Schleswig-Holstein: Pflegeheim kündigt Mitarbeiterin – weil sie DAS verweigert

Auf Twitter macht ein Schreiben die Runde. „Fristlose Kündigung“ steht darauf. Eine Frau aus Schleswig-Holstein hatte sich mit einer Erkältung krankgemeldet. Ihr Arbeitgeber habe dann aber auf dem Facebook-Account gesehen, dass sie am Wochenende bei der Corona-Kundgebung gegen die Maskenpflicht in Berlin demonstriert habe, heißt es in dem Schreiben. Der Arbeitgeber der Frau, ein Pflegeheim in Schleswig-Holstein, soll die Frau daraufhin gebeten haben, einen Corona-Test zu machen. Doch das habe sie verweigert. Das Resultat: „Hiermit erhalten Sie ihre fristlose Kündigung.“ Altenpfleger arbeiten täglich mit Risikopatienten. Dass eine Pflegekraft sich krankmeldet, um gegen die Maskenpflicht zu demonstrieren, und dann noch einen Test verweigert, erscheint ziemlich verrückt. (…) Die Kündigung sei nicht erfolgt, weil die Frau an einer Demonstration teilgenommen habe, sondern weil sie sich nicht habe testen lassen wollen. Und das sei Pflicht für Mitarbeiter, wenn es einen Anlass wie eine Krankmeldung gibt

via mon: Schleswig-Holstein: Pflegeheim kündigt Mitarbeiterin – weil sie DAS verweigert

Dervis Hizarci geht zur Alfred Landecker Stiftung Scheeres verliert ihren Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragten

Dervis Hizarci hatte den Posten in der Bildungsverwaltung erst 2019 übernommen. Jetzt wechselt er zu einer Stiftung, will aber weiter mit Schulen arbeiten. Bildungssenatorin Sandra Scheeres (SPD) muss sich bereits nach einem Jahr einen neuen Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragten suchen. Nach Informationen des Tagesspiegels gibt Dervis Hizarci seinen Posten in der Verwaltung auf, um ab sofort Programmdirektor der Alfred Landecker Stiftung zu werden. Dort soll er die Schwerpunkte Minderheitenschutz, Demokratieförderung und Antisemitismusbekämpfung betreuen. (…) Die Stiftung steht nach eigenen Angaben im Dienst der Aufklärung über den Holocaust „und über den schrecklichen Preis, der gezahlt werden muss, wenn Intoleranz und politischer Fanatismus herrschen“. Hizarci war zunächst Lehrer und dann Vorstandsvorsitzender der Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus

via tagesspiegel: Dervis Hizarci geht zur Alfred Landecker Stiftung Scheeres verliert ihren Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragten

Rights group urges defence minister to turn cases of racism in the ranks over to police

Simon Wiesenthal Center calls for an end to a ‘culture of tolerance for neo-Nazis and neo-Nazi activities’ One of the country’s leading human rights groups is urging Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan to turn all suspected acts of racism, white supremacy and hateful conduct within the Canadian Armed Forces over to a specialized task force of military police officers or the RCMP for investigation. The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center laid down a series of markers for reform during a teleconference meeting last week with Sajjan. Jaime Kirzner-Roberts, the centre’s director of its campaign against anti-Semitism, said the military needs to take decisive, independent action to stop what appears to be a growing problem of intolerance in some quarters of the military. The meeting — which included Rabbi Meyer May, the executive director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center — took place the day after CBC News published an investigative account of how a Canadian Ranger was allowed to keep serving even though he was openly active in two far-right organizations. “Change needs to happen. It needs to be decisive,” Kirzner-Roberts told CBC News. “We need to end this culture of tolerance for neo-Nazis and neo-Nazi activities within our Armed Forces and it needs to be done now.” The meeting with Sajjan was called originally to discuss the Royal Canadian Navy’s decision to reinstate a Calgary-based reservist sailor with neo-Nazi ties. Kirzner-Roberts said the publication of the CBC News story about Erik Myggland fuelled a broader, more urgent discussion about how the military responds to suspected cases of extremism.

via cbsnews: Rights group urges defence minister to turn cases of racism in the ranks over to police

Alleged White Supremacist Sentenced For Child Porn After Leaving Unlocked Phone On RTD Bus

