Conservative activist caught on camera telling gay dad his sexuality will cause his son to have ’emotional damage’

A conservative activist was filmed telling a gay dad that his children will likely have “emotional damage.” Gay parenting influencers Christian Newman and Mark Edwards, who live in Avondale, New Zealand and have a son, Francis, shared a clip of an encounter with a campaigner from the right-wing New Conservative Party. In the ten-minute discussion posted to the couple’s Instagram on Sunday (11 October), the activist insisted that schools should only teach the “traditional norm” that families have a mother and a father, to avoid children becoming “sexualised at a very young age.” The woman insisted: “We just believe that the best outcome for children is a mother and father.”

via pinknews: Conservative activist caught on camera telling gay dad his sexuality will cause his son to have ’emotional damage’

#Utah members, associates of white supremacist gangs charged in #drug and #firearms trafficking cases

More than a dozen Utah-based white supremacist gang members and associates have been arrested and charged in 15 federal drug and firearms trafficking cases, unsealed for the first time Friday morning.. More than a dozen Utah-based white supremacist gang members and associates have been arrested and charged in 15 federal drug and firearms trafficking cases, unsealed for the first time Friday morning. The Department of Justice announced the arrests and charges of 21 documented gang members and associates of several Utah-based white supremacy gangs, allegedly responsible for distributing drugs and firearms around the Salt Lake City and Ogden areas. Following a 16-month investigation into Utah members and associates of the Soldiers of Aryan Culture (SAC), Silent Aryan Warriors (SAW) and Noble Elect Thugs (NET) gangs — fifteen methamphetamine and firearms trafficking based-indictments were unsealed in federal court Friday morning. (…) Ultimately leading law enforcement to a number of gang members and associates actively involved in trafficking methamphetamine and firearms. Around 1.65-pounds of methamphetamine were purchased during the investigation and fifteen firearms were recovered, including ten during the investigation and five when the arrest warrants were executed.

via fox13now: Utah members, associates of white supremacist gangs charged in drug and firearms trafficking cases

siehe auch: 21 Members of White Supremacist Orgs Charged for Guns, Drugs. Twenty-one members and associates of white supremacy organizations in Utah are facing charges after court records say they distributed guns and drugs. Twenty-one members and associates of white supremacy organizations in Utah are facing charges over gun and drug distribution. The indictments came after an investigation that started in June 2019 that focused on the Soldiers of Aryan Culture, Silent Aryan Warriors and Noble Elect Thugs.

#Lafayette #police fire new #LPD officer exposed of being part of neo-Nazi forum – #IronMarch

Lafayette police fired a recently hired officer less than 24 hours after he was accused to having ties to racist posts made on a fascist web forum, LPD Chief Pat Flannelly confirmed Saturday afternoon. Flannelly said Officer Joseph Zacharek, hired by LPD in June, was called into the police station Friday night after claims started showing up on social media that he was linked to Iron March, a neo-Nazi forum disbanded in 2017 but that had its entire database exposed on the internet in late 2019. Flannelly said that after LPD internal affairs detectives found the social media tip “plausible and credible,” they confronted Zacharek about the claims and asking whether it was hoax. Flannelly said Zacharek admitted that the comments were his. Flannelly said Zacharek was fired, as of noon Saturday.

via jconline: Lafayette police fire new LPD officer exposed of being part of neo-Nazi forum

Donald Trump Has At Least $1 Billion In Debt, More Than Twice The Amount He Suggested

The president’s liabilities are spelled out in dozens of documents, published here. No aspect of Donald Trump’s business has been the subject of more speculation than his debt load. Lots of people believe the president owes $400 million, especially after Trump seemed to agree with that figure on national television Thursday night. In reality, however, he owes more than $1 billion. The loans are spread out over more than a dozen different assets—hotels, buildings, mansions and golf courses. Most are listed on the financial disclosure report Trump files annually with the federal government. Two, which add up to an estimated $447 million, are not. It is important to note, as Trump did Thursday night, that he also has significant assets. Forbes values them at $3.66 billion, enough to make his net worth an estimated $2.5 billion. He is not broke, despite what many critics claim.

via forbes: Donald Trump Has At Least $1 Billion In Debt, More Than Twice The Amount He Suggested

