A Contra Costa County judge ruled this week there is enough evidence to try Ross Farca, a 24-year-old Concord man who used the internet to share detailed fantasies about killing Jews, on six criminal counts. Five are felonies. Police say they found an illegal AR-15–style assault rifle, high-capacity magazines and other weapons accessories in his bedroom while serving a search warrant in June of 2019. “He was daring somebody to report him,” Dana Filkowski, deputy district attorney for the county, said Tuesday during closing arguments of a preliminary hearing. An account on the website Steam linked to Farca boasted about having an AR-15 weapon that could be converted into a machine gun. “We found he was moving from words to action,” Filkowski said. The ruling by Superior Court Judge Nancy Davis Stark was a crucial step in the criminal proceedings, which were delayed after Farca’s arrest in November 2019 on a separate, federal charge for lying to the U.S. Army. Farca pled guilty to that offense in April. Though charged with seven criminal counts in Contra Costa County, Stark upheld only six. One, pertaining to criminal threats made against “people of the Jewish faith,” she deemed “overbroad” and tossed out, interpreting the statute to mean threats targeting specific people. Prosecutors added a different charge, a misdemeanor for violation of civil rights of “Jewish people,” that the judge upheld. The criminal complaint alleges Farca did unlawfully “intimidate, interfere with, oppress and threaten” Jews. The five felony charges are related to the illegal possession and manufacturing of an assault weapon, and alleged death threats made to a Concord detective. Stark’s ruling followed days of witness testimony spread out over weeks at the A.F. Bray Courthouse in Martinez, held under strict social distancing protocols, with witnesses testifying behind a plastic barrier. Filkowsky presented evidence, at times jarring and disturbing, of posts linked to Farca’s Steam account, such as one referring to Lori Gilbert Kaye, who was killed during the 2019 Chabad of Poway shooting, as a “60-year-old kike bitch.” Filkowsky also showed the courtroom head-mounted video camera footage of the 2019 mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand. A computer forensics detective testified that the video was saved on Farca’s computer along with the shooter’s 74-page manifesto, “The Great Replacement.”
siehe auch: Judge rules that Nazi-obsessed East Bay man must face trial

By Unknown author - ArmaLite AR-15 SPAR 3240 DEC. 17. 2004.
Springfield Armory National Historic Site Archives, United States National Park Service, Public Domain, Link - Systembild