Celebrating Rosa Parks: A civil rights icon for the ages

She has been called the first lady of civil rights. Rosa Parks, who died 15 years ago on Oct. 24, 2005, is a global icon of the struggle against racial injustice, a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the first woman to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda in Washington, D.C. After finishing her work as a seamstress on the evening of Dec. 1, 1955, Parks sat in the “colored” section in the middle of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus, where she was required to sit under Jim Crow-era laws. But there was a movable line between the segregated sections, and when the white section filled up, the bus driver asked her to move. Parks slid to the window seat in the same aisle, but from there she refused to budge until she was escorted off the bus by the police under arrest. Parks’ action inspired the 381-day Montgomery Bus Boycott, a seminal event in the civil rights movement.

via splcenter: Celebrating Rosa Parks: A civil rights icon for the ages

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Von <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/people/36277035@N06">John Mathew Smith &amp; www.celebrity-photos.com</a> from Laurel Maryland, USA - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/kingkongphoto/46325367531/">ROSA PARKS 1999</a>, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Erneut Fall von #Vandalismus auf Berliner #Museumsinsel

Wieder haben Unbekannte zugeschlagen. Diesmal wurde die große Granitschale im Lustgarten beschmiert. Stiftung-Präsident Parzinger: Die Kultur wird angegriffen. Auf der Berliner Museumsinsel ist es erneut zu einem Fall von Vandalismus gekommen. Dabei wurde eine große Granitschale im Lustgarten vor dem Alten Museum beschmiert, wie die Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz am Samstag mitteilte. „Es ist jetzt nicht mehr zu leugnen: Die Kultur wird angegriffen“, sagte Stiftungspräsident Hermann Parzinger der Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin. „Die markante und weltberühmte Granitschale vor dem Alten Museum ist auf fürchterliche Weise beschmiert worden.“

via rnd: Erneut Fall von Vandalismus auf Berliner Museumsinsel


Man with a van containing guns and explosives possibly planned Joe Biden assassination, court records say – #terror

A 19-year-old man was found in North Carolina in May with a van containing five guns, explosives and $500,000 in cash, court records show. Alexander Hillel Treisman possibly planned to assassinate Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to the records. Treisman traveled to within four miles of Biden’s home in Delaware in May, around the time the suspect bought an AR-15 rifle, and wrote a checklist note ending with the word “execute,” a federal magistrate judge said in a court order. Alexander Hillel Treisman was arrested in North Carolina in May after police discovered his van along with five guns, explosives and more than $500,000 in cash. The 19-year-old was possibly planning to assassinate former vice president and presidential candidate Joe Biden, court records show.Treisman traveled to within four miles of the Democratic presidential nominee’s home in Delaware earlier in May, within a month or so of the man buying an AR-15 rifle in New Hampshire, according to the records. Treisman had also written a checklist note ending with the word “execute,” a federal magistrate judge said in a court order justifying the man’s detention without bail on child pornography charges. “Should I kill joe biden?” Treisman posted on the meme-sharing platform iFunny on April 15, the court order said. Treisman was indicted in late September in federal court in the Middle District of North Carolina on charges of possessing and transmitting child pornography.
His actions regarding Biden and other evidence against him were cited as reasons for his pretrial detention by the judge in an order signed Oct. 6. “A timeline of internet searches conducted by Defendant between March and May 2020 seeking information about Joe Biden’s home address, state gun laws, rifle parts, and night vision goggles, along with actions taken by Defendant, including posting the above-mentioned meme about killing Joe Biden, purchasing an AR-15 in New Hampshire, traveling to a Wendy’s within 4 miles of Joe Biden’s home, and writing a checklist note ending with ‘execute,’ ” the order said. While Treisman has no prior criminal history, the judge concluded that “no combination of available release conditions would reasonably assure the safety of the community, and that a preponderance of evidence establishes that no conditions would ensure Defendant’s presence in court.”

via cnbc: Man with a van containing guns and explosives possibly planned Joe Biden assassination, court records say


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By <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/people/8386148@N06">Steve Rainwater</a> from Irving, US - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/steevithak/8378298701/">img_5572</a>, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link - symbolbild