17. Oktober 1987 – #Überfall auf #Zionskirche – Zäsur im Umgang mit Neonazis in der #DDR – #otd #terror

Rund 1000 Besucher_innen zieht es am Abend des 17. Oktober 1987 in die Ostberliner Zionskirche zum Punkkonzert mit den Bands „Element of Crime“ (Berlin-West) und „Die Firma“ (Ost-Berlin). Für Punkbands gibt es in der DDR kaum Auftrittsmöglichkeiten – wie auch die DDR-Opposition finden sie zunehmend Räume in den Kirchen. Staat und Geheimdienst (MfS) beobachten die Punks misstrauisch als „negativ dekadente Jugendliche“. Nach Ende des Konzerts gegen 22.15 Uhr stürmen rund 30 Neonazis über den Seitenflügel und unter Rufen wie „Judenscheine“, „Kommunistenschweine“ die Kirche und fangen an, auf Konzertbesucher einzuprügeln. Nach kurzer Zeit gelingt es, die Schläger aus der Kirche zu drängen. Auch vor der Kirche schlagen Rechte auf Umstehende ein. Die Polizei, die in den umliegenden Straßen präsent ist, greift nicht ein. Der Überfall auf das Konzert in der Zionskirche stellte eine Zäsur im Umgang mit Neonazis in der DDR dar. Das Selbstverständnis als antifaschistischer Staat und die „Dimitroff-These“, nach der der Faschismus Produkt kapitalistischer Herrschaft sei, stand einer kritischen Beobachtung und Bekämpfung neonazistischer Tendenzen insbesondere unter Jugendlichen und der Fussballfanszene entgegen. (…) Mit dem Überfall auf das Konzert und die darauffolgende Medienberichterstattung in der BRD konnte das Schweigen jedoch nicht mehr Aufrecht erhalten werden. Die Verantwortlichen in der DDR traten die „Flucht nach vorn“ an – rechte „Skinheads“ standen fortan unter Beobachtung von Polizei und Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (MfS). Allein im Zeitraum zwischen dem 3.11.1987 und dem 22.12.1987 wurden in Berlin 16 Verfahren gegen „Skinheads“ eingeleitet, u.a. wegen körperlicher Übergriffe oder wegen des Skandierens faschistischer Lieder und Parolen. [1]

via rechtsaußen berlin: Oktober 1987Überfall auf Zionskirche – Zäsur im Umgang mit Neonazis in der DDR

Over 100 #Confederate Symbols Removed Or Renamed Since #GeorgeFloyd Killing – #BLM

Statues torn down. Schools rechristened. A state flag axed. New data shows that 2020’s anti-racist protests are accelerating America’s de-Confederation. More than 100 symbols of the Confederacy across the United States have been removed, relocated or renamed since police killed George Floyd in May, new data shows, providing further proof of the significant scale and impact of anti-racist uprisings that have swept the nation this year. One hundred and two Confederate symbols have been banished from public spaces in the nearly five months since Floyd, a Black man, was killed at the hands of Minneapolis police, according to figures provided to HuffPost by the civil rights group the Southern Poverty Law Center, which gathered the data for its ongoing “Whose Heritage? Public Symbols of the Confederacy” project. By way of comparison, only 142 Confederate symbols were banished in the nearly five years prior to that, according to the SPLC, which started collecting the data in June 2015 after a Confederate flag-loving white supremacist named Dylann Roof shot and killed nine Black parishioners inside a Charleston, South Carolina, church.

via huff: Over 100 Confederate Symbols Removed Or Renamed Since George Floyd Killing

Appell vor US-Wahl – “New York Times” ruft zur Abwahl Trumps auf

“Er ist ein Mann ohne Integrität”: Die “New York Times” fordert die Abwahl von US-Präsident Donald Trump. Er sei der “schlechteste amerikanische Präsident der modernen Geschichte”. In einem scharfen Appell fordert die “New York Times” die Abwahl von US-Präsident Donald Trump. Der Beitrag trägt die Überschrift “Beendet unsere nationale Krise” und stammt vom Editorial Board der Zeitung – einer Gruppe von Kommentatoren, die unabhängig vom Rest der Redaktion ist. Die Lehre aus Trumps erster Amtszeit lautet demnach: “Er kann die dringlichsten Probleme der Nation nicht lösen, weil er das dringlichste Problem der Nation ist.” Der Text kritisiert Trumps Politik der vergangenen vier Jahre ausführlich. Viele Themen werden durch begleitende Essays vertieft, darunter Trumps Klima- und Immigrationspolitik sowie sein Umgang mit der Coronakrise und den Black-Lives-Matter-Protesten. In ihrer Bewertung kommen die Autoren immer wieder zu negativen Superlativen. Trump ist demnach “ohne echte Rivalen der schlechteste amerikanische Präsident der modernen Geschichte”, “ein Mann ohne Integrität” und “seines Amtes unwürdig”. Seine mögliche Wiederwahl stelle “die größte Bedrohung der amerikanischen Demokratie seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg” dar. Der US-Präsident sei “ein rassistischer Demagoge, der ein zunehmend diverses Land regiert; ein Isolationist in einer verbundenen Welt; ein Showman, der ewig mit Dingen prahlt, die er nie getan hat, und Dinge verspricht, die er nie tun wird.”

via spiegel: Appell vor US-Wahl “New York Times” ruft zur Abwahl Trumps auf