A 30-year-old Boulder man who left his unlocked cell phone on a public bus was sentenced Friday in Denver federal court to 15 1/2 years in prison for possession of child pornography. Wesley David Gilreath will have 10 years of supervised release following his prison term. Gilreath’s Apple iPhone contained approximately 12,000 photos and 200 videos of “violent” child pornography, according to federal prosecutors. As described in case documents, Regional Transportation District employees found a cell phone while they were cleaning buses at RTD’s Boulder terminal on May 31, 2019. In an attempt to discover the phone’s owner, the employees found the device was unlocked and immediately encountered images of child pornography. One of the employees was a former employee of Child Protective Services. The phone was turned in to Boulder Police Department detectives and eventually the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Gilreath was arrested less than a month later. The FBI found thousands of additional photos and videos on a thumb drive and second phone inside Gilreath’s south Boulder apartment. Agents also found a full-size Nazi flag, two black and white flags bearing symbols associated with white supremacy, and several books — titles among them including “National Anarchism,” “American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing,” and “In Bad Company: America’s Terrorist Underground.” Also found in the apartment were hand-written notes bearing names and addresses of 15 mosques, synagogues, and other religious centers within 35 miles of his residence. Prosecutors provided evidence that Gilreath had posted online “hunting guides” targeting members of those religious groups.

via denver cbslocal: Alleged White Supremacist Sentenced For Child Porn After Leaving Unlocked Phone On RTD Bus

Far-right group grooming recruits with Nazi camping trips in UK countryside – #PatrioticAlternative

The sessions are osted by Patriotic Alternative, run by Mark Collet – a Holocaust doubter who tried to lead the British National Party but was kicked out for being too racist. A sinister new far-right group is grooming recruits with Nazi camping trips in the British countryside. Photographs from its weekend jaunts look like a get-together of unassuming paintballers. But the sessions run by an off-shoot of the failed British National Party have a chilling aim – racist team-bonding. They are hosted by Patriotic Alternative, run by Mark Collet – a Holocaust doubter who tried to lead the BNP but was kicked out for being too racist. The ex-Leeds University student was exposed in a Channel 4 documentary. He was recorded saying he admired Adolf Hitler and called AIDS a “friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it”. (…) Hope not Hate, which campaigns against racism and fascism, said Collett’s online campaigning was grooming extremists. HNH researcher Simon Murdoch said: “Collett is a longstanding antisemite who has spoken sympathetically of Nazi Germany, described the Holocaust as the ‘alleged extermination of six million Jews’, and has regularly collaborated with David Duke, a former leader in the Ku Klux Klan.” A report by HNH describes Patriotic Alternative as “a racist far-right organisation with antisemitism at its very core”. It says the group aims to combat what it says is the “replacement and displacement” of white Britons by people who “have no right to these lands”. The report says the extremists warn of “unscrupulous lenders or predatory providers of financial services” and says Britain “should never be used as a pawn for foreign powers”.

via mirror: Far-right group grooming recruits with Nazi camping trips in UK countryside

Polizei erschießt Antifa-Aktivisten bei versuchter Festnahme

Der Mann soll bei den Protesten gegen Rassismus und Polizeigewalt einen Rechtsradikalen getötet haben. In einem Interview wenige Stunden vor seinem Tod sagte er, es habe sich um Notwehr gehandelt. Michael Forest Reinoehl, ein mutmaßlicher Tatverdächtiger im Fall der Erschießung eines Rechtsradikalen in Portland, Oregon, ist tot. Mehreren US-Medienberichten zufolge wurde er am Donnerstag (Ortszeit) beim Versuch der Polizei, ihn festzunehmen, getötet. Der New York Times zufolge versuchte der 48-Jährige, vor der Polizei zu fliehen, woraufhin diese ihn erschoss. (…) In der Nacht zum Sonntag wurde der Rechtsradikale Aaron Danielson in der Innenstadt erschossen, der ein Anhänger von US-Präsident Donald Trumps gewesen sein soll. Als Verdächtiger in dem Fall galt Michael Forest Reinoehl, der sich selbst als Antifa bezeichnete und ebenfalls bei den Protesten gegen rassistische Polizeigewalt auf die Straße ging. In einem Interview mit Vice, das wenige Stunden vor Reinoehls Tod erschien, erklärte dieser, er habe in Notwehr gehandelt. “Ich hatte keine Wahl. Ich meine, ich hatte eine Wahl. Ich hätte dasitzen können und zuschauen, wie eine Person of Color erstochen wird, mit der ich befreundet bin. Aber das habe ich nicht”, so Reinoehl. (…) “Als sie versuchten, ihn festzunehmen, gab es Schüsse”, führte Brady aus. Vier Beamte hätten abgedrückt. Sein Büro habe gehört, dass der Verdächtige eine Waffe mitgeführt habe, aber ob diese existiere und abgefeuert wurde, sei noch unklar.

via sz: Polizei erschießt Antifa-Aktivisten bei versuchter Festnahme

siehe auch: Man Linked to Killing at a Portland Protest Says He Acted in Self-Defense. “I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn’t going to do that.” Ever since a member of the right-wing “Patriot Prayer” group was shot and killed during a violent rally in downtown Portland August 29, the police investigation has reportedly focused on 48-year-old Michael Forest Reinoehl, an Army veteran and father of two who has provided what he called “security” at Black Lives Matter protests (…) Reindoehl stressed that people participating in the pro-Trump caravan were heavily armed in those trucks, and that they carried “not just paintball guns,” as reported in the press. He found himself in a confrontation with a man who he says threatened him and another protester with a knife. “Had I stepped forward, he would have maced or stabbed me,” Reinoehl said. Bystander video from multiple angles show a man who resembles Reinoehl and appears to have the same neck tattoo fire two shots at Danielson and then walk away. “I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit,” he said. Since the shooting, Reinoehl said he’s gone into hiding, and moved his children to a safe place after shots were fired into his house just hours after the incident. “They’re out hunting me,” he said. “There’s nightly posts of the hunt and where they’re going to be hunting. They made a post saying the deer are going to feel lucky this year because it’s open season on Michael right now.” He had not turned himself in, he said, because he believed right-wing protesters were collaborating with police, who will not protect him or his family. He said at the time of the confrontation and the shooting, there were no police present to help. “There was definitely nobody in sight, no police officer, nobody at all that could intervene. It was a free-for-all. And the police were letting it happen,” he said.

Two Self-Described “Boogaloo Bois” Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to Hamas – #terror

The Justice Department today announced a federal criminal complaint charging Michael Robert Solomon, 30, and Benjamin Ryan Teeter, 22, with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization (Hamas). Solomon and Teeter, who were taken into custody yesterday evening, made their initial appearances earlier today before Magistrate Judge Tony N. Leung in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The defendants were ordered to remain in custody pending a formal detention hearing, which is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020. “This case can only be understood as a disturbing example of the old adage, ‘The enemy of your enemy is your friend,’” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers for the National Security Division. “As alleged in the complaint, these defendants sought to use violence against the police, other government officials and government property as part of their desire to overthrow the government. While planning these activities, the defendants met individuals whom they believed to be members of the foreign terrorist group Hamas. Thinking that they shared the same desire to harm the United States, they sought to join forces and provide support, including in the form of weapons accessories, to Hamas. They failed. No matter what witch’s brew of ideological motivations inspire those who seek to engage in terrorist activity and harm our country and our fellow citizens, the National Security Division is committed to identifying and holding them accountable. I want to thank the agents, analysts, and prosecutors who are responsible for this case and ensuring that these defendants could not carry out their deadly plans.”
“Michael Solomon and Benjamin Teeter proclaim themselves to be members of the Boogaloo Bois, a group that espouses a violent ideology and an objective to overthrow the government. The defendants believed their anti-U.S. government views aligned with those of Hamas, a foreign terrorist organization, and actively developed plans to carry out violence in Minnesota and elsewhere,” said U.S. Attorney Erica H. MacDonald. “Whenever extremist ideologies, regardless of their roots, move into the realm of violence, the FBI and its Joint Terrorism Task Force stands at the ready to prevent potentially deadly and destructive plots.” (…) According to the allegations in the criminal complaint and law enforcement affidavit, in late May of 2020, the FBI initiated an investigation into Solomon and Teeter, two members of the “Boogaloo Bois,” and a sub-group called the “Boojahideen.” The Boogaloo Bois are a loosely- connected group of individuals who espouse violent anti-government sentiments. The term “Boogaloo” itself references a supposedly impending second civil war in the United States and is associated with violent uprisings against the government.

via Two Self-Described “Boogaloo Bois” Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to Hamas