Leading member of Greece’s neo-Nazi #GoldenDawn on the run from police – #terror

Christos Pappas refuses to surrender to authorities as most members of extreme right-wing party turn themselves in, after being convicted of being part of a criminal group. Greek authorities are searching for one of the leading members and former lawmakers of the extreme right-wing Golden Dawn party after he refused to turn himself in following a court decision ordering his imprisonment. Police were searching Friday for Christos Pappas, officially considered a fugitive after a Thursday court decision ordering a total of 39 people, including 13 former Golden Dawn lawmakers, to be imprisoned after they were convicted of running the party as a criminal organization. All but two of the 39 were in custody by Thursday night, having turned themselves in. However, Pappas’ lawyer Periklis Stavrianakis told Greek state broadcaster ERT that his client was not surrendering as he considered his conviction would be quashed on appeal, meaning he would have served a prison sentence that could be overturned. Appeals processes in the Greek court system can take several years.

via timesofisrael: Leading member of Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn on the run from police

siehe auch: Greek Police Fiasco as Convicted Golden Dawn Neo-Nazi Goes AWOL. Greek police are under fire on Friday for failing to arrest a leading Golden Dawn figure who disappeared after a court sentenced him to 13 years in prison. Police say that the whereabouts of Christos Pappas, believed to have been the second-in-command of the criminal organization, are not known. Officers unsuccessfully raided houses in Athens and Ioannina in northwestern Greece in search of Pappas after an Athens court rejected a prosecutor’s call for the leadership of Golden Dawn, and dozens of its members, to have their prison sentences suspended. On Thursday, Pappas’ lawyer Pericles Stavrianakis said his client had “made a conscious decision” to not turn himself in to the authorities. His disappearance is a major embarrassment for the Greek police, who in recent days had been adamant that all necessary measures for the arrest of the convicts were already in place. Pappas, who is considered to be an unrepentant neo-Nazi, was one of the founding members of Golden Dawn. By late Thursday some of the party’s prominent former MPs had been taken into custody.

Judge rules that Nazi-obsessed East Bay man must face trial – #terror #GreatReplacement

A Contra Costa County judge ruled this week there is enough evidence to try Ross Farca, a 24-year-old Concord man who used the internet to share detailed fantasies about killing Jews, on six criminal counts. Five are felonies. Police say they found an illegal AR-15–style assault rifle, high-capacity magazines and other weapons accessories in his bedroom while serving a search warrant in June of 2019. “He was daring somebody to report him,” Dana Filkowski, deputy district attorney for the county, said Tuesday during closing arguments of a preliminary hearing. An account on the website Steam linked to Farca boasted about having an AR-15 weapon that could be converted into a machine gun. “We found he was moving from words to action,” Filkowski said. The ruling by Superior Court Judge Nancy Davis Stark was a crucial step in the criminal proceedings, which were delayed after Farca’s arrest in November 2019 on a separate, federal charge for lying to the U.S. Army. Farca pled guilty to that offense in April. Though charged with seven criminal counts in Contra Costa County, Stark upheld only six. One, pertaining to criminal threats made against “people of the Jewish faith,” she deemed “overbroad” and tossed out, interpreting the statute to mean threats targeting specific people. Prosecutors added a different charge, a misdemeanor for violation of civil rights of “Jewish people,” that the judge upheld. The criminal complaint alleges Farca did unlawfully “intimidate, interfere with, oppress and threaten” Jews. The five felony charges are related to the illegal possession and manufacturing of an assault weapon, and alleged death threats made to a Concord detective. Stark’s ruling followed days of witness testimony spread out over weeks at the A.F. Bray Courthouse in Martinez, held under strict social distancing protocols, with witnesses testifying behind a plastic barrier. Filkowsky presented evidence, at times jarring and disturbing, of posts linked to Farca’s Steam account, such as one referring to Lori Gilbert Kaye, who was killed during the 2019 Chabad of Poway shooting, as a “60-year-old kike bitch.” Filkowsky also showed the courtroom head-mounted video camera footage of the 2019 mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. A computer forensics detective testified that the video was saved on Farca’s computer along with the shooter’s 74-page manifesto, “The Great Replacement.”

siehe auch: Judge rules that Nazi-obsessed East Bay man must face trial

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By Unknown author - ArmaLite AR-15 SPAR 3240 DEC. 17. 2004. Springfield Armory National Historic Site Archives, United States National Park Service, Public Domain, Link - Systembild

Far-Right Groups Are Behind Most U.S. Terrorist Attacks, Report Finds

White supremacist groups have carried out a majority of “terrorist plots and attacks” this year, according to a report by a think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies. White supremacists and other like-minded groups have committed a majority of the terrorist attacks in the United States this year, according to a report by a security think tank that echoed warnings made by the Department of Homeland Security this month. The report, published Thursday by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, found that white supremacist groups were responsible for 41 of 61 “terrorist plots and attacks” in the first eight months of this year, or 67 percent. The finding comes about two weeks after an annual assessment by the Department of Homeland Security warned that violent white supremacy was the “most persistent and lethal threat in the homeland” and that white supremacists were the most deadly among domestic terrorists in recent years. The think tank researchers found that the threats of violence were linked in part to this year’s mass protests and confrontations with protesters from a variety of factions. The report said that “far-left and far-right violence was deeply intertwined” and that far-left groups, including anarchists and antifascist organizations, were responsible for 12 attacks and plots so far this year, or 20 percent of the total number, up from 8 percent in 2019.
The report by C.S.I.S., which describes itself as a nonpartisan center, found that far-left extremists most frequently targeted law enforcement, military and government facilities and personnel. The report highlighted several cases, including fatal shootings related to protests and the F.B.I.’s arrest of 13 men accused of plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan, a Democrat. Those cases, along with President Trump’s denunciations of left-wing activists and his refusal at a presidential debate to condemn an extremist right-wing group, have repeatedly raised fears this year of politically motivated violence. (...) The report also linked the threat of violence to the country’s charged politics, the coronavirus pandemic and its financial fallout. It warned that violence could rise after the presidential election because of increasing polarization, growing economic challenges, concerns about racial injustice and the persistence of coronavirus health risks. It said that if the Democratic presidential candidate, Joseph R. Biden Jr., wins the election, white supremacists could mobilize, with targets likely to be Black people, Latinos, Jews and Muslims. A Republican presidential victory could involve violence emanating out of large-scale demonstrations, the report said.

via nytimes: Far-Right Groups Are Behind Most U.S. Terrorist Attacks, Report Finds

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By Darkhelmet322 at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link - symbolbild

#FBI arrests armed white supremacist plotting against Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza – #terror

The activist said the FBI found a list in the Idaho man’s home with her name on it. Alicia Garza, the co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, revealed on Twitter that she received a visit from the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Friday (Oct. 23) who informed her of a possible plot against her by a man they believe has ties to white supremacist groups. The activist took to Twitter to share her experience, and said the FBI agents arrested the Idaho man but informed her that she was a potential target after they saw her name on a list at the man’s house. “The FBI visited my house today. They arrested a man in Idaho on weapons charges who they believe was affiliated with white supremacist groups,” Garza tweeted. “They found my name on a list in his home, alongside others.” (...) She later shared an article about right-wing agitators who were found to be responsible for burning a Minnesota police precinct during George Floyd protests earlier this year. “More of this needs to be told. Again, your President and his people are putting our lives in danger,” Garza shared. “Meanwhile, they fail to hold accountable people who are ACTUALLY committing terrorist acts.”

via revolt: FBI arrests armed white supremacist plotting against Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza

siehe auch: Black Lives Matter Co-Founder Alicia Garza Was Potential Target of Armed White Supremacist Nabbed by FBI. As we get closer to Election Day, more reports of planned, executed, and nearly-executed violence at the hands of white supremacists keep barrelling in. Deeply insecure white people with weapons have been targeting everyone from Black church-goers and the governor of Michigan, to even their police enablers in Minneapolis. Now news has come that these thugs may have set their sights on Alicia Garza, one of the three Black women who founded the Black Lives Matter hashtag and corresponding movement. On Friday, Garza revealed on Twitter that the FBI found her name on a list in the home of a man in Idaho who they recently arrested on weapons charges. She was apparently one of other potential would-be targets of the unnamed culprit, who the FBI believes was working with white supremacist groups. “I’m okay y’all, but this shit is not okay,” said Garza. “This is why the President is so dangerous.” She pointed to Trump’s ratcheting up of the kind of racist and gender-based violence that is already plaguing this year’s selections and is already putting the life of people like her life danger.
