Szenen

Über 20 Urlauber:innen sitzen aktuell in Quarantäne in Las Palmas. Mehrere von ihnen fühlen sich offenbar vom Reiseunternehmen alleingelassen. Corona-Fälle auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff vor den kanarischen Inseln. Insgesamt befinden sich laut dem Sender RTL über 20 Personen in Quarantäne. Darunter drei mit dem Coronavirus infizierte Urlauber:innen - zwei Gäste und ein Besatzungsmitglied - sowie Kontaktpersonen ersten Grades. Diese hatten mit den Erkrankten in einem Ausflugsbus auf Fuerteventura gesessen. Auf engstem Raum, wie nun mehrere Reisende dem Sender berichten. „Der Bus war knüppeldickevoll“, so ein Passagier. In den Ausflugsfahrzeugen sei es eng gewesen, es seien keine Sitzreihen oder Plätze zwischen den Urlauber:innen freigelassen worden. „Überall wird man darauf aufmerksam gemacht, Abstand zu halten und sich an die Regeln zu halten – und im Bus wurden wir zusammengepfercht“, berichtet er weiter aus der Quarantäne heraus. (...) Der Reiseveranstalter Tui bestätigte auf RTL-Anfrage die Infektions-Fälle. Es seien insgesamt 24 Gäste sowie ein Besatzungsmitglied in Quarantäne.

via merkur: Corona-Ausbruch auf TUI-Kreuzfahrtschiff: Etliche in Quarantäne - Urlauber berichtet von unfassbaren Szenen

screenshot https://www.tuicruises.com/blauereisen
screenshot https://www.tuicruises.com/aktuelle-reiseinformationen

New #QAnon #conspiracy theory says #Trump will be inaugurated on March 20

After the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, conservative conspiracy theorists spread a rumor that March 4 would be the next big date in which conservative voters would rise to power again. The right-wing conspiracy group QAnon believes that President Donald Trump will officially become the president again on that date at the inauguration ceremony and will create the long-awaited "storm." The explanation of "the storm" is that mass arrests and deaths of what they believe are satanic pedophiles in the so-called "deep state." Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel, who is in Orlando for CPAC this weekend, interviewed one QAnon supporter who explained that the real date is now March 20. According to a man named Ken, Trump is actually still in command of the military and will be inaugurated on March 20. President Joe Biden's presidency, he said, is just a ruse. He thinks that Pope Francis will be among those "rounded-up" on March 20.

via rawstory: New QAnon conspiracy theory says Trump will be inaugurated on March 20


#Seenotrettung: Sea-Eye tauft viertes Schiff

In diesem Jahr sind etwa 170 Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer gestorben, so die Vereinten Nationen. Das wollen die Seenotretter von Sea-Eye aus Regensburg verhindern. Jetzt bringen sie ihr viertes und größtes Schiff an den Start. Heute wurde es getauft. Die Regensburger Seenotrettungsorganisation Sea-Eye hat am Sonntag in Rostock ihr viertes Schiff getauft. Die "Sea-Eye 4" soll nach Angaben der Initiatoren im Frühjahr ihren Einsatz im Mittelmeer starten. Auf der Reise nach Spanien soll es auch ein katholischer Bischof im Ruhestand begleiten. Die "Sea-Eye 4" ist den Angaben zufolge das bisher größte Schiff, das die Organisation in den Rettungseinsatz entsendet. Finanziert wurde das neue Schiff größtenteils von dem Bündnis "United4Rescue", an dem auch die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) beteiligt ist. Die Kosten für Anschaffung, Umbau und Überführung liegen bei etwa einer Million Euro. Als Taufpate agierte der inzwischen 19-jährige Alpha Jor Barry. Den Angaben zufolge wurde der junge Mann aus Sierra Leone, der seit mehr als einem Jahr in Slowenien lebe, Ende 2018 durch die "Alan Kurdi" im Mittelmeer gerettet. Mit 16 weiteren Personen war er mit einem kleinen Fischerboot aus dem Bürgerkriegsland Libyen geflohen, als ein Sturm aufkam, sagte Barry. "Wenn die 'Alan Kurdi' mich damals nicht gefunden hätte, wäre ich nicht mehr am Leben." Das frisch getaufte Schiff ist knapp 50 Jahre alt und 55 Meter lang. Bisher hat es Baumaterialien auf der Ostsee transportiert. Mehrere Dutzend Freiwillige arbeiten seit Oktober 2020 daran, das Rettungsschiff herzurichten. Heimathafen soll Regensburg werden, wo der Verein seinen Sitz hat.

via br24: Seenotrettung: Sea-Eye tauft viertes Schiff

screenshot https://sea-eye.org/sea-eye-4/

Bizarre video claiming Trump is the ‘real American samurai’ leaves people baffled after it was shown at CPAC

If you thought that gold Trump statues, refusals to wear a mask in the middle of a global pandemic and doubling down on the debunked voter fraud claims that led to a deadly insurrection were about as peak CPAC as we were going to get, hold up because there’s an astonishing one-minute video here to say “hold my drink”. The clip was apparently part of a video package shown at the Conservative pro-Trump conference on Friday. It shows Japanese political scientist and “Samurai Futurologist” Gemki Fujii (sometimes transcribed as “Genki Fujii”) waxing lyrical about the former president. CPAC itself has promoted Fujii’s support of Trump, tweeting on Thursday about his appearance and referring to him as “the last samurai”, directing attendees to visit his booth to hear Fujii’s “view on threat of Chinese communism”. Vox journalist Aaron Rupar then tweeted the video that was shown during the conference, in which Fujii says: “I respect President Trump and American conservatives. President Trump fought against Chinese communists in order to protect the entire free world. President Trump is a real American samurai.” He goes on to reference “cancel culture” and suggest there could be a “samurai to samurai alliance” between Japan and the US. It seems unlikely that he’s referring to President Biden here as the American samurai in the analogy, making the whole thing even more bizarre given Trump isn’t really in much of a position to improve international relations now that he’s no longer president.

via indy100: Bizarre video claiming Trump is the ‘real American samurai’ leaves people baffled after it was shown at CPAC

siehe auch: Trump CPAC speech – live: Ex-president to proclaim himself future of GOP as supporters hail him as ‘the boss’. Follow the latest updates from Orlando, where right-wing conference is underway. The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) enters its fourth day on Sunday with attendees gearing up for the culmination when it is rumoured Donald Trump could announce a 2024 presidential run. During his speech, the former US leader is expected to declare himself the future of the GOP, according to Reuters. “I stand before you today to declare that the incredible journey we began together four years ago is far from over,” Mr Trump is expected to say in an excerpt of his speech published by the press agency. Speaking at CPAC on Sunday, former Trump economic adviser and news commentator Larry Kudlow already hailed the former president as “the boss” of the party. President Joe Biden has said he will not be paying attention to his predecessor’s speech in Orlando, Florida


Exposed: Inside far right group Patriotic Alternative

Supporters of a far right group recruiting in Scotland include neo-Nazis and former members of the British National Party and Scottish Defence League, we can reveal. An undercover investigation has also found that supporters of Patriotic Alternative posted racist and anti-Semitic comments and disturbing images in a private group on messaging app Telegram. Patriotic Alternative (PA) wants to remove all non-white people from the UK. It is attempting to recruit young people by offering camping trips and paint gun sessions to “build communities” and recently posted images of members hiking in Scotland. It was set up in 2019 by Mark Collett, a Leeds-based extremist who was previously head of publicity for the British National Party. The Ferret was passed hundreds of messages and images after a group called Antifascist Research Collective infiltrated PA Scotland’s private Telegram group. Most of PA’s members use pseudonyms online but more than a dozen have been identified. The private group of around 60 people contains individuals who have been members of, or expressed support for, the Scottish Defence League, neo-Nazi group Blood and Honour, the British National Party, New British Union, British Union of Fascists and the Scottish Nationalist Society.

via theferret.scot: Exposed: Inside far right group Patriotic Alternative

#Sinti, #Roma face systemic #prejudice in #Germany

Some 76 years after the Nazi genocide that aimed to wipe out Germany's Sinti and Roma communities, there has been progress in education equality for Europe's largest minority group — but discrimination remains. "You're nothing, you can't do anything, you're the bottom of the pile." That's what members of Germany's Sinti and Roma communities have been told for centuries, sometimes openly and sometimes subtly, said Sebastijan Kurtisi.  As one of the interviewers for the latest RomnoKher study, Kurtisi surveyed Sinti and Roma people living in Germany, among them both Germans and immigrants. RomnoKher is the nationwide association of Sinti and Roma for the promotion of culture and education, and the study — which involved 614 interviews — was funded by the foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future."  Like all the interviewers, Kurtisi is himself a member of Europe's largest minority group. There are an estimated 6.3 million people in the European Union, who speak the language Romani. EU member states are required to actively promote the group's participation in the education system. The vast majority of all respondents in the study believe this promotion is necessary, with over 80% considering education very important. (...) Overall, the RomnoKher study shows a lot of educational progress compared to previous studies and in a comparison with previous generations, according to Karin Cudak, an educational expert at the European University of Flensburg and one of the study's authors.  All the children from the communities now attend elementary school, but the study also shows "that a large proportion of those surveyed still leave the education system empty-handed" — one in three has no school diploma, and no vocational qualifications either.  As a result, many find only low-paying jobs. Among the youngest respondents, only half as many do not graduate compared to older respondents. But this is still a significantly higher proportion than in the German population as a whole: Only 5% of all adults in Germany do not have a high school diploma. Despite all the progress made, especially among younger respondents, there is a "startling difference from the national average for the population." Fewer minority children attended day care, for example, and significantly fewer attained a college or university degree. 

via dw: Sinti, Roma face systemic prejudice in Germany

siehe auch: RomnoKher-Studie 2021: Ungleiche Teilhabe – Zur Lage der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. Zehn Jahre nach der ersten RomnoKher-Studie legt die RomnoKher gGmbH mit Unterstützung der Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“ (EVZ) eine neue Studie zur aktuellen Lage der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland vor. Der VDSR-BW ist alleiniger Gesellschafter der RomnoKher gGmbH. Eine bundesweite Arbeitsgemeinschaft von RomnoKher hat dafür 61 Interviewerinnen und Interviewer aus der Minderheit einbezogen und ein Team von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler verschiedener Hochschulen und aus der Praxis aufgebaut, von denen etwa die Hälfte selbst der Minderheit angehören. Von über 700 durchgeführten internetgestützten Befragungen zwischen September und Dezember 2020 wurden nach sorgfältiger Prüfung 614 Interviews mit einheimischen und zugewanderten Roma und Sinti aus allen Bundesländern ausgewertet. Die Befragten wurden mit Hilfe einer Kombination aus Zufalls- und Schneeballprinzip aus etwa 3500 Personen ausgewählt, um die Signifikanz der Daten zu erhöhen. Die Interviewer aus dem gesamten Bundesgebiet waren dafür wegen der Pandemie größtenteils telefonisch oder online im Einsatz. Dabei wurden bis zu 100 Fragen aus den Bereichen Familiensituation, Bildungssituation, Diskriminierungserfahrungen, Beschäftigung, Wohnsituation, Traumatisierung und Einschätzungen zur gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung und zu Handlungsbedarfen gestellt.