Weil er ihnen das Urinieren an einer Baustelle verbot, haben zwei Männer am späten Montagnachmittag einen 27-Jährigen wüst beschimpft, ihn mit einem Messer bedroht und angekündigt, ihn umzubringen. Der Vorfall ereignete sich gegen 17 Uhr an einer Baustellenzufahrt in Freimann. Dort hatte ein 27 Jahre alter dunkelhäutiger Mann aus dem Landkreis Dachau die Aufsicht. Plötzlich hielt ein BMW. Einer der Insassen, ein 55-Jähriger aus dem Landkreis München, stieg aus, augenscheinlich um sich zu erleichtern. Als der Aufseher ihm das verwehrte, pöbelte der Mann ihn rassistisch an und zückte ein Brotzeitmesser. Er werde ihn umbringen, drohte er dem jungen Mann. Gleichzeitig stieg der Beifahrer aus dem BMW. Der 57 Jahre alte Hausmeister aus München machte eine Geste des Kopfabschneidens in Richtung des Opfers.
Nachdem ein Mann ein 13 Jahre altes Mädchen sexuell belästigt haben soll, wurde nun Haftbefehl gegen ihn erlassen. Der 32-Jährige soll während einer 40-minütigen Zugfahrt übergriffig geworden sein. Weder der Lokführer noch andere Fahrgästen waren bei dem Vorfall eingeschritten. Nach einem mutmaßlichen sexuellen Übergriff auf eine 13-Jährige in der Ilmtalbahn ist gegen einen Mann Haftbefehl erlassen worden. Bei dem 32-Jährigen könne eine Wiederholungs- und Fluchtgefahr nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Daher habe der Haftrichter am Samstag entschieden, dass der Mann aus Weimar in ein Gefängnis gebracht werden soll, wie die Polizei am Samstagabend mitteilte. (…) Die Polizei sprach von einer Straftat von erheblicher Bedeutung. Der Vorfall soll auf der Fahrt auf der eingleisigen Strecke vom Berkaer Bahnhof bis nach Kranichfeld und wieder zurück insgesamt etwa 40 Minuten angedauert haben.
Die 90-jährige italienische Senatorin und Auschwitz-Überlebende Liliana Segre ist nach ihrer Corona-Schutzimpfung mit antisemitischen Beleidigungen in digitalen Medien attackiert worden. Politiker reagierten empört. Innenministerin Luciana Lamorgese (parteilos) bekundete Segre ihre Solidarität und sprach in einer Erklärung am Freitag von einer »hochgefährlichen Mischung von Hass, Gewalt und Rassismus«. Derartige Taten im Internet würden strafrechtlich verfolgt, betonte Lamorgese. IMPFKAMPAGNE Segre hatte am Donnerstag am Beginn der Corona-Impfkampagne in der norditalienischen Region Lombardei teilgenommen und andere Senioren ermuntert, sich ebenfalls immunisieren zu lassen. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Impfung, der unter anderem auf der Facebook-Seite von Regionalpräsident Attilio Fontana (Lega) veröffentlicht wurde, zog zahlreiche schmähende Kommentare nach sich.
siehe auch: Italian Holocaust survivor’s plug for vaccine sparks online anti-Semitic abuse. Liliana Segre, a prominent Holocaust educator, encourages other seniors to get virus shot, triggering wave of anti-Jewish invective on social media. An Italian Holocaust survivor’s attempt to encourage other older adults to receive the COVID-19 vaccine has triggered a wave of anti-Semitic comments and other invective on social media. Liliana Segre, 90, received the first of the two-shot vaccine in Milan on Thursday. She urged people who reach her age “to not be afraid and to take the vaccine.” “I’m not afraid of the vaccine, I’m afraid of the illness,” Segre said. After Segre’s comments received negative social media attention, Italian Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese expressed solidarity with her and denounced the “new and unacceptable attack” which he said was marked by “a very dangerous mix of hate, violence and racism.” Segre publicly bared a shoulder to receive her vaccine injection at a hospital on the first day that Milan began administering the shots to residents age 80 and older. She said that she believed that those who refuse to be vaccinated are “either too frightened or not informed enough.”
By Senato della Repubblica – <a rel=”nofollow” class=”external free” href=”http://www.senato.it/leg/18/BGT/Schede/Attsen/00032435.htm”>http://www.senato.it/leg/18/BGT/Schede/Attsen/00032435.htm</a>, CC BY 1.0, Link
Federal prosecutors indicted six members of the Oath Keepers militia, who the government added as co-defendants to an existing indictment for three alleged Oath Keepers. Seven of the group were part of a tactical “stack” of people dressed in combat gear who pushed through crowds to enter the Capitol, the government said. The nine were indicted by a grand jury on charges that included conspiracy to corruptly obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding, destruction of property and restricted buildings or grounds charges. The indictment also charges two men with obstructing the investigation. Prosecutors say the group donned paramilitary gear and used military-style tactics — keeping hands on each other’s backs to communicate as they marched up the steps of the Capitol — and coordinated with other Oath Keepers before and during the attack, using apps like MeWe and Zello. The six charged Friday are Ohio residents Sandra Parker, 60, and Bennie Parker, 70, and Florida residents Kelly Meggs, 52, Connie Meggs, 59, and Graydon Young, 54 and North Carolina resident Laura Steele, 52. Thomas Caldwell, 65, Jessica Watkins, 38, and Donovan Crowl, 50, are also included in Friday’s new indictment, though the three had already been indicted by a grand jury in January. The Oath Keepers are a loosely-organized collection of militia, prosecutors say, which focus on recruiting current and former military, law enforcement and first-responders. The group believes the federal government has been “co-opted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights,” prosecutors say, and the group’s name comes from the oath of members of the military and law enforcement to defend the Constitution “from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The complaint details an email sent January 4 from oathkeepers.org, with a subject line, “Call to Action: Oath Keepers Deploying to DC to Protect Events, Speakers & Attendees on Jan 5-6: Time to Stand!” The email noted that the group would have “well armed and equipped QRF teams on standby,” referring to the military acronym for “quick reaction force,” in case of a scenario “where the President calls us up as part of the militia to to [sic] assist him inside DC.”
Another Alabama man has been charged in the January riot at the U.S. Capitol. Phillip Andrew Bromley, a 47-year-old nurse anesthetist from Sterrett, is charged with unlawful entry of a restricted building and disorderly conduct, according to federal court records made public Wednesday. Bromley was among the crowd that forced its way into the building while the joint session of Congress was underway to certify the vote count of the Electoral College in the 2020 presidential election. Bromley was standing eight feet from Air Force veteran Ashli E. Babbitt, 35, when she was shot and killed during the chaotic events that Wednesday, documents state. FBI Special Agent William Novak stated in federal charging documents that Bromley was shown on video footage published by on the ProPublica website under “What Parler Saw During the Attack on the Capitol.” The website contains numerous videos that appear to have been recorded on Jan. 6 in and around the Capitol building. One of the videos was titled “4:26 p.m. Near Capitol” and in that video that a man who identified himself as Phillip Bromley chronicled the events that he witnessed that day. “Listen,’’ he tells the man recording him, “everybody needs to know the truth.”
Federal officials on Tuesday made an arrest in Costa Mesa of a UCLA student accused in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Around 6 a.m. Tuesday, officials swarmed a residential area to find Christian Secor, 22, who was arrested for his alleged role at the Capitol. “I just woke up to the lights flashing. I thought something was going on there. I could hear them say come out, come out. I thought they were evacuating us,” said neighbor Elsa Castillo. More than a year ago, UCLA student activists said they started tracking Secor, who founded an ultra-right campus group called “America First Bruins.” In March 2020, fellow student Matthew Richard made a Twitter thread of what he said were Secor’s hateful social media comments towards immigrants, students of color, and Jewish students. “He had tweeted really intense proclamations of his Nazism and his Fascism and he had photos on his account and the Bruins Republican account of him at a gun range,” said Richard Wednesday. Secor is facing five different federal charges including assaulting, resisting or impeding officers, civil disorder and obstructing an official proceeding. Federal prosecutors say tipsters provided images and videos of Secor inside the U.S. Capitol Building, both standing on the floor of the Senate chamber, and sitting in the Chair of the Presiding Officer – a seat typically occupied by either the Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.
Patriotic Alternative claims 10,000 people are viewing it every month and says homeschooling is a “blessing for nationalists”. A neo-Nazi from Leeds is behind a far-right group promoting a home school curriculum that uses racists songs and claims all English people have white skin. Mark Collet, a 40-year-old Holocaust doubter who has tweeted claiming ‘white genocide is taking place, runs Patriotic Alternative with Laura Towler, a critic of the Black Lives Matter movement. The group claims 10,000 people a month are viewing its ‘wholesome’ syllabus, which has also been dubbed ‘hateful and poisonous’, online during lockdown, the MirrorOnline reports. It claims it helps kids “learn history and culture free from the shackles and ideology of the National Curriculum”. Parents are told to teach their children how Britain abolished slavery, glossing over its involvement in the barbaric trade for 300 years and blaming “African chiefs” for selling their people. Lessons focus on a “heroic age” when Britons were “a superior kind of people showing great feats of courage”. (…) Patriotic Alternative’s website says home schooling during lockdown is a “blessing for nationalists” – and it explains how to apply to a local council to permanently teach kids